
cái mào
  • finance and trade
财贸 [cái mào]
  • [finance and trade] 财政与贸易

  • 财贸战线

财贸[cái mào]
  1. 《财贸研究》投稿须知

    Finance and Trade Research

  2. 1958年12月,武汉全国财贸会议正式作出决定:立即停办国内保险业务。

    In December of 1952 , at Wu-han countrywide finance and trade meeting , a decision was made that domestic insurance business must stop .

  3. 在高职教育领域,财贸高职教育具有特殊性。

    In the field of higher education , finance & commerce vocational education is unique .

  4. 1973~1977年上海市工交财贸系统29682例恶性肿瘤生存率分析

    The survival rate of 29,682 cancer cases among workers of Shanghai industry-communication Finance-Trade system , 1973 & 1977

  5. 随着玉溪工业财贸学校学生规模的扩大,给学校教学质量评价工作提出了新的要求。

    A big enlarges of the students scale in Yuxi Industry Finance & Trade School , a new demanding evaluation of school teaching quality is put forward .

  6. 这是北京市财贸管理干部学院商业研究所立足北京、开展首都流通产业研究的阶段性成果之一。

    This is one of the phases fruits of Beijing institute of finance and commerce management commerce institute to base itself upon Beijing and study capital circulation industry .

  7. 人民大学是要办的,主要培养财贸、经济管理干部和马列主义理论工作者。

    The People 's University of China should be started up again , mainly to train personnel in finance , trade and economic management , as well as to train Marxist-Leninist theorists .

  8. 该系统的设计与初步应用将对玉溪工业财贸学校教学质量的提高、完善后续评价系统的设想与开发提供数据支持和理论依据。

    It has certain directive significance to design the system and the application . Yuxi Industry Finance & Trade School will improve the teaching quality , improve the developing ideas and provide data supporting theoretical basis .

  9. 方法于2003年5月19日~23日对市财贸幼儿园,用称量和记账法调查,并从大、中、小三个年级随机各抽一个班进行体格检查。

    Methods : By weighting and recording kids in Xiaogan Financial and Trade Kindergarten from May 19 to May 23 , 2003 , and making physical examinations of the kids from a randomly selected class in the respective higher , middle , and lower grades .

  10. 北京财贸职业学院在能财会商的财贸高职人才培养过程中,逐步构建了四位一体的实践教学体系,形成了高职人才职业能力渐进式培养模式。

    Beijing commercial and commercial Professional Institute in " can the wealth consult " in the finance and trade quality personnel training process , has gradually constructed the quaternity practice teaching system , has formed the quality talented person professional ability evolution type raise pattern .

  11. 圣翰财贸职业学院在这种机遇与挑战并存的时代背景下,圣翰学院的发展必须遵循市场竞争规则,以企业需求为核心,走品牌院校之路,才能永续发展,基业长青。

    S.H Vocational College of Finance and Trade Opportunities and challenges in this context of the times , S.H Institute of market competition , development must follow the rules to business needs as the core , take the road of brand institutions to sustainable development , Built to Last .