
  • 网络Evidence chain;A Chain of Evidence;Chain of custody
  1. 提出了从目标系统所有可利用资源中发现、关联、解释、分析信息,以确定证据因果关系、再现网络犯罪场景和形成证据链,从而支持法庭举证的协同取证概念。

    It is defined as to find cause relationship from all available resources of the target system by means of associating , reasoning and analysis . This concept can help recreate crime scene activity and connect the chain of evidence .

  2. 刑事印证的表现形式为证据链,核心为证据联结点;

    The form of the criminal evidences verification is the evidence chain and the core part is the joint of the evidences .

  3. 新的改进使协议不需要时钟同步机制,还能通过使用一种称为证据链的证据管理机制使协议实现效率更高。

    The newly improved protocol needs no clock synchronization mechanism between principals and can be efficiently implemented by using an efficient evidence management scheme called evidence chaining .

  4. 最后用所有的信息重构犯罪现场,同时形成一条犯罪过程的证据链提交司法部门。

    Finally , by using all of the information , the crime scene is reconstructed and the evidence of criminal process will be formatted , which may be submitted to the judiciary .

  5. OFT九月份称他们已经发现证据证明零售链已经将未来的牛奶价格告知奶制品公司,然后奶制品公司自己内部设定了固定价格。

    The OFT claimed in September that it had found evidence that the retail chains had passed future milk prices to dairy companies , which then reached a fixed price among themselves .

  6. 如果已发生有限的人际传播,这一阶段的所有证据表明,传播链在一人受到感染之后终止。

    If limited human-to-human transmission has occurred , all evidence at this stage suggests that the chain of transmission ended after a single person was infected .

  7. 然而,由于涉毒案件具有无被害人,无明显的危害后果以及普遍隐蔽性的特点,决定认定此类案件事实的证据种类单一,相互印证的证据链单薄;

    However , because the cases of referring poison have such characteristics as no victim , no obvious consequence and universal hiding , which determines that the kind of evidence in such case to assert fact is single , the evidence chain that could be confirmed each other is weak ;

  8. 因此,只能通过对其他间接证据的收集,从而使所有的证据形成一个证据链,达到排除合理怀疑的作用,笔者在论述这部分内容时举了一个具体案例来说明问题。

    Thus during this part the author take a specific case to illustrate the problems that in order to preclude the reasonable doubt we should form a chain of evidences while collecting all indirect evidence . Part ⅱ .

  9. 对既具有间接证据也有直接证据的一般刑事案件,要求达到全案证据链的完整性即可,对全部据间接证据定案的案件,则要达到证据链的闭合性。

    A criminal case with both direct and indirect evidences requires the integrality of the evidence chain of the whole case , while the case with only indirect evidences needs a closed evidence chain .