
  • 网络Shetland Islands
  1. 关于设得兰群岛,见小地图。

    For the Shetland Islands , see inset .

  2. 设得兰群岛是水獭在不列颠群岛上最后的栖息地。

    Shetland is the last stronghold of otters in the British Isles .

  3. 设得兰群岛以其众多的海鸟而闻名。

    The Shetlands are famed for their colonies of sea birds

  4. 南设得兰群岛利文斯顿岛鲍勒斯山组火山岩的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar年龄及地质意义

    40 ar / 39 ar ages and their geological significance of the volcanic rocks of Mount Bowles formation in Livingston island , South Shetland Islands

  5. 海洋性微生物的检出率在50%以上,数量较小,每立方米空气仅1个左右的CFU。麦克斯威尔湾比南设得兰群岛海区的空气微生物数稍高些。

    For marine microbes , their detection rates were more than 50 % and their amount only 1 CFU / m 3 . The amounts of air-borne microbes over the area surveyed presented somewhat diurnal variations , They were influenced to some extent by nearby islands .

  6. 接着我们又乘了两趟轮渡,终于来到设得兰群岛最北端、也就是苏格兰最北端的安斯特岛(Unst)。

    It required two more ferries , but we finally arrived in Unst , the northernmost of the Shetland Islands , and hence , the northernmost in Scotland .

  7. 最新图片中显示了设得兰群岛的爱莎奈斯悬崖(eshanesscliffs)的一个灯塔,此岛与另外两处凭借其保存完好风光和预示在111个岛屿中名列三甲。

    A lighthouse by the Eshaness cliffs is shown in this undated picture of the Shetland Islands , which tied with two other destinations for third place among 111 islands rated on their preservation record and forecast .

  8. 烹饪上的联系,在设得兰群岛上体现得更为明显。

    There would be more culinary connections on the Shetland Islands .

  9. 人们一般认为设得兰群岛是苏格兰的一部分。

    The Shetland Islands are usually considered a part of Scotland .

  10. 设得兰群岛的绵羊所产的羊毛。

    A wool obtained from sheep of the Shetland islands .

  11. 在设得兰群岛培育的小型牧羊犬,与柯利牧羊犬形似。

    Small sheepdog developed in the Shetland Islands and resembling a collie .

  12. 南极南设得兰群岛中-新生代火山作用与地质环境

    Mesozoic-Cenozoic volcanism and geological environment in the South Shetland islands , Antarctica

  13. 南设得兰群岛区域的微生物

    Microbes in the area of South Shetland Islands

  14. 茹斯蒂羊肉是设得兰群岛的美食。

    Reestit mutton is a delicacy of Shetland .

  15. 南设得兰群岛邻近海域夏季气象要素初步分析

    Preliminary Analysis of the Meteorological Elements in the Sea Area Adjacent to the South Shetland Islands

  16. 南极南设得兰群岛邻近水域表层微小型浮游藻类的分布特征

    Distribution characteristics of planktonic nano-and microalgae in adjacent surface waters off the South Shetland islands , Antarctica

  17. 设得兰群岛,特别是设得兰矮种马,一下就跳入我的脑海。发言人说道。

    Shetland , and in particular Shetland ponies , instantly sprang to mind , the spokesperson said .

  18. 南设得兰群岛西海域S(11)岩芯沉积物中碎屑矿物及沉积作用的探讨

    Detrital minerals in the sediments of core s_11 and sedimentation in sea area west of South Shetland Islands

  19. 西南极南设得兰群岛纳尔逊岛冰雪的氢氧同位素组成

    Hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions of snow ice on Nelson Island , South Shetland islands , West Antarctica

  20. 南极南设得兰群岛近百年年平均气温变化趋势

    Change Trends of the Mean Annual Air Temperature in the Last Century in the South Shetland Island , Antarctica

  21. 没有什么地方像设得兰群岛那样完好地保存着过去,在那里还可以看到石器时代留下的部落遗迹。

    Few places have preserved the past like Shetland , where remains of settlements dating from the Stone Age endure .

  22. 在设得兰群岛的一个遍布卵石的海滩,这只象海豹挨了一只巴布亚企鹅的狠狠一啄。

    This elephant seal was pecked on the bottom by a gentoo penguin on a pebbly beach in the Shetland Islands

  23. 设得兰群岛绿色的山峦绵延起伏,山上没有树木,并受大风的侵袭,但却拥有一种难以言状的静谧。

    The Shetland Islands ' rolling green hills , treeless and windswept , have a tranquillity that can 't be explained .

  24. 在设得兰群岛中最北的一个有人烟的岛上,我们徒步走过萨克撒-沃德(SaxaVord)的石楠花丛,来到北边的海崖。

    After hiking through the heather at Saxa Vord , we arrived at the northernmost cliff on Shetland 's most northerly inhabited island .

  25. 这次为期四昼夜的航行使你有机会欣赏到设得兰群岛的自然美景和卑尔根美妙的挪威风光。

    This four-night cruise gives you the opportunity to see the wild beauty of the Shetland Islands and the wonderful Norwegian scenery in bergen .

  26. 苏格兰西部是赫布里底群岛,苏格兰本土东北部是奥克尼郡和设得兰群岛。

    Western Scotland is fringed by the large archipelago known as the Hebrides and to the north east of the Scottish mainland are Orkney and Shetland .

  27. 上述火山活动随时间演进而自北西向南东不断迁移的特点,与整个南设得兰群岛火山作用的发展趋势相符。

    The spatial distribution of volcanic rocks and the migration of volcanic activities in Livingston Island with time is basically corresponded to that in South Shetland Islands .

  28. 苏格兰英国的一个选区,它包括大不列颠岛北部、赫布里底群岛、设得兰群岛和奥克尼群岛。

    A constituent country of the United Kingdom comprising the northern part of the island of Great Britain and the Hebrides , Shetland Islands , and Orkney Islands .

  29. 仅在过去十年中,奥克尼郡和设得兰群岛的斑海豹数量就减少了40%,这些斑海豹或者因为疾病或者因为保护鲑鱼养殖场而被杀。

    Harbour seals have declined by 40 per cent in the last decade alone in Orkney and Shetland , killed off by disease and measures to protect salmon farms .

  30. 这个车站位于苏格兰设得兰群岛最北部的安斯特岛的鲍尔塔桑德附近,每年家住附近的614名居民都会组织人手前来为车站进行装修布置。

    Every year a portion of the614 residents of the island of Unst , the northernmost of the Scottish Shetland Islands , band together to decorate their stop near Baltasound .