
  1. 涉及股权分置改革的,账户名格式为“xx公司股权分置改革权证行权专用证券交收账户”。

    In case of involvingwhere the equity distributionsplit share reform is involved , the form of the account name shall be " exclusive securities account for warrant exercise of XX company for distribution split share reform of warrant exercise " .

  2. 一种证券交收安排。根据这项安排,证券交收是在付清有关款项及确定为最终及不可撤回后随即进行。

    A securities delivery arrangement in which the delivery of securities takes place as soon as payment is made for them and confirmed final and irrevocable .

  3. 深圳证券交易所交易交收部的功能和运作程序

    Function operation procedure of sse (?) s Trading Settlement Dept

  4. 证券结算公司交收对手众多;

    The security clearing company accepts rivals numerously ;

  5. 一所非牟利机构,旨在证券结算、交收及存管方面为市场减低风险和成本以及提高效率。

    A non-profit distributing company to reduce risk and cost , and improve efficiency of post-trade processing in the Hong Kong securities market .

  6. 证券、资金交收存在时间差,但未建立相应的担保机制;

    The securities , fund are handed in and received and keep in the time difference , but has not set up corresponding guarantee mechanism ;

  7. 香港中央结算有限公司负责管理为联交所的证券买卖而设的证券中央结算及交收系统。

    The Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company ( HKSCC ) operates the Central Clearing and Settlement System ( CCASS ) for securities trading at the SEHK .