
yì shì ɡuī zé
  • rules of procedure;rules of debate
  1. wto总理事会的议事规则应予适用,除非另有规定。

    The Rules of Procedure of the WTO General Council shall apply unless specified otherwise .

  2. 缔约方会议须根据其议事规则开展工作。

    The work of the COP is governed by its Rules of Procedure .

  3. 争论持续不休,直到主席要求双方遵守议事规则。

    The argument continued until the chairman called them both to order .

  4. 议事规则和执行公约及建议问题委员会

    Committee on Standing Orders and the Application of Conventions and Recommendations

  5. 联合国会议标准议事规则草案

    Standard Rules of Procedure for United Nations Conferences , draft

  6. 议事规则委员会〔临时立法会〕

    Committee on Rules of Procedure [ Provisional Legislative Council ]

  7. 议事规则是人类社会各种群体活动的操作基石。

    Rule of procedure is human social groups operating cornerstone .

  8. 秘书长按照议事规则第一五四条提出的说明

    Statement by the Secretary-General in accordance with rule 154 of the rules of procedure

  9. 经济及社会理事会各职司委员会议事规则;

    Rules of procedure of the functional commissions of the economic and social council ;

  10. 特设议事规则委员会

    Ad Hoc Committee on Rules of Procedure

  11. 议事规则专家委员会

    Committee of Experts on Rules of Procedure

  12. 决定自己的议事规则,除非本公约另有规定;

    To determine its own Rules of Procedure except as otherwise provided in the Convention ;

  13. 议事规则起草委员会

    Drafting Committee on Rules of Procedure

  14. 不过,这第二十二号规则已经存在于参议院的议事规则将近一个世纪了。

    Still , Rule XXII has been on the Senate 's books for almost a century .

  15. 第四,业主委员会组织的议事规则规定的可操作性差;

    The fourth , the procedure rules of house-owner committee is difficult to put into practice .

  16. 提出制定和修改业主公约、业主大会议事规则的建议;

    Presenting suggestions on the formulation and modification of the owners'convention and the rules regarding the owners'congress ;

  17. 少数民族问题专家会议安全理事会议事规则问题专家委员会

    Meeting of Experts on National Minorities Committee of Experts on Rules of Procedure of the Security Council

  18. 安全理事会议事规则问题专家委员会把问题委托委员会处理

    Committee of Experts on Rules of Procedure of the Security Council relegate a question to a committec

  19. 各附属机构应自行制定各自的议事规则,但需经各自的理事会批准。

    These subsidiary bodies shall establish their respective rules of procedure subject to the approval of their respective Councils .

  20. 企业信用征信及评估监督委员会的组成、职责和议事规则由市政府另行规定。

    The composition , duties and agenda rules of the committee shall be prescribed separately by the municipal government .

  21. 在刑事诉讼中,审判委员会议事规则对审判委员会程序运作的完备性具有举足轻重的作用,它规范并指导着审判委员会制度的正确运行,实现刑事司法公正。

    It regulates and instructs trial committee system to operate rightly and to achieve judicial justice in criminal procedure .

  22. 此外,立法会亦设有内务委员会、议事规则委员会和17个事务委员会。

    The Legislative Council also has a House Committee , a Committee on Rules of Procedure and 17 panels .

  23. 谁也不知道怎样继续讨论下去&议事规则似乎都已抛到脑后了。

    Nobody knows how to proceed in those discussions & the book of rules seems to have been thrown overboard .

  24. 应根据香港仲裁机构提出的议事规则进行仲裁。

    The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of procedure set forth in the Hong Kong arbitration .

  25. 我国应细化董事会提名和股东大会任免独立董事的议事规则。

    Rules of the procedure are refined concerning the directorate nominating , the stockholders conference appointing and removing the independence director .

  26. 代表需依据所在委员会的职权范围和议事规则讨论相关议题。

    Delegates discuss relevant topics and resolutions according to the given functions , powers , and rules of procedure of the committees .

  27. 在这届会议期间,一致通过了缔约方会议的议事规则和和财务细则。

    During this session , the Rules of Procedure and Financial Rules for the Conference of the Parties were adopted by consensus .

  28. 参议员应该认清这个事实,并全力推动修改这些议事规则,包括取消或至少限制以冗长发言阻挠议事的手段。

    Senators themselves should recognize this fact and push through changes in those rules , including eliminating or at least limiting the filibuster .

  29. 总理事会应制定自己的议事规则,并批准第7款规定的各委员会的议事规则。

    The General Council shall establish its rules of procedure and approve the rules of procedure for the Committees provided for in paragraph 7 .

  30. 其他事项,可以根据合营企业章程载明的议事规则做出决议。

    Resolutions on other matters may be made in accordance with the rules of procedure stated in the articles of association of the joint venture .