
jì suàn huò bì
  • Calculate currency;money of account
  1. 计算货币转换差异、货币转换码O和P。

    The currency conversion differences , currency conversion codes O and P are calculated .

  2. 计算货币转换码A3。

    Currency conversion code A3 is calculated .

  3. 这一法令通过什么方法计算货币失调程度呢?不是巨无霸指数,而是imf所惯用的深奥算法。

    How does the bill propose to calculate this misalignment ? It relies not on Big Macs , but on the less digestible methods favoured by the IMF .

  4. 在计算货币兑换时不需再进行额外计算!

    No more extensive calculations in front of exchange booth .

  5. 计息积数[货币总库]:这是用来计算货币总库中贷款利息的一个中间变量。

    Charge number [ currency pool ] : An intermediate variable used to calculate currency pool interest .

  6. 经济学家用几种不同的方法来计算货币供应量,区别在于把哪一种资产计算在内。

    Economists measure the money supply in several ways that differ according to which assets are included in the measurements .

  7. 本文提出了一种根据商品的交易周转速度计算货币交易量的方法,并发现货币交易量相对于货币存量小得多。

    The method for detecting the quantity of transaction demand for money is proposed , based on the recognition of the transaction velocity .

  8. 计算使用货币转换码D的账户。

    Accounts with currency conversion code D are calculated .

  9. 按公平价值计算非货币授予物

    Non-monetary grants at fair value

  10. 在早期,所有成员国都采用同一办法来计算本国货币的兑换价值。

    In its early years , all members joining the Fund undertook to follow the same method of calculating the exchange value of their money .

  11. 考虑到银行信用对中国货币政策实施的特殊作用,本文基于VAR模型对权重的估计,计算了中国货币状况指数;

    Taking into account the special function of the bank credibility in Chinese currency , this paper calculates the index of Chinese currency position based on the estimate of the option weight via VAR model .

  12. 她为计算机设计了一套计算12种货币之间兑换率的程序。

    She programmed the computer to calculate the rate of exchange in twelve currencies .

  13. 文章还针对稳定贸易为目标的政策选择,计算了篮子货币的最优权重。

    We then calculate optimum weight of basket currencies with intention to stabilise the balance of trade .

  14. 计算历史汇率、货币转换码E、F和G。

    Historical rates , currency conversion codes E , F , and G are calculated .

  15. 并采用模拟的方法,使用编程软件Matlab计算出我国货币政策效果的阀值。

    Adopt the method of simulation to calculate the threshold value of our monetary policy effects by the programming software Matlab .

  16. 传统的资金成本计算公式没有考虑货币价值变动对资金成本的影响,本文分析了在通货膨胀和通货紧缩的情况下,普通股资金成本、债券资金成本以及加权平均资金成本分别要做出哪些修正。

    How the fluctuating money values influence the fund cost has not been referred to in the traditional fund cost calculating formulas .

  17. 在收益率的计算上.对货币加权收益率、时间加权收益率、累计收益率和平均收益率进行了分析研究。

    In the calculation , on the return of weighted profitability , time currency weighted profitability , total return and average yield were analyzed and studied .

  18. 中国央行在三年前推出了一项新的指标来计算经济中的货币供应量,而现在或许要重新考虑更好的货币供应量计算方法了。

    Three years after China 's central bank unveiled a new measure to calculate the amount of credit in the economy , it may be going back to the drawing board .

  19. 今年2月以前,几乎没有人对中国房地产开发商的收入完全以人民币计值感到担忧,因为人民币相对于美元以及按照贸易权重计算的一篮子货币均呈走强态势。

    Then add in the currency mismatch . Until February , few people worried that the revenues of Chinese property developers were all in renminbi , because the renminbi was strengthening against the dollar and against a basket of trade-weighted currencies .

  20. 前者以原始存款为起点,通过计算派生存款总额来分析货币创造规模;后者以基础货币为起点来计算货币供给量。

    The former takes the primary deposit as starting point , by calculating the total derivative deposits to analyze scale of money creation ; the latter takes base money as starting point to calculate the monetary supply .