
  • 网络Billing software;netkeeper
  1. IP电话管理计费软件设计

    Research on software of IP phone managing and accounting

  2. 基于Proxy的网络计费软件的开发

    The Development of a Proxy Network Counter

  3. 与其它简单的计费软件不同,HFC网络数据业务计费系统是一个综合的网络计费系统。

    Different from other accounting software , HFC network data transaction accounting system is an integrated network accounting system .

  4. 试验装置采用DELPHI作为开发软件,设计出试验装置的计算机控制软件和相应的IC卡计费软件。

    The experiment equipment applies the DELPHI as the develop software tool to program the computer control software and relevant IC card charging software .

  5. 针对广泛使用的基于代理服务器的局域网,利用VB语言开发了流量计费软件,给出了各个主要功能模块的详细程序设计流程。

    This paper deals with the LANs that is based on proxy server , exploits flow account software with VB language , and presents detailed program flowchart of main function module .

  6. H20-20交换机的CDR分析与计费软件系统开发

    Software design of CDR analysis and account billing for H 20-20 switching system

  7. 最重要的考虑,选择医疗计费软件,是应该的HIPAA封装。

    The most important thing to consider when choosing medical billing software is that it should be HIPAA compliant .

  8. 基于路由器的轻型网络计费软件

    A Light - weight Network Account Software Based on Router

  9. 一个网络计费软件的设计及其实现要点

    A design scheme of net accounting and its implementation

  10. 基于代理服务器的计费软件开发

    The Development of Account Software Based on Proxy Server

  11. 上网按时计费软件的设计和实现

    Design and Realization of Network Billing Software System Based on Counting Expense by Time

  12. 一种基于PC机的网络监视及计费软件

    Network-monitor & Account Software Based on PC

  13. 电能自动远抄系统的电量采集与计费软件的设计

    Design of software of fee calculation and power collection in automatic and remote electricity meter reading system

  14. 由于引进了新的业务管理软件,集装箱码头需要更新计费软件,提高服务质量,充分发挥业务管理软件功能。

    With the introduction of new business management software , it is necessary for the container terminal to up-date its fee-collecting software to improve its service and to fully develop the function of its business software .

  15. 面向对象的设计方法在IP计费管理软件上的应用

    Applying Object-Oriented Methods to IP Accounting Systems

  16. VPN/VPDN计费管理软件的研究是一项具有重要学术价值和广泛的应用前景,是当今信息技术研究的新焦点。

    Research on VPN / VDPN charge management software has so important academic value and practical foreground that it has become the focus of the present information technology field .

  17. 微机房计费管理软件建模及设计方略

    The Software of Charging for Using Computer and Management in Computer Room

  18. 所论述的主要内容是设计一个具有适当通用性、智能化的计费结算软件原型。

    A charging software prototype with general and intelligent features is designed .

  19. 实用的网络计费管理软件是维护非线性编辑网络高效率运作的有力保障。

    Practical network management software is charging the nonlinear edit network maintenance , ensure the efficient operation .

  20. 对计费器软件的重点,即摘、挂机及拨号脉冲识别程序的设计,提出了一套完整的理论依据。

    A piece of completely theoretical basis is presented in order to resolve the software design emphasis of the accounting device , such as the procedure design of off-hook and on-hook and dialing pulse recognition .

  21. 但由于新一套计费账务软件系统开发上线需要大量的时间,对现有两个原计费系统的融合改造,就成为了我们当前要做的首要工作。

    However , the new set of cost accounting software system development , needs a lot of time , some of the two former billing system integration transformations , it has become our current to be a priority .

  22. BS1的专业时间帐单-时间计费及会计软件:应付帐款,应收帐款,总帐,库存,时间计费和销售分析软件。

    BS1 Professional Time Billing-time billing and accounting software : Accounts Payable , Accounts Receivable , General Ledger , Inventory , Time Billing and Sales Analysis software .

  23. 最后简要介绍了系统抄表计费模块的软件设计方案。

    At last , the design of software module is briefly introduced .

  24. 抚顺石油学院校园网计费及管理软件的实现

    The Software Realization of Accounting and Management in Fushun Petroleum Institute Campus Network

  25. 微型计算机房计费系统的软件实现

    The Software Completing of the Microcomputer Home Accounting System

  26. 需要建立起一套以本地网为核心的新的计费账务管理软件,以适应新的经营发展需要。

    Need to establish a local network as the core of the new billing accounts management software to adapt to new business development needs .

  27. 移动通信系统已开始运用计算机技术进行自动化管理。根据移动通信系统的要求,我们研制了系统管理计费终端与系统控制器的接口电路和管理计费软件。

    Automatic administrations with computer have been applied into mobile communication and according to the demand of practical system , the administration and charge system has been developed .

  28. 本文通过对某电信运营商宽带数据网计费系统现状的分析,提出了计费系统硬件和软件的升级方案。

    The summary analyses the current situation of the charge system of broadband data network about some telecommunication operator , and proposes the upgrading scheme of the hardware and software about the charge system .

  29. 提出了基于计费系统的线性模型,根据数学模型给出了移动计费系统软件的设计方法。

    The linear model based on the meterage system is obtained . The design method of the mobile meterage system software on the foundation of mathematics model is given .