
  1. 此外,中国证券登记结算公司还把A股交易过户费下调了大约三分之一。

    China Securities Depository and Clearing , the state-backed clearing house , also cut its transfer fee by about a third .

  2. 甲方:中国证券登记结算有限责任公司。

    Party a : china Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation limited .

  3. 证券登记结算机构或者证券公司应当出具书面查询结果并加盖业务专用章。

    The securities depository and clearing institution or the securities company shall give written inquiry results with its business seal .

  4. 查询机关对查询结果有疑问时,证券登记结算机构、证券公司在必要时应当进行书面解释并加盖业务专用章。

    Where the inquiry organ holds any doubts about the inquiry results , the securities depository and clearing institution and the securities company shall , when necessary , issue written explanations with its business seal .

  5. 执法人员证件齐全、手续完备的,证券登记结算机构或者证券公司应当签收有关法律文书并协助办理有关事项。

    Where the law enforcement officers have presented compete certificates and fulfilled required procedures , the securities depository and clearing institution or the securities company shall sign for relevant legal documents and assist in relevant issues .

  6. 轮候冻结生效后,协助冻结的证券登记结算机构或者证券公司应当书面通知做出该轮候冻结的机关。

    When the freeze waiting in sequence becomes effective , the securities depository and clearing institution or the securities company which assists in the freeze shall inform in writing the authority that has waited in sequence for the freeze .

  7. 第一百二十六条因违法行为或者违纪行为被开除的证券交易所、证券登记结算机构、证券公司的从业人员和被开除的国家机关工作人员,不得招聘为证券公司的从业人员。

    Article 126 . Employees of a stock exchange , a stock registration and accounting institution , and a securities company , as well as government functionaries who are fired for violation of law or discipline are not allowed to be recruited by securities companies .