
  1. 电影出租巨头百视达公司(Blockbuster)以一套引人瞩目的商业模式起家。

    Blockbuster started out with a compelling business model .

  2. 这种新颖的战略开创了DVD订阅新市场。而以这个简单而强大的创意,Netflix击溃了DVD租赁市场霸主百视达公司(BlockbusterVideo)。

    This original strategy created a new market for DVD subscriptions . This simple and powerful idea crushed Blockbuster Video .

  3. 越来越糟:自从百视达(Blockbuster)公司去年九月宣布破产,百视达一直处于混乱状态。

    It just gets worse blockbuster has been kind of a mess since it declared bankruptcy last September .

  4. 依靠遍布各地的便捷店铺,百视达建立了庞大的价值交付网络。

    Blockbuster established an extensive value delivery network with stores conveniently located on every corner .

  5. 热切期待您的垂询,“勇视达”将是您最好的选择!

    Look forward to your inquiries ," do as up " will be your best choice !

  6. 1985年,百视达第一家店开张,很快就发展到超过5000家零售店,拥有60000名员工。

    Its first store opened in 1985 and it quickly grew to have over 5,000 retail outlets and 60,000 employees .

  7. 然而,百视达当时一心一意拓展既有的商业模式,对自己即将被“网飞”掉几乎毫无意识。

    Blockbuster was so focused on expanding its current business model it had no clue it was about to be netflixed .

  8. 百视达固守自己的实体商业模式,天真地将网飞公司视为可以忽略不计的小众市场开拓者。

    Blockbuster remained stuck in their bricks and mortar business model , naively treating Netflix as a niche player that they could ignore .

  9. 某种商业模式一度曾大获成功,但有朝一日,颠覆性技术和新商业模式开始崛起,取而代之,这就是百视达的遭遇。

    The blockbuster story is about a business model that was successful until a disruptive technology and a new business model displaced it .

  10. 百视达犯下了多数公司都会犯的错误,即低估了新技术和新商业模式的破坏性威胁,直至一切为时已晚。

    Blockbuster made the mistake most companies make in underestimating the disruptive threat of new technologies and innovative business models until it is too late .

  11. 本文通过视达有线电视可寻址系统的实现,对基于客户/服务器模式的数据库应用进行探讨。

    By the realization progress of ShiDa CATV ( Community antenna television ) addressable managing system , the paper studies about the database application based on client server model .

  12. Titmus立体图检查治疗组立体视恢复率达80%,明显高于对照组的55%(P<0.05);

    The stereoacuity resuming ratio was 80 % after Titmus stereoscopic pictures training , significantly higher than that in the control group ( 55 % , P < 0.05 ) .

  13. 哥本哈根峰会被视为是达致减排协议的最后最佳时机,有人质疑,哥本哈根峰会能够如此。

    The Copenhagen conference has been billed as the last best chance to clinch a deal , but doubts have been raised whether it can do that .

  14. 龙滩水电站水轮发电机单机视在功率达777.8MV.A,通过对各种冷却方式优缺点的分析比较,并结合龙滩水轮发电机的特点,最终选用空冷方式。

    The installed capacity of a generator is 777.8MV · A , air cooling is finally determined through analysis and comparing the advantages and defects for a variety of cooling ways and combining the features of Longtan hydro-generator .

  15. 治疗组训练前后融合范围恢复比较,训练后融合范围明显提高;同视机检查治疗组立体视恢复率达65%,明显高于对照组的40%(P<0.05);

    Comparison in the training group showed the range of fusion function was broadened after training , and the stereoacuity resuming ratio was 65 % as trained by the synoptophore , significantly higher than that in the control group ( 40 % , P < 0.05 ) .