
  • 网络vision care;eye care;Visual health
  1. 强生视力保健产品(中国)公司发展战略研究

    Johnson & Johnson Vision Care ( China ) Corporation Development Strategy Research

  2. 儿童视力保健相关行为评定量表的编制及信效度检验

    Development , Reliability and Validity of Child Vision Care Related Behavior Assessment Scale

  3. 视力保健交互式影音计算机光盘教材研发与测试

    Developing and Testing a Computer-Assisted-Instruction with Interactive Videodisc Systems in Visual Health

  4. 0~3岁儿童家长视力保健指导需求调查

    Survey on Parents ' Demand for Vision Health Care Guidance for 0-three-year olds

  5. 火参果富含维生素A这使它能够成为重要的视力保健、恢复良品。

    The significant levels of vitamin A found in kiwano make it an important booster for vision health .

  6. 但强生视力保健在中国市场份额仅排名第三,笔者认为有必要重新分析制定强生视力保健在中国区的发展战略。

    The writer believe we should analyse and design J & J vision care Chinese market strategy again .

  7. 目的探讨近视原因,并对在校学生视力保健提供依据。

    Objective To discuss the causes of myopia , and providing evidences of visual acuity health for students in shools .

  8. 接下来笔者对强生视力保健的内部环境进行了分析,价值链分析结论:强生视力保健产品公司在价值链中的内部管理方面是明显优于竞争对手的。

    The writer analyse the internal environment of J J. conclusion of value chain analysis : J J internal management is better than competitors .

  9. 国内政局稳定,国民经济发展态势持续良好,强生视力保健在中国正面临巨大的市场机遇。

    National political situation is stable , national economics development trend is very good , J & J vision care is facing big market opportunity in china .

  10. 前言:目的:在社区开展小年龄儿童的视力保健,早期发现视力异常的患儿,并给予早期治疗。

    Objective : To carry out early age childrens visional care in communities , find out and give early stage treatment to the children who have unusual vision .

  11. 经过宏观环境,行业环境以及内部能力分析后,笔者提出了强生视力保健产品公司发展战略:第一层次,总体战略。

    After macro environment , industry environment and internal ability analysis , the writer put forward J & J vision care development strategy : first , total strategy .

  12. 我们的企业目标是在手术产品、药品及视力保健领域成为患者的首选。

    Our organizational objective at Alcon China is to be the first choice in eye care for patients needing therapy within the surgical , pharmaceutical , and vision care areas .

  13. 液晶显示器以其平板性、携带方便、功耗低、视力保健的优点越来越受青睐,已能与阴极射线管显示器平分国际市场,并正在已继续上升的势头发展。

    Liquid crystal device ( LCD ) has attracted more interest due to flatness portability , lower power consumption and eyesight protection . The share of LCD in the international display field will close to that of CRT and keep increasing tendency .

  14. 取名为视力矫正保健公司。

    It is called adaptive eyecare .

  15. 目的调查正常视力儿童眼的屈光状况,探讨如何及早采取正确措施做好儿童视力保健,预防早患近视。

    Objective To investigate the ocular refraction status d the children with normal eyesight .