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  • reader;textbook
读本 [dú běn]
  • [reader;textbook] 教科书,课本

读本[dú běn]
  1. 我一定给你买本英语读本。

    I 'll buy you an English reader by all means .

  2. 我们刚刚出版了一本新的法语读本。

    We 've just published a new reader in french .

  3. 《牛津化学初级读本》丛书旨在论述有机化学中的重要问题。

    The Oxford Chemistry Primers aim to cover important topics in organic chemistry

  4. 她想买一些高级读本。

    She wants to buy some advanced readers .

  5. 这个系列除了读本外,还包括习写簿、作业簿、CD读音、字卡、多媒体互动学习光碟和亲子互动故事书。

    The contents include interactive pictures and words , exercise books , correct pronunciation , flash cards , CD 's and story book reading .

  6. 他所著的ReadingsinChineseLiteraryThought一书是他在耶鲁大学和哈佛大学讲授中国文论期间,集十二年心力精心编选、翻译、评注的中国诗学经典读本。

    His work Readings in Chinese Literary Thought is a classic chrestomathy on Chinese poetics with 12 years of selecting , translating and annotating elaborately , when instructing Chinese literary theory in Yale and Harvard .

  7. 在一个月内累计账单超过HK$1000的客人可以半价报读本公司的一项DIY兴趣班。

    For cumulative purchase of HK $ 1,000 within a month , you may join one of our DIY classes at half price .

  8. 偶尔读本书娱乐一下。

    Pick up a book for fun once in a while .

  9. 入门书,初学者读本关于某一主题的基本要素的书。

    A book that covers the basic elements of a subject .

  10. 文学名著简易读本在英语口语教学中的应用研究

    On the Use of Simplified Literary Works in Oral English Teaching

  11. 或许你应该待在家里读本好书。

    Maybe you should stay at home with a good book .

  12. 它是一本关于我怎样就错误发挥想象的互动读本。

    It 's an interactive book showing how I fix mistakes .

  13. 这套课本的总标题是《经典美国读本》

    The overall title for the series is Classic American Readers .

  14. 读图时代小说读本的审美嬗变

    Aesthetic Transmutation of Novel Reading in an " Era of Pictures "

  15. 读分级读物,读用来学习语言的读本,也。

    Graded readers , books written for language students , are ok .

  16. 老读本选文诱导儿童边读边思考。

    The old books contain selections that invited critical reading .

  17. 我总是认为读本好书是很有意义的。

    I 'm always meaning to read a good book .

  18. 琼斯先生:录音机日文短语读本噢,真是个灾难!

    Mr Jones : cassette-player Japanese phrase-book Oh , this is a disaster !

  19. 读一些为孩子们写的简单读本。

    Read easy books that were written for children .

  20. 朗读一些简单的读本可以带走学习那些费解词汇所带来的挫折感。

    Reading simple books takes away the frustration of sounding out hard words .

  21. 阅览或使用本网站前,请详读本法律声明。

    Please read this declaration carefully before browsing or using this IR site .

  22. 简单范式与复杂范式论经典科学与系统科学的不同认识论模式读本有典范性的在今天仍有现实意义的目标

    Seeing Science in Multidimension ; The Classic and Still Relevant Purpose of Readers

  23. 本文意在成为讲解软件测试过程的简明的入门读本。

    It is intended as a brief primer on the software testing process .

  24. 东南亚问题的重要教学参考书&《东盟读本》与《第二东盟读本》之介评

    Secondly , legalization . Important Teaching and Research Reference Books of Southeast Asia

  25. 大学应当提供什么样的人文教育&从《大学人文读本》之旨趣谈起

    What Kind of Humanist Education Should a University Provide

  26. 《农村卫生知识简明读本》预试验报告

    Report on the Pretesting of the Concise Textbook of Health Knowledge for Rural Residents

  27. 先知先觉们的经历正是后人最好的读本。

    The experiences of the prophets are the best reading materials for later generations .

  28. 打开法语读本翻到第七页。

    Open your French readers at page 7 .

  29. 使用前务必仔细研读本说明书,正确设置控制器参数。

    Please read the guide carefully before using , and set the parameter accurately .

  30. 圣埃克苏佩里的《小王子》是一本世界著名的童话读本。

    Saint-Exupery'The Little Prince is a famous fairy-story .