
  • 网络fork;pallet fork;fork arm
  1. 工业车辆叉车货叉在使用中的检查和修复

    Industrial trucks-Inspection and repair of fork arms in service on fork-lift trucks

  2. GB/T5184-1996叉车挂钩型货叉和货叉架安装尺寸

    Fork-lift trucks Hook-on type fork arms and fork arm carriages Mounting dimensions

  3. 基于ADAMS的叉装车货叉平移性优化

    Optimization of Fork Translational Function of Forklift Truck Based on ADAMS

  4. 小型叉车货叉的ISO设计

    ISO design of small fork lift truck fork

  5. GB/T5182-1996叉车货叉技术要求和试验基于ADAMS的叉装车货叉平移性优化

    Fork-lift trucks Fork arms Technical characteristics and testing Optimization of Fork Translational Function of Forklift Truck Based on ADAMS

  6. 叉车货叉失效方式主要表现为塑性变形超差,脆性断裂和早期疲劳断裂。材料的断裂属脆性断裂,C低时为解理断裂和微孔聚合共同作用的准解理断裂,C高时为解理断裂。

    Fork failure of a forklift truck mainly takes a form of plastic deformation exceeding allowable limit , fragile breakage and early stage fatigue breakage . When the carbon content is high , the fracture is mainly cleavage .

  7. APDL语言是ANSYS系统提供的一种有限元参数化建模工具,以叉车货叉为例进行参数化建模和有限元分析,效果很好。

    APDL language , provided in ANSYS system , is a tool in parametric finite element modeling . Taking pallet fork on forklift as an example , parametric modeling and finite element analysis are conducted and achieves satisfactory results .

  8. 系列货叉成形辊锻新工艺的研究

    A Study on the Rolling Forge of Fork Sets of Fork-lift

  9. 提高叉车货叉使用寿命的途径

    Ways to improve service life of fork of forklift truck

  10. 伸缩臂式叉车货叉平动机构的优化

    Optimization of the fork parallel moving mechanism of telescopic boom forklift truck

  11. 伸缩臂叉车货叉调平设计及误差分析

    Design and error analysis of leveling mechanism of telescopic handler

  12. 巷道式堆垛机货叉的力学模型及研究

    The Mechanical Model and Research of Tunnel-stacker Goods Fork

  13. 货叉材料发展浅析

    Analysis on the Development of the Material for Forks

  14. 不准用货叉挑翻货盘的方法取货。

    Never use the fork to overturn the pallet .

  15. 安全阀过载保护。推杆可调,使货叉保持平衡。

    Over-load protection Full adjustable push rods under forks ensure stability of forks .

  16. GB/T5140-1985叉车挂钩型货叉术语

    Fork lift trucks Hook-on type fork arms Vocabulary

  17. 新型锰硼系低碳贝氏体非调质钢连杆和货叉的研制

    Study of the Novel Low Carbon Mn-B Bainitic Steel Auto Connecting Rod and Freight Fork

  18. 叉车货叉断裂分析

    Fracture analysis of fork of lift truck

  19. 严禁载人行车,驾驶室内不得乘坐他人,严禁货叉升起时下面站人。

    Trucks must not carry passengers , nobody must stand under the forks at any time .

  20. 本控制器实现电平叉车的转向以及货叉的起升和倾斜控制。

    The controller is designed to control lifting and slanting of cargo-fork and steering of Material Fork Truck .

  21. 堆垛机是其关键设备,而伸缩货叉是堆垛机存取货物的关键装置。

    The labor-intensive stack-crane was the key equipment , and adjustable fork is stacker key device access goods .

  22. 其中,货叉采取恒低速控制,载货台采用双速电机进行控制。

    Lasting low speed control is used for fork , and two-speed motor is used for carrying cargo .

  23. 作业装置为两节四边形伸缩式工作臂,标准车型配有货叉侧移装置。

    The working device is two-segment , quadrilateral telescopic boom , and fork lateral displacement unit adopted in normal type .

  24. 货叉作为叉车中的重要安全件,对其设计、选材、制造都应十分慎重。

    As a important safty part of the forklift truck , Forks are designed , selected material and made very cautiously .

  25. 实验结果表明:货叉承受载荷时,其叉根部位应力集中严重;

    Results show that , when the fork is subjected to load , the stress concentration at the fork root is severe .

  26. 伸缩臂叉车是一种新型多功能物料搬运设备,其货叉平动与否直接影响作业的安全。

    As a new kind of multi-purpose material handling equipment , safe operation of telescopic handler depends on keeping fork level moving .

  27. 超高强度货叉结构具有满载慢降、空载快降功能。旧车市场的行情将很快降到最低点。

    Super-High strong steel frame with slow lowering when load and quick lowering when unload . The market for used cars will soon touch bottom .

  28. 该方法应用于堆垛机货叉机构的概念设计过程,实现了货叉机构的概念模块的设计。

    Finally , this method was applied to the conceptual design process of stacking cranes fork structure , and the effectiveness of the method was proved .

  29. 应用有限元技术,对堆垛机货叉系统在运行过程中不同阶段的力学特性建立数学模型。

    Using finite element technique , the text builded mathematical model of the stack-crane goods fork during operation of the system at different stages of the mechanical properties .

  30. 货叉尖叉和载轮上锥形安装托架设计,可保护载轮和驱动轮,也更易装卸托盘;

    Goods fork sharp fork and wheel toper installation bracket design year , can protect year ship and drive wheel , it is apter to load and unload the tray too ;