
  1. 我谈到过教师们有责任激励和启迪你们,督促你们学习。

    Ive talked about teachers responsibility for inspiring students and pushing you to learn .

  2. 宁波市江北区从分配激励、发展激励和责任激励三个方面进行了社区卫生服务员工激励机制的改革。

    Jiangbei District starts the staff incentives reform on community health services in accordance with allocation , development and accountability .

  3. 指出我国乡镇公务员激励机制的完善要坚持以人为本原则、公平原则、全面激励原则和责任激励原则,应着重提升乡镇公务员的自身素质,完善乡镇公务员管理制度,有针对性地采取多元激励手段。

    The former includes person-oriented principle , fair principle , all-round incentive principle and responsibility principle . The latter includes emphasizing to promote the quality of Township Servants themselves , perfecting the management systems and adopting multivariate incentive means .

  4. 具体包括美国的其他利害关系人条款以及公司社会责任激励制度,德国的职工参与制与银行介入制,日本的企业文化对公司社会责任的引导作用。

    It includes " the other stakeholder clause " and the incentive system of corporate social responsibility of the United States , the Participation of employee in management and the banks involving in the system of Germany and corporate culture playing a guiding role to corporate social responsibility in Japan .

  5. 日、德医疗保险制度中对个人责任的激励及启示

    The Encouragement and Enlightenment to Individual Liability in the System of Medical Insurance in Japan and Germany

  6. 应该逐步建立起稳定的社会责任奖罚激励机制,推动公司社会责任的实现。

    Should gradually establish a stable social responsibility of reward and punishment as incentives to promote the realization of corporate social responsibility .

  7. 爱玛不打算再卷入感情的纠葛之中,也有责任别去激励他的痴情。

    She did not mean to have her own affections entangled again , and it would be incumbent on her to avoid any encouragement of his .

  8. 在独立董事的选任程序、任职资格及工作方式、基本职权和责任、激励机制、与监事会的关系等方面,制度设计上存在缺陷。

    There exist shortcomings in the procedure of independent director election and appointment , in the aspects of its requisite qualifications and working methods , incentive mechanism and its relation to the board of supervisors .

  9. 为了获知如何按照组织设定的责任去激励员工履行职责,工作激励越来越成为人力资源管理理论研究和实践所关注的重要课题。

    In order to motivate employees the take on their responsibilities in their organizations , the work motivation has become an important topic in the theory and practice in the field of human resource management .

  10. 第五部分,从纳税人诉讼制度的原告、被告、受案范围、诉讼请求、前置程序、举证责任以及激励措施等七个方面,描绘出纳税人税收制度的制度框架。

    The fifth part contains plaintiff , the defendant , the case of the scope , claims , pre-procedure , the burden of proof , as well as incentives measures . It depicts the institutional framework .

  11. 其次,要完善独立董事的运行机制,包括完善独立董事的功能定位、任免机制、权利义务与责任以及激励与约束机制等;

    Secondly , the operational mechanism of independent directors system , which includes function mechanism , appointment and office removing mechanism , rights and liabilities mechanism , incentive mechanism , and restriction mechanism should be improved .

  12. 再分别对基金托管人在设立标准、选任机制、监督性质、监督权力的授予、信赖义务与法律责任、激励机制六个方面存在的问题进行归纳分析。

    This part also discusses respectively the issues of standard of establishment , appointment mechanism , the nature of supervision , the delegation of supervisory authority , fiduciary duty , legal liability and the incentive mechanism of fund custodian .

  13. 积极主动、承担责任、自我激励、团队合作能力强;

    Initiative , commitment , motivation and strong sense of teamwork .

  14. 大学教师的责任与评价激励

    Responsibilities of College Teachers and the Appraisal and Encouragement Toward Them

  15. 建立目标责任制和激励约束机制;

    Establish the target-duty system and encouragement and stipulation mechanism ;

  16. 个人认为责任不是为了激励而是为了限制。责任不是成功的一种手段。

    Moreover , it is people 's'individual responsibility'that determines people 's behavior .

  17. 论人本管理与实现责任会计的激励作用

    On the Impelling Function of the Management of Human Resources and Liability Accounting

  18. 责任会计及其激励职能的实现

    Duty Accountancy and Realization of Its Encouraging Mechanism

  19. 有限责任公司股权激励法律问题研究

    The Study on Equity Incentive in Private-hold Company

  20. 各位代表,责任和使命激励着我们,困难和挑战考验着我们。

    Fellow Deputies , Our responsibilities and missions inspire us , and our difficulties and challenges test us .

  21. 如何能保持本企业员工的工作责任感,激励他们的工作热情,减少人才的流失,己成为困扰企业主管和人力资源经理的一个日益尖锐的问题。

    How to stimulate their consciousness and passion of responsibility has become a severe problem that bothers enterprise managers , especially human resource managers .

  22. 团队创业精神的结构包括主动责任、自我激励、创新倾向、不确定容忍和资源控制五个维度。

    Team entrepreneurship consists of five dimensions . They are initiative , self-motivation , innovation orientation , the tolerance of uncertainty , and resource control .

  23. 提出了建立经济核算的管理模式,强化经济责任,完善激励机制,从源头上节能降耗,提高劳动效率。

    Management through economy accounting , strict respon-sibilities , and perfect encouraging system are recommended to reduce energy consumption from the source and improve efficiency .

  24. 它是在法律、法规和惯例的框架下,以保护股东为核心,以利益相关者的利益为前提的一套公司权利安排、责任分工和激励约束机制。

    It is a mechanism of a whole set of corporate rights arrangement , division of responsibility , and motivation-constraint within the framework of law , regulations and practices aimed at the protection of shareholder interests .

  25. 公司治理的核心问题就是以保证股东为主体的利益相关者为前提的一套有关公司治理的权利安排、责任分工以及激励约束的制度安排。

    The key issue of company managment is to offer a series of mechanism to arrange managing rights , divide the work in responsibility and encourage or restrain , guaranteeing the benefits of the persons who are correlated with the interests of the subject of shareholders .

  26. 基于电子企业生产者责任制实施的激励机制设计

    Optimal Designment of Incentive Mechanism Based on the Implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility of Electronic Manufacturer

  27. 对国内外的客户有很高的责任心,自我激励,良好的团队合作精神和人际关系。

    Customer ( Internal & External ) oriented , highly responsible , self-motivated , good team work spirit and interpersonal skills .

  28. 由于我国绝大部分高新技术企业的组织形式为有限责任公司,股份激励模式是我国高新技术有限责任公司的现实选择。

    As most high-tech enterprises are organized as limited liability company in China , the mode of share-based compensation is the best choice for high-tech limited liability companies .

  29. 如对生产者,政府及消费者重新定位;建立生产者责任延伸制度的激励机制;完善生产者责任延伸制度的配套制度;增强社会的环保意识等。

    For example , to re-position producers , governments and consumers ; to set up the incentive mechanism of EPR ; to improve the supporting system of EPR ; to enhance the awareness of environmental protection of the public , and so on .

  30. 在促进企业环境责任的制度安排上,主要有环境责任的激励扶持制度、责任内化制度和责任落实制度等等。

    In promoting corporate environmental responsibility in institutional arrangements , there are incentives to support environmental responsibility system , the internalization mechanism and the implementation system of responsibility .