
  • 网络Speaker
  1. 基于MAP算法的无教师讲者自适应的研究

    A Study on the Chinese Continuous Speech Recognition Unsupervised Speaker Adaptation Based on Maximum a Posteriori Algorithm

  2. 是讲者发出的声音?

    Is it simply the sounds that the speaker is producing ?

  3. TED上最令人难忘的一个讲者是泰勒博士,一位得过中风的脑部研究专家。

    One of our most memorable speakers was Jill Bolte Taylor , a brain researcher who had suffered a stroke .

  4. 你们很多人都认识这位TED的讲者,DannyGilbert,他写了本书,我从TED读书会买了这本书。

    Many of you will know this TEDster , Danny Gilbert , whose book , actually , I got it through the TED book club .

  5. 如需邀请2007年度WAO特邀讲者,请填写在线申请表。

    To apply for a WAO Invited Lecturer in2007 , please fill out the online application .

  6. 两年前有一位TED的讲者,名叫乔纳森·海德特,他把工作定义为三个不同的层次。

    There is a fellow TEDster who spoke two years ago , Jonathan Haidt , who defined his work into three different levels . And they rang very true for me .

  7. WAO很高兴能和KAAACI及WPAS一起合作,同时对于很多WAO执委会成员受邀作为讲者参加此次会议感到非常荣幸。

    WAO is excited to partner with KAAACI and WPAS and pleased that many members of the WAO Board of Directors will participate as invited speakers at the congress .

  8. 演讲理论中听讲者的角色定位

    On the Role of " Listener " in the Speech Theory

  9. 紧身的裤子或裙子会暴露出演讲者在颤抖。

    Tight pants or a skirt will just showcase the tremors .

  10. 客座讲者分享他们管理供应网路和服务的经验。

    Guest speakers share their experiences in managing SNs and services .

  11. 迟到影响其它学生,也让客座讲者分心。

    Late arrivals distract other students and are disconcerting to guest speakers .

  12. 你是一位慷慨又激励人的讲者。

    You are a generous and inspiring speaker .

  13. 还是讲者想要表达的意思呢?

    Or maybe it 's the meaning that the speaker is trying to convey .

  14. 今年的会议比以往更多的国内和国际上知名的讲者。

    This year 's conference features more nationally and internationally renowned speakers than ever before .

  15. 而要留心讲者的声调和肢体语言以听取完整的涵意。

    Note the speaker 's tone of voice and body language to get the full meaning .

  16. 是由讲者的语意所触发,并非文字或声音本身。

    because of the meaning conveyed by the speaker , and not by words or sound .

  17. 讲者分享最新电子书标准的发展和电子学习技术方案。

    Share the latest e-book standard development and ASTRI 's e-Learning and e-Reading solutions by speakers .

  18. 每节课讲述一个课题,由课程讲师或客座讲者讲授。

    A lecture will be given on each topic by a course instructor or guest speaker .

  19. 由来自不同专业领域的讲者分享有关「迈向专业社群」的经验。

    To share experiences on " Becoming a Professional Community " by experts on different professions .

  20. 律政司为这些研讨会提供教材,并派员担任讲者。

    The Department of Justice has contributed to these seminars by supplying both training materials and speakers .

  21. 那位讲者在他的简报中提及各种议题,如贫穷、健康和网路等。

    The speaker covered various topics like poverty , health , and the Internet in his presentation .

  22. 我们毕业日时有幸请来威尔·法瑞尔做讲者,

    at my class day we were lucky enough to have Will Ferrell as class day speaker ,

  23. 第二:我明年邀请的讲者令人难以置信。

    Number two : I am going to put together an incredible line up of speakers for next year .

  24. 所以,听者必须做的第二件事就是补充讲者认为大家都知道的信息。

    so that the second thing that a listener must do add information that the lecturer assumes that they share .

  25. 来自不同界别的讲者会介绍回港发展的就业前景及各行业的最新情况。

    Speakers from different employment sectors will introduce career prospects in Hong Kong and the latest developments in different fields .

  26. 但讲者脑内的情况,在我对你们说话时,我的脑内是什么情况呢?

    But what 's happening in the speaker 's brain , in my brain , when I 'm speaking to you ?

  27. 令我们惊讶的是,我们看到,听者之间的所有这些复杂波形,实际上都源自演讲者的大脑。

    To our surprise , we saw that all these complex patterns within the listeners actually came from the speaker brain .

  28. 接著,工作坊的讲者、参与义工服务的机构及学校代表,均获大会颁发奖状,答谢他们一年来的支持。

    Certificates were presented to workshop speakers , volunteer service partners and participating schools in recognition of their efforts throughout the year .

  29. 所有的讲者都认为他们和听众都掌握了某些信息,听众不需要他们逐字解释。

    All lecturers assume that they share some information with their audience and that their audience does not need them to explain every word .

  30. 吕先生对于北美、欧洲及中国的雇主及管理风格都有广泛认识,也是相关课题的资深讲者。

    His exposure also covers North American , European and Chinese employers and management styles and he is a seasoned speaker on such topics .