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zhèng míng
  • prove;certificate;evidence;demonstrate;identification;attest;testify;testimonial;testament;bear witness;bear out
证明 [zhèng míng]
  • (1) [prove;demonstrate]∶根据确实的材料判明真实性

  • 照相副本的核对当时已证明属实

  • (2) [certificate;identification;testimonial]∶指证明书、证明信

  • 开证明

证明[zhèng míng]
  1. 你这么做就是为证明自己对吗?

    Are you just doing this to prove a point ?

  2. 他们希望这一新证据能证明她无罪。

    They hope this new evidence will prove her innocence .

  3. 他所得到的那点建议结果证明几乎完全没用。

    Such advice as he was given has proved almost worthless .

  4. 用实例来证明你的论点是重要的。

    It is important to cite examples to support your argument .

  5. 能证明他确实犯了这些罪吗?

    Can it be proved that he did commit these offences ?

  6. 这一证据过于笼统,不足以证明他的论点。

    The evidence is not detailed enough to sustain his argument .

  7. 只有时间才能证明这种疗法是否成功。

    Only time will tell if the treatment has been successful .

  8. 氟化物可以强化生长中的牙齿,这是已证明的事实。

    It is a proven fact that fluoride strengthens growing teeth .

  9. 我猜400,结果证明是严重的低估。

    My guess of 400 proved to be a serious underestimate .

  10. 新的智力竞赛节目的总体安排结果证明很受欢迎。

    The format of the new quiz show has proved popular .

  11. 有两种资格证明——任何一种都可以接受。

    There are two types of qualification ─ either is acceptable .

  12. 这些成果进一步证明了他的杰出才干。

    These results are a further proof of his outstanding ability .

  13. 新闻报道证明了他的推测果然不假。

    The truth of his conjecture was confirmed by the newspaper report .

  14. 事实证明,说唱音乐并不是昙花一现。

    Rap music proved to be more than just a passing fad .

  15. 出口增长证明了产业的成功。

    This increase in exports bears testimony to the successes of industry .

  16. 她驳倒了批评者的看法,证明自己能够胜任那项工作。

    She confounded her critics and proved she could do the job .

  17. 这些结果有力地证明,我们的运动正在发挥作用。

    These results demonstrate convincingly that our campaign is working .

  18. 从后来发生的事看,这一决定证明是正确的。

    In the light of later events the decision was proved right .

  19. 认为房屋市场很快就有好转的预测结果证明是错误的。

    Predictions of an early improvement in the housing market proved false .

  20. 我们没有确凿证据证明她参与其事。

    We have no positive evidence that she was involved .

  21. 嫌疑人均有证据证明抢劫当天不在犯罪现场。

    The suspects all had alibis for the day of the robbery .

  22. 他向人们证明自己是个有爱心的父亲。

    He has shown himself to be a caring father .

  23. 我完全相信这一决定的正确性将得到充分证明。

    I have every confidence that this decision will be fully vindicated .

  24. 好的面试可以让求职者证明他们的价值。

    A good interview enables candidates to prove their worth .

  25. 这些理由不足以证明实施禁令有理。

    These reasons are not sufficient to justify the ban .

  26. 有毒废料这个问题证明难以解决。

    A solution to the problem of toxic waste is proving elusive .

  27. 每天24小时营业很快就证明是不经济的。

    It soon proved uneconomical to stay open 24 hours a day .

  28. 这种情况很难证明解雇他们是正当的。

    The situation scarcely warrants their / them being dismissed .

  29. 这次提升最后证明是他职业生涯的一个转折点。

    The promotion proved to be a turning point in his career .

  30. 这些新的建议结果证明是有争议性的。

    These new proposals are proving to be hot stuff .