- semantics

[semantics] 研究词语含义及演变的语言学分支学科
In general , semantics is the study of meaning .
This problem originated when we interpret de re modal with the possible worlds semantics .
Equative Sentence and Identical Sentence are two easily confused concepts in English Semantics .
Form the perspective of semantics , GIS is a symbolic system in the logistical formalism , and GIS semantics can be understood as spatial conception represented by the GIS .
The research findings of this study reflect in : firstly , it has been analyzed the inheritable symbols of product semantics , symbols of basic semantics to follow and innovative semantics symbols ;
Such UML elements should be only for purposes of documentation or clarification and should have no semantic significance to the actual implementation of the solution being described .
The calculus similar degree , pseudometric and approximating reasoning have been further studied and the improved calculus-meet reasoning rule and the estimation expression of n-order divergence for a set Γ of formulas have been proposed ;
This paper reports on a preliminary study on advanced EFL learners ' synonym learning . It might be of special interest to teachers concerned with lexical semantics , and those who wish their students to gain lexical force .
From both the computer science side and the purely mathematical side , one of important aspects of domain theory is to carry as much as possible of the theory of continuous lattices ( domains ) to as general an ordered structure as possible .
First , all frequent phrases that Spock extracts using its semantic technology via its web crawler become tags .
Although this brief summary gives you the basic semantics of AOP , for a thorough understanding I recommend you consult an article or book devoted to the subject .
Following and being based on the mathematical foundation of the combinatory logic this paper discusses once more the semantics of the functional programming ( FP ) language .
Knowledge expression in the Unified Medical Language System ( UMLS ): on its semantic characteristics
It can be concluded that the syntax description of OCL expression is the crucial factor in OCL semantics from the comparison between the two OCL semantics .
This paper , based on Parsons ' event semantics , focuses on the analysis of the construction of " NP + zai + Locative + VP " in Chinese .
Based on analyzing and introducing the semantic Network of UMLS Knowledge Sources , which is developed by NLM , the semantic character and structure of the Network are emphatically discussed in the paper .
Traditional semantics believes that formal analysis was inapplicable to natural languages . However , Montague , the founder of Formal Semantics , insists that such analysis is possible as English is also a formal language .
The successes and flaws as to the characterization of Rhett Butler in the book Gone with the Wind is analyzed and discussed form three aspects and with theories of " Politeness Policy " adapted form modem pragmatics and , theories on Semantic Types and Speech Act adapted form Semantics .
Therefore , situation semantics has a broad prospect for development .
Presupposition is a very important concept in Semantics and Pragmatics .
Any argument carried far enough will end up in semantics .
Carnap tried to define causality from the angle of semantics .
Semantics is generally divided into lexical semantics and sentence semantics .
Complicating the discussion of this phenomenon are the semantics inoled .
Discusses the semantics , syntax and pragmatics foundations of knowledge organization .
The study of sentence meaning is the core of sentential semantics .
Speech act theory is an important aspect of pragmatics and semantics .
Therefore . Frame Semantics is of great significance in meaning understanding .
Semantics and a Probe into Methods of Teaching English Vocabularies
Semantics deals with the literal meaning of an utterance .