
  • 网络Property rights;patrimonial rights;proprietary right
  1. 证券在本质上仍然代表一定的财产性权利,即投资者的证券权利的总和。

    Securities inessence still represent the sum of the rights of investors .

  2. 提单和票据是人们将无形的财产性权利记载于证券纸面之上,使之成为一个特殊的物,通过证券这个物的占有变动来实现物所表彰的权利转移。

    Bill of lading and negotiable instruments are the special objects on which property right is written .

  3. 这实质上体现了居住权的发展经历了一个从人身性权利向财产性权利的转变。

    The development of the right of habitation essentially reflects a transformation from personal rights to property rights .

  4. 股利分配请求权是股东一项重要的财产性权利,是股东权的核心内容。

    Shareholders ' right to dividends distribution , as an important property right , is a core element of powers of shareholders .

  5. 宅基地使用权作为一种财产性权利与农民的切身利益密切相关,对于农民具有十分重要的意义。

    Land use right as a property right is closely related to the vital interests of farmers , having great significance for farmers .

  6. 信息网络传播权的内容包括精神性权利和财产性权利,并且兼具著作权和邻接权的特点。

    Information Network Transmission Right covers the rights and property of spiritual rights , and both the characteristics of copyright and neighboring rights .

  7. 其次分析了索债行为侵犯财产性权利构成犯罪的两个要素和抢劫罪与敲诈勒索罪的界限。

    Followed by an analysis of the recovery of violation of property right that constitute a crime and the boundaries of robbery and offence of extortion by blackmail .

  8. 向公众传播权的财产性权利是该权利的核心内容,包括复制权、技术措施保护权和其他财产性权利等内容。

    The property right of Right of Communication to the Public which is the core one includes the right of copying , the right of technical protection and other rights .

  9. 广义说认为,存在于网络环境中,能够为人所拥有和支配并且具有一定价值的网络虚拟物和其他财产性权利都可以看作广义上的网络虚拟财产。

    Generalized concept thinks that all the virtual objects and other property rights existing in network environment that can be owned and controlled and have certain value are called network virtual property .

  10. 特别是2005年《公司法》修订后,也改变了过去对于股权仅局限于具有请求权性质的财产性权利的认识。

    Especially in 2005 , " Company Law " amendment also changed the former for the shares is limited to " have the right to request the nature of property rights " of understanding .

  11. 究其制度根源,对宅基地使用权作为一项财产性权利之私权实质的忽视,是造成整个宅基地制度立法价值取向出现偏差的关键。

    Through the root cause of system , the negligence of the Rural land Usufruct as the essence of private property rights is the vital reason for the deviation of legislative value orientation in the whole rural land system .

  12. 为此,应首先完善其权能,其次应尊重集体建设用地所有权的财产性权利,坚持以物权法为核心改革征地制度。

    For this purpose , it should be first of all to complete its power , and then should respect property rights of collective construction land ownership , adhere to the property law as the core to reform the system .

  13. 传统文化产权的权利内容包括精神性权利和财产性权利两个方面,精神性权利包括署名权、文化尊严权和文化传承权,财产性权利包括文化使用权和获得收益权。

    The content of traditional cultural property rights includes spiritual and property benefits . The spiritual benefits contain the rights of authorship , cultural dignity and cultural inheritance and the property benefits contain the rights of utilizing culture and attaining certain benefits .

  14. 股利分配请求权是股东基于其身份而享有的财产性权利,分为具体的股利分配请求权和抽象的股利分配请求权。

    The right of claim for dividend distribution is a kind of property right enjoyed by shareholders on the basis of their personal status , which is divided into the specific right of claim for dividend distribution and the abstract right of claim for dividend distribution .

  15. 现代市场经济与信用关系的发展和财产性权利的广泛存在,给权利质权的发展提供了土壤,使得权利质权成为新的重要融资渠道和担保手段。

    The modern market economy , the development of credit relations and the widespread existence of property rights provide the soil for the development of the mortgage of right . They make the mortgage of right to become a new and important financing channel and guarantee means .

  16. 股利分配请求权是指股东基于其公司股东的资格和地位所享有的请求公司向自己分配股利的权利,它作为股东的一项重要财产性权利,集中体现了股东投资公司的目的。

    Shareholders ' rights to dividend is the right of shareholders based on their qualification and status as shareholders requesting the company distribute dividend to them . As one of the important property rights of shareholders , it is a concentrated expression of the aim of shareholders investing a company .

  17. 本文中的电子合同是指当事人之间通过计算机互联网以EDI、电子邮件等网络手段设立、变更、终止财产性民事权利和义务关系的协议。

    Electronic contract in this article indicates that different parties set up , change and terminate their agreement of property civil rights and obligations by means of EDI and E-mail through Internet .

  18. 未成年人电子合同是指有未成年人参与的通过信息网络以电子形式达成的设立、变更、终止财产性民事权利义务关系的协议。

    The minor electronic contract is refers to the minor who participate in the contract to set up , change , terminate the property civil rights and obligations of by network .

  19. 信用权是指民事主体就其所具有的经济能力在社会上获得相应信赖与评价而享有对其保护和维护的一种兼具人格性和财产性的混合型权利。

    The right to credit refers to a kind of mixed rights related to personality and property that the civil subjects obtain the corresponding assessment of trust and enjoy their protection and preservation on the economic capacity of their community .

  20. 住宅不受侵犯权的主要内涵,是权利人对居住空间的支配权和自由权,因而以不同于物质财产权利的精神性权利而熔铸在法律文本与民众心间。

    The main connotation of the right of dwelling house not to be infringed is a right of commond and freedom to the dwelling space which differs from the material property rights and is taken as one of immaterial rightes by prescribed into the law text and people ' heart .

  21. 民事强制执行主要分为对财产给付的执行与对非财产性权利给付的执行,其中包括对行为的执行,也就是作为与不作为的执行。

    Civil enforcement is mainly divided into and the implementation of the property to pay for the payment of property rights , including , the implementation of the behavior is as with the implement of inaction .

  22. 债权作为一种非货币财产,是目前经济生活中最普遍的财产性权利之一。

    Claims as a non-monetary assets , is the most common economic life of property rights .

  23. 无形财产为财产之一种,包括两种类型:信息类无形财产和可转让的财产性权利类无形财产,这种分类是一种纯思维结果。

    Intangible property includes two types : information and transferable economic rights . This classfication is the result of thinking .