
qǐnɡ yuàn shū
  • petition
  1. 他们在请愿书上征集了1万人的签名。

    They collected 10 000 signatures for their petition .

  2. 我们在为请愿书收集签名。

    We 're collecting signatures for a petition .

  3. 这个团体打算把这份请愿书呈递给议会。

    The group intended to present this petition to the parliament .

  4. 最近我们向政府递交了有4,500人签名的请愿书。

    We recently presented the government with a petition signed by 4,500 people .

  5. 公务员、教师和自由派人士正在散发请愿书,要求将他召回。

    Public employees , teachers and liberals are circulating a petition for his recall

  6. 从上个月起,由教育工作者组成的一个团体开始散发反对自动化评估软件的请愿书,而他就是其中的参与者之一。

    He is among a group of educators who last month began circulating a petition opposing automated assessment software .

  7. 几千名公民在请愿书上签名。

    Thousands of citizens subscribed the petition .

  8. 反对用动物做实验的请愿书

    a petition against experiments on animals

  9. 我酷爱买东西!所以我妈(朋友)说我应该当国会议员的。因为,我把那么多的bill(账单/请愿书/法案)带进了thehouse(家里/议院)。

    I love shopping ! My mom ( friends ) says , I should become a legislator ' cause I bring so many bills into the house .

  10. 相比之下,大约15万人在一封请愿书上签名,敦促食品与药品管理局(FoodandDrugAdministration,简称FDA)加快对埃博拉疫苗和治疗方案的研究。

    By comparison , about 150,000 people have signed a petition urging the Food and Drug Administration to fast-track research on a potential vaccine and treatment for Ebola .

  11. 同时她还在拥有1800万粉丝的ins上呼吁签署保障儿童权利的请愿书。

    She also called on her 18 million followers on Instagram to sign a petition to protect children 's rights .

  12. 这份请愿书如此写道:“我们就此事向政府当局请愿:请调查ABC电视网《吉米鸡毛秀》儿童圆桌会议”‘政府关门’主题一集”。

    It reads : ' We petition the Obama administration to : Investigate Jimmy Kimmel Kid 's Table Government Shutdown Show on ABC Network .

  13. 周一,国家绿色法庭向包括环境林业部(MinistryofEnvironmentandForests)在内的中央和地方当局发出了通知,要求它们于本月对这份请愿书做出回应。

    On Monday , the National Green Tribunal issued notices to the central and local authorities , including the Ministry of Environment and Forests , telling them to respond to the petition this month .

  14. 但是它不禁止以色列科学家在请愿书上签名,呼吁重开在第二次巴勒斯坦人起义(thesecondintifada)期间关闭的大学。

    This did not prevent Israeli academics , however , from signing petitions to re-open Palestinian universities during the second Intifada , says Bitan .

  15. 逾500个eBay商家在一份网上请愿书上签名,呼吁eBay英国取消本月出台的收费变动。

    More than 500 Ebay merchants have signed an online petition calling for Ebay UK to reverse changes to fees introduced this month .

  16. 乔治亚州的请愿书中也声称环境保护署(EPA)的模式中包含夸大乔治亚州排放物的错误并强制其削减太多。

    Georgia 's petition also claims the EPA 's models contain errors that exaggerate the state 's emissions and force it to cut too much .

  17. 英国广播公司BBC同样也报道了一封发布于“有所作为网”(DoSomething.org)的请愿书,文中呼吁苹果公司在输入法增加表情符号的多样性。

    The BBC also reported on a petition posted on DoSomething.org calling on Apple to increase the ethnic diversity found within its emoji keyboard .

  18. 昨天已有30505个签名的请愿书是计算机科学家约翰·格雷汉姆(JohnGraham)的主意,他也写信给英国女王要求追封图灵为复活的骑士。

    The petition , which yesterday had30,805 signatures , was the idea of computer scientist John Graham-Cumming , who has also written to the Queen to request Turing be awarded a posthumous knighthood .

  19. 还收到一份请愿书,敦促其设置一个最低成绩只能为“C”的学期,以便让那些逃课或为了参加社会活动而错过上课的人不必在学业方面付出过于高昂的代价,共有1300名学生在请愿书上签名。

    and a petition , signed by 1300 students , calling for a semester in which the lowest possible grade was a C , so that anyone skipping classes or skimping on studies to engage in social activism wouldn 't pay too steep an academic price .

  20. 拉合尔的数字权利基金会(DigitalRightsFoundation)的执行总监妮格特·达德(NighatDad)是在网上发布称赞俾路支的请愿书的女权主义团体成员。她说自己在Twitter上发表关于此案的帖子之后,遭到前所未有的强烈反对。

    Nighat Dad , the Lahore-based executive director of the Digital Rights Foundation and a member of the feminist collective that posted the petition celebrating Ms. Baloch , said that after writing on Twitter about the case , she had received an unprecedented backlash .

  21. SumofUs.org上的一封网上请愿书谴责苹果制造了更多电子垃圾——大概是指因为无法再在iPhone上使用被丢弃的耳机。请愿书征集到了逾30万个签名。

    An online petition from SumofUs.org , which more than 300000 people have signed , denounced Apple for creating more electronic waste - presumably , headphones that will no longer work with the iPhone and be thrown out .

  22. 星期五,乔治·克鲁尼(GeorgeClooney)对普遍的懦弱显得更不客气,他对“好莱坞截稿日”说,自己在散布一封请愿书,要求大家团结起来,却没有得到任何回音。

    On Friday , George Clooney was even less polite about the widespread cowardice , telling Deadline Hollywood that when he circulated a petition of solidarity , he heard nothing but crickets in response .

  23. 欧洲出版商协会已经批准了该请愿书,发言人HeidiLambert说,与此相反,出版商要求更严格执行现行立法。

    Instead , publishers want stricter enforcement of existing legislation , said Heidi Lambert , a spokeswoman for the European Publishers Council , a trade group that has endorsed the petition .

  24. 这位悉尼母亲是一份网上请愿书的第56个签名者。这份请愿书,由一个名叫伊西斯·马丁内斯的美国女人发起,恳请媒体不要将伊西斯(ISIS)作为这个组织的代号。

    They Sydney mother was the 56th signatory to an online petition started by a U.S. woman , Isis Martinez , imploring the media to stop using the acronym ISIS for the group .

  25. 近日,不清楚考试题目中“trivial(微不足道)”这个词的含义的新西兰高中生,正呼吁学校不要因此而扣分。共有超过2600名学生签署了一份关于这个“陌生”词汇的在线请愿书。

    High School students in New Zealand who didn 't know what the word " trivial " meant in an exam question have demanded not to be marked down as a result . More than 2600 people signed an online petition over the " unfamiliar " word .

  26. 所以AmelChehimi这样的书店职员都走上街头,敦促行人签署请愿书,要求撤销执照要求。

    So bookstore staff like Amel Chehimi are on the street - urging passersby to sign a to the license requirements .

  27. 上个月针对“有所作为网”上的请愿书,苹果公司的一名发言人在接受MTV音乐电视网采访时表示:“我们正在与统一码联盟进行紧密合作,努力更新已有标准。表情字符集确实需要多样化。”

    In response to the DoSometing.org petition , an Apple spokesperson last month told MTV that " we have been working closely with the Unicode Consortium in an effort to update the standard . There needs to be more diversity in the emoji character set . "

  28. 大家在致县委会的请愿书上签了名,要求在我们村里办一所新学校。

    To the County Council for a new school in our village .

  29. 他们向市政厅提交请愿书,要求提供更多的社会住房。

    They petitioned city hall to provide more social housing .

  30. 在先前驳回允许妇女驾车的请愿书4次后

    after rejecting our petition four times for women driving ,