
huò chuán
  • cargo ship;freighter;cargo vessel
货船 [huò chuán]
  • [freighter;cargo ship] 以运输货物为主要用途的船只

货船[huò chuán]
  1. 货船的螺旋桨被渔网缠住了。

    The freighter fouled its propeller in fishing nets .

  2. 在确认没有违反制裁条例后,货船被放行了。

    The freighter was allowed to proceed after satisfying them that it was not breaking sanctions .

  3. 与货船相比,渡船马力大而且易操纵。

    Ferries are very powerful and manoeuvrable compared to cargo ships .

  4. 一艘捕鱼船和一艘货船在波涛汹涌的海上相撞了。

    A fishing vessel and a cargo ship collided in rough seas .

  5. 大火当时有可能把货船上的油罐烧漏了,从而引燃原油。

    Fire may have breached the cargo tanks and set the oil ablaze .

  6. 昨天,一艘联合国租用的货船到达首都,船上载有1,550吨大米。

    Yesterday , a cargo ship chartered by the UN arrived in the capital carrying 1,550 tons of rice .

  7. 货船缓慢地驶离码头。

    The freighter slowly drew out from the wharf .

  8. 这个船东仍拥有一支7艘货船的商船队。

    The shipowner has still held a merchant fleet of seven cargo-vessels .

  9. 那艘货船不日即可抵港。

    The cargo vessel will arrive at the port within the next few days .

  10. 货船在海湾歇泊。

    The cargo ship lay at anchor in the bay .

  11. 在2008年全球经济衰退过程中,货船为削减成本平均减速12%。

    In the global recession of 2008 , cargo5 ships slowed down by 12 % on average to cut costs .

  12. 100m甲板货船的横向强度直接计算

    Direct Calculation of Transverse Strength for 100m Deck Cargo Ship

  13. 1920年颁布的《琼斯法案》(JonesAct)本意是保护美国货船和航运业免受国际竞争(或战争)的冲击,结果却导致美国货轮在公海上销声匿迹。

    The 1920 Jones Act , intended to protect US ships and shipping from international competition ( or war ) has effectively wiped them off the high seas .

  14. 第二次世界大战期间,数百艘由美国制造、名为“自由轮”(liberty)的钢铁货船在冰冷的北方水域中破裂或从中断开。

    During the Second World War hundreds of US-made steel cargo vessels known as liberty ships fractured or split open in icy cold northern waters .

  15. 长江300t风帆助航综合节能货船研究与设计

    Study and Design of 300t Sail-Assisted Power-Saving Ship on the Yangtze River

  16. 据CNN报道,上周日早晨一艘货船在爱尔兰海域沉没,威廉王子参加了这次营救任务。

    Prince William took part in a rescue mission after a cargo ship sank in the Irish Sea early Sunday morning , CNN reports .

  17. 5000t级江海直达货船在设计上有待改进的问题

    Some improvable problems in the design of the 5 000 t river-to-sea cargo ship

  18. SY与挪威船级社将对任何一开始就交换到其他货船上的电机进行澄清。

    Any exchange of motors to other vessels than as from the beginning will be clarified between SY and DNV .

  19. 本文叙述了中海集团振奋系列货船改装成集装箱船的系统设计,包括货舱区域管系、新建二层舱室管系以及CO2系统的改装设计。

    System modification design for container ship is described in the article , including piping in cargo hold , piping in second tier of compartments and the modification design of CO 2 system .

  20. 本文着重讨论了DO多模态和智能多模态PID控制的特点,并叙述了在货船辅锅炉和油轮辅锅炉的燃烧控制系统中如何加以实现,与原有的控制方法进行了比较。

    The article will emphasize on the characteristic of the DO multi-mode control and the intelligent multi-mode PID . It will demonstrate how to achieve the combustion control system of cargo ship boiler and oil tanker boiler .

  21. 对SOLAS客船与货船概率破损稳性新规则的修改建议

    Proposed Amendments to New Regulation of Probabilistic Damage Stability for Passenger and Cargo Ships in SOLAS

  22. 干散货船的使用寿命约为25至30年,而su表示,用新船更换旧船既有利于环境,又能节省成本。

    Dry bulk cargo vessels have a life of about 25 to 30 years , and Mr Su said replacing old ships with new vessels was both ' eco-friendly ' and cost-effective .

  23. 介绍了利用1000t级海洋货船,改建为远洋鱿鱼钓渔船的方案设计。

    This article introduces a plan design of reconstructing a thousand-ton cargo ship into an ocean squid .

  24. 1500t级超浅吃水江海直达货船的总体设计

    Design of a 1500t class Extreme - Shallow Draft River-Sea Through Cargo Ship

  25. 自2013年以来,在特勤局开展的突击搜查中,已有数百辆梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes)、路虎(LandRover)、宝马(BMW)和保时捷被没收,其中许多车辆是在等待装运到货船上时被没收的。

    Since 2013 , raids by the Secret Service have resulted in hundreds of Mercedes , Land Rovers , BMWs and Porsches being seized , many of them just as they were waiting to be loaded onto cargo ships .

  26. 据中国日报报道,在星期三,货船被劫持后,12名船员的尸体在靠近泰国北部的ChiangRai被发现。

    The bodies of12 crew members were found near Chiang Rai in northern Thailand on Friday and Saturday after the ships were hijacked on Wednesday , the China Daily newspaper reported .

  27. 作为波动较大、相对新生的运费期货市场上一名熟练的玩家,su还使自己的公司tmt成为一家油轮及干散货船的主要运营商。

    An adroit player of the volatile , relatively new paper market in freight futures , Mr Su has also turned TMT , his company , into a leading operator of real tankers and dry bulk ships .

  28. 本文用SCDD和SUMT两种最优化方法对一万五千载重吨干货船的主要尺度作了最优值计算。

    The optimal principal dimensions of a15000 tons deadweight dry cargoship are calculated by two optimization algorithms SCDD and SUMT .

  29. 本文介绍了软起动装置的简单原理、应用、功能和特点以及在5000t级成品油/化学品液货船上与深井泵的配套情况。

    In this paper the author describes the application , principle , feature , function of the soft starter for deep well pump on 5000 DWT product / chemical tanker .

  30. 从4350DWT多用途货船单一狭长货舱类型船舶的纵向下水强度计算实例也说明了这一点,是符合GL船规弯曲许用应力的。

    This has been demonstrated by the launching strength calculation of the 4 350 dwt . Multi purpose container ship with single narrow and long cargo hold , which is proved up to the required permissible bending stress of GL rules .