
huò bì fú hào
  • currency symbol;currency sign
  1. 与Java™使用的格式化程序作一比较,其中编码者可以指定货币符号是放在前面还是后面,带空格还是不带空格。

    Compare that to a formatter like Java ™ uses , where the coder can specify where the currency symbol should go , for example , in front , in back , with a space , or without a space .

  2. 新的官方印度货币符号:印度卢比符号

    The new official Indian currency symbol : the Indian Rupee Sign

  3. 变量名必须从一个字母开始,因此Velocity很容易把变量名与模板中的货币符号分开(比如,$100不可能是一个变量名)。

    Variable names must begin with a letter , which makes it easy for Velocity to distinguish variable names from currency notation within a template ( for instance , $ 100 cannot be a variable name ) .

  4. 特立尼达和多巴哥元(货币符号tt$,货币代码ttd)是特立尼达岛和多巴哥岛的货币,2005年7月,一美元兑换6.27特立尼达和多巴哥元,或是一欧元兑换7.57特立尼达和多巴哥元。

    The Trinidad and Tobago dollar ( currency symbo TT $ , currency code TTD ) is the currency of Trinidad and Tobago . As of July 2005 there were 6.27 Trinidad and Tobago dollars to the United States dollar , or 7.57 to the euro .

  5. 货币符号的历史记忆&江宏作品手记

    The History Memories Of Currency Notes-On the Works of Jiang Hong

  6. 货币符号位置:~~点击货币符号的位置。

    Currency symbol position : ~ ~ Tap the currency symbol position .

  7. 货币符号:~~点击用于表示货币的符号。

    Currency symbol : ~ ~ Tap a symbol to indicate currency .

  8. 美元符号$是国际通用的货币符号。

    The dollar symbol " $ " is the international sign for money .

  9. 有关货币符号的完整列表,请参阅使用货币数据。

    For a complete list of currency symbols , see using monetary data .

  10. 这里是获取货币符号的代码

    Here is the code to grab the currency

  11. 会计格式可对一列数值进行货币符号和小数点对齐。

    Accounting formats line up the currency symbols and decimal points in a column .

  12. 则将以美元作为货币符号。

    Then monetary amounts would appear as dollars .

  13. 将非数字符号,比如货币符号和税务应用程序的标记,与货币值清晰分开。

    Clearly separate non-numeric symbols such as currency signs and tax application markers from the currency values .

  14. 该代码用来确定作为已格式化值的一部分显示的货币符号。

    This code is used to determine the currency symbol to display as part of the formatted value .

  15. c&是货币符号,将该文化的货币符号添加到适当的位置。

    C & is the currency symbol , and adds the culture 's currency symbol to the appropriate spot .

  16. 虚拟经济是指用货币符号表现商品价值及虚拟资本持有和交易的活动。

    Virtual economy means activity in which the currency symbol shows commodity value and virtual capital holds and deals .

  17. 我们将调整股票报价例子,使之允许我们可以根据货币符号来得到不同的股票价格。

    We are going to tune the stockquote example to allow us to get stock prices adjusted by currency .

  18. 例如,如果选择英语(美国)作为您的区域设置,则将以美元作为货币符号。

    For example , if you chose US English as your region , then monetary amounts would appear as dollars .

  19. 它通常简化为货币符号$,或者另外是S$以区别于其它美元命名的货币。

    It normally abbreviated with the dollar sign $ , or alternatively S $ to distinguish it from other dollar-denominated currencies .

  20. 这个转换器处理分组(如逗号)、小数、货币符号等。

    This converter deals with grouping ( such as commas ), number of decimal digits , currency symbols , and such .

  21. 这个过程涉及到本地语言的翻译;日期、数值和货币符号的正确设置;排序规则等。

    This process involves translation to the local language ; the proper setting of date , number , and currency formats ; sorting rules ; etc.

  22. 接下来,让我们反向操作输出带有货币符号和用于分隔百、千、百万的逗号的数字。

    Next , let 's reverse the operation to emit the number with a currency symbol and commas to separate hundreds , thousands , and millions .

  23. 包含运输符号、货币符号、信用卡徽标、国际警告标记、奖金、拼图块及表示业务单位的符号。

    Contains transportation symbols , currency symbols , credit card logos , international warning signs , prizes , puzzle pieces , and symbols that represent business units .

  24. 所有货币符号是以三个字母出现,前两个字母代表国家第三个则代表他们的货币单位。

    Forex currency symbols are always three letters , where the first two letters identify the name of the country and the third letter identifies the name of that country 's currency .

  25. 如果有多于一组的预设值,通过这些符号名就可做轻松选择。而选择英语(英国)作为设置,就将以英镑作为货币符号。

    These symbolic names allow easy selection if there is more than one group of preset values . However , if instead you chose United Kingdom as your region , they would be displayed using pounds .

  26. 试论语言和货币的符号性

    Linguistic and Monetary Signs

  27. 当然也有例外,象出现在问题领域的配置问题,如货币表示符号,当然它也可以通过检测当前语言环境来自动完成。

    Exceptions , of course , being configuration issues that appear in the problem domain , such as currency representation , though even that could be done automatically by detecting the current locale .

  28. 资本是可以增值的价值,虚拟资本是可以带来货币收入的价值符号。

    Capital is a value that can be increased in value , while virtual capital is a value symbol that can bring monetary revenue .

  29. DBMONEY:外部数据文件中的货币列值的货币符号采用由DBMONEY指定的格式。

    DBMONEY : The currency symbol for the money column values in the external data file are in the format specified by the DBMONEY .

  30. 他们一方面认为贬值的金属货币就是一种货币符号,但另一方面又认为只有纸币才能发生通货膨胀,殊不知纸币也是一种货币符号。

    The one hand , they think of metal currency devaluation is a currency symbol , but on the other hand , notes that only inflation can happen , not knowing the currency symbol is also a kind of bank notes .