
jiě biǎo yào
  • diaphoretic;drugs for relieving exterior syndrome
  1. 对465首治疗RA方剂用药频次进行分析,列前四位的依次是补益药、解表药、祛湿药和活血祛瘀药。

    According to analyzing drugs frequency in 465 recipes prescription for RA , indicates the forward 4 is tonics , drugs for treating exterior syndromes , drugs for eliminating dampness and drugs for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis in turn .

  2. 结果大豆卷和浮萍与辛凉解表药中诸味药差异较大。

    RESULTS There is a great difference that roll soybean and duckweed compared with various Chinese herb medicines with the cool pharmaceutical nature .

  3. 中药的抑菌特性及细菌对中药的抗药性研究解表药药性与挥发油成分相关性研究

    The Inhibitory Characteristic of Chinese Herb Medicines and the Bacterial Resistant Characteristic to Them Correlation between properties of exterior-releasing herbs and their volatile constituents

  4. 视疲劳方的基本配伍规律为补虚药、清热药、解表药、利水渗湿药的遣用。

    Fatigue side as the basic compatibility rules for the tonic medicine , antipyretic , relieving drugs , the drug benefit Wetting removal of water use .

  5. 例如同属外感病证,均用解表药来治疗,但冬季外感风寒,多采用辛温解表药;

    For example , belong to the same exogenous Syndrome , relieving drugs are used to treat , but exogenous cold winter , the use of Xin Wen relieving drugs ;

  6. 中草药中的解表药、清热药以及以它们为主组成的中成药通过抗病毒、解热抗炎、镇痛及增强机体免疫功能而达到抗流感的疗效。

    Drugs for treating exterior syndromes , heat clearing drugs of Chinese herbs and Chinese patent medcine which mainly consisted of them can resist influenza by resisting virus , clearing heat and resisting inflammation , easing pain and increasing immune function of body .