
xiànɡ yá zhì pǐn
  • ivories;ivory ware
  1. 在贝格拉姆(Begram)发现的古埃及玻璃和象牙制品现存于喀布尔的国家博物馆,后者不乏印度、波斯和希腊先例的影响,又该当何论?

    Or what about the Egyptian glass and the ivories found in Begram now in the National Museum , Kabul , the latter betraying the influence of Indian , Persian and Greek precedents ?

  2. 这家博物馆收藏着一批做工精细的中世纪象牙制品。

    The museum has a fine collection of medieval ivories .

  3. 这些文物包括金器、陶器、骨制工具和象牙制品。

    These relics include gold , pottery , bone tools and ivory objects .

  4. 零售商需要停止销售象牙制品。

    Retailers need to stop selling ivory products .

  5. 把象牙制品带进美国是不允许的,你知道吧。

    Taking ivory products into the United States is now allowed , you know .

  6. 来自四川的汤某花费了3万元从马来西亚购买了6根象牙制品。

    Tang , from Sichuan Province , bought six ivory products from Malaysia with 30000 yuan .

  7. 本公司于中国自设工场,专门制作及批发各类工艺品,其中以仿象牙制品为主。

    We are a direct manufacturer , supplier and wholesaler , particular specializes in ivory imitation carvings .

  8. 我们需要弥补这些漏洞,并对那些继续从事象牙制品贸易的国家实施制裁。

    These need to be closed and sanctions imposed on countries that continue to trade in ivory products .

  9. 在中国,象牙制品也属于禁止进出境物品之列。

    In China , ivories are also listed as prohibited items of entry and exit from the country .

  10. 商朝的工匠们需要掌握镶嵌、打磨和华美装饰他们的玉制品、石器和象牙制品的技能。

    Shang craftsmen acquired the skill of inlaying and carving and had their jade wares , stone wares and ivory wares brilliantly decorated .

  11. 在7号和8号坑出土了大量的、挖掘难度极大的象牙制品。

    A large number of items made of ivory were unearthed from pits 7 and 8 , they were also difficult to excavate .

  12. 破坏现有的存货量是另一种杜绝这种贸易的方式,虽然有人表示这使得象牙制品更加昂贵。

    Destruction of the existing stockpile is another way of undermining the trade , although some people say it also makes the ivory more expensive .

  13. 国际上对这种贸易的担忧已经达到了前所未有的程度,不过,相关的会议、新的执法策略以及销毁象牙制品的行动还没有产生什么效果。

    International concern about the trade have never been greater , but conferences , new enforcement strategies and ivory crushes have yet to make a dent .

  14. 我们需要帮助人们把他们在商店看到的象牙制品与地球另一端死亡大象的遗骸联系在一起。

    We need to connect the dots for people between the ivory goods they see in stores and the carcasses of dead elephants half a world away .

  15. 当象牙制品抵达成都时,他不敢去取货,因为有人告诉他,象牙销售和进口是违法的。

    When the ivory products arrived in Chengdu , he was scared to collect it as he was told that ivory sales and imports violate the law .

  16. 这72个文件箱是2012年从纽约钻石区的一个办公室没收的,里面装着各种小型象牙制品:珠链、小雕像、挂饰以及玩具。

    Confiscated from an office in New York City 's diamond district in 2012 , the 72 office boxes were filled with small ivory beads , figurines , charms and toys .

  17. 霍福德称,一名记者尝试拍下该百货大楼销售象牙制品的执照,但遭到一名男子唐突无礼的驱赶。那名男子可能供职于一家象牙批发商。

    A journalist who attempted to take a photo of the store 's license to sell ivory was briefly grabbed by a man suspected of working for an ivory wholesaler , Mr. Hofford said .

  18. 活动人士指责,香港的零售商以这一例外为幌子,销售新取得的象牙制品。他们正在推动一项针对所有象牙贸易的全面禁令,从而限制潜在的非法贸易。

    Activists accuse Hong Kong retailers of using that exemption as cover for selling freshly harvested ivory products , and they are pushing for a complete ban on all ivory sales to limit the potential for illegal trade .

  19. 我国于1981年加入该公约,1991年开始执行CITES关于象牙及其制品的国际禁贸令,此后,我国从未进口任何合法象牙原料。

    China joined into CITES in 1981 and completely prohibited the international trade of ivory and its products in 1991 , after that , legal ivory material had never been imported into China .

  20. 在津巴布韦和纳米比亚,游客现在能买到少量象牙(制品)并可合法地带回家。

    Tourists can now buy small amounts of ivory in Zimbabwe and Namibia and legally take them home .

  21. 这座城市能为你提供任何你能想到的东西,锦缎、地毯、玩具、象牙玻璃制品、香水、其他各类配饰以及珠宝,不一而足。

    It can offer everything that one could imagine : brocade silk , carpet weaving , toys , glass and ivory works , perfumes and various accessories and jewelry .

  22. 海关人员在废塑料和大豆袋中发现象牙和象牙制品,这些集装箱来自肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚。

    The ivory tusks and ornaments were smuggled in bags of scrap plastic and beans , and shipped from Kenya and Tanzania .

  23. 12月15日,在科特迪瓦阿比让的一家商店,一个象牙商人正在展示他的象牙制品。

    An ivory merchant displays his goods in a shop in Abidjan , Ivory Coast , on December 15 .

  24. 据环保人士估计,每年超过25000头非洲大象被杀害,其象牙被拔出用于制作象牙制品。

    Conservationists estimate that more than 25000 elephants are killed across Africa each year so their tusks can be extracted for ivory .

  25. 1989年,按照《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(ConventiononInternationalTradeinEndangeredSpecies)的规定,象牙贸易受到禁止,但该公约颁布前就在商业领域流通的象牙制品依然可以销售。

    Trade in ivory was banned in 1989 under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species , but products that were commercially available before then can still be sold .

  26. 今年5月,香港政府开始销毁近30吨收缴的象牙。野生动物保护活动人士称这是重要的一步,突显出贩运象牙制品是非法的。

    In May , the Hong Kong government began destroying nearly 30 tons of confiscated ivory , which wildlife campaigners called an important step to emphasize the illegality of trafficking products made from elephant tusk .