
  • 网络visual impact;Vision;Visual Shock;vision effect
  1. Soho沸城房地产广告改写了成都房地产销售周期的历史记录,该广告主要采用平面广告,整体画面以红色为基调,视觉冲击力大,概念简洁,设计唯美。

    Soho advertisement at Boiling City has revised the historical record of the sales cycling period of Chengdu 's real estate . The ad is made in one plane , its basic colour red , with a strong visual impact , concise concept and aesthetic designs .

  2. 这艘很有视觉冲击力啊,象艘海盗船。

    This has very strong visual impact , like a corsair .

  3. “晒脚自拍”是自拍的一个新门类,指用镜头捕捉双脚站在颇具视觉冲击力的地板上的画面。

    Selfeet is a new variation on selfie , which means to capture a person 's shoes atop high-impact flooring .

  4. 虽然有些人肯定不鼓励更多地使用无人机,不过你不得不承认,这些用无人机拍摄的翱翔中雄鹰的照片非常有视觉冲击力。

    Some people certainly don 't want to encourage more drone use , but you have to admit that dronestagrams of an eagle in flight is pretty impressive1 .

  5. 在其他地方3D电影和超大银幕的发展使得电影制作集中于给观众带来巨大的视觉冲击。

    Elsewhere the rise of3-D and the super-sizing of screens are leading studios to focus on visual spectaculars .

  6. 而这种具有强烈视觉冲击力并且风格统一的视觉符号体系,就是企业的VI系统。

    The visual symbols with strong visual impact and unified style are the corporate VI system .

  7. iPhone这款手机应用将于这个月底正式问世,据悉,这也是迄今为止,第一个以“真实场景”与“虚拟应用工具”相融合的游戏,相信会给广大游戏玩家一个强烈的视觉冲击效果。

    The app , which is due to be released later this month , is one of the first games to use'augmented reality ' , when meshes real-life environments with virtual additions .

  8. BBC文化频道的卡琳·詹姆斯表示,弗朗西斯·李的这部“优美的”年代爱情电影“具有视觉冲击力、情感持久力,而且极其坦诚”。

    BBC Culture 's Caryn James says that Francis Lee 's " exquisite " period romance is " visually stunning , emotionally enduring [ and ] brutally honest . "

  9. 不过索尼希望这款名为《非洲》(Afrika)的游戏能凭藉先进的图形处理给玩家带来强烈的视觉冲击。

    But Sony is hoping that the game , called Afrika , will impress players with its advanced graphics .

  10. 使用Dreamweaver设计网页,利用Flash技术制作动态图片和文字效果,使得网页生动,同时采用Photoshop进行图像处理使得网站具有更好的视觉冲击力。

    Dreamweaver is used to make webpages , Flash is used to design cartoons in order to make the webpages more vivid , and Photoshop is adopted to deal with pictures and make website have better visual effect .

  11. Earley说好的简历都是非常有条理地列出要点,而不是一段一段,并且空出很多空白的地方看起来很干净、有视觉冲击效果。

    Earley says hot resumes are organized with bullet points , not paragraphs , and have enough white space to look clean and visually interesting .

  12. 烤漆产品优点是色泽鲜艳,具有很强的视觉冲击力。

    Paint products advantage of bright color , with strong visual impact .

  13. 从商品宣传设计谈视觉冲击力

    Discussion on Vision Assaults Strength from Commodity Advertisement Design

  14. 直译时装色彩的视觉冲击

    Direct Translation of the Visual Impact of Fashion Color

  15. 品牌识别起到很明显的视觉冲击作用。

    The visual impact of the site is consistent with the brand identity .

  16. 具有视觉冲击力的平面广告的信息传达

    Conveyed Information with the Visual Impact of Print Advertisement

  17. 初论美术设计作品中的视觉冲击力

    On the " Visual Impact " in Art Design

  18. 友好的外型结构设计,强烈的立体视觉冲击。

    Friendly design of the shell structure , a strong three-dimensional visual impact .

  19. 最具视觉冲击的用于电视家庭娱乐,书房,餐厅的系统家具。

    Most up-to-date system home furniture for entertainment center .

  20. 文章探讨了视觉冲击产生和作用的过程。

    This article discusses the process of the vision assaults develops and produce .

  21. 要做到这一点,必须建立在使设计具有强大的视觉冲击力的基础上。

    To do this means packaging design should be based on strong visual shock .

  22. 人们更喜欢新奇的和带有视觉冲击的东西。

    People like sensational and visual impact .

  23. 入口处气势宏大的光纤造型灯给人以极强的视觉冲击力。

    The optical-fiber model lamps at the entrance produce a strong impact to the eyes .

  24. 让其具有全新的视觉冲击力。

    They have the new visual impact .

  25. 最先进的电脑特技与最古老的东方艺术完美融合在一起,为您带来超乎想像的视觉冲击。

    The most advanced CG combined with oriental arts will bring you an incredible experience .

  26. 商品宣传设计对人的视觉冲击力产生的强弱对商品宣传的成功与否起着决定性的作用。

    Commodity advertisement design plays a decisive role on the success of the commodity advertisement .

  27. 本文联编提供比较不视觉冲击但是非常容易在短注意上改变。

    Text links offer less visual impact but are much easier to change on short notice .

  28. 王力宏告诉记者,整场演唱会将会被强烈的视觉冲击所占有。

    Strong visual effects will be a feature of the concerts , Wang told the Tungstar .

  29. 图形的隐喻性语言因其强烈的视觉冲击力和说服力,已成为图形创意的一种有效方法。

    The metaphor language of graphics has already been an efficiency way in graphic design creations .

  30. 色彩的意境与视觉冲击

    Color Mood and Visual Impact