
guān yè zhí wù
  • foliage plant
观叶植物[guān yè zhí wù]
  1. 三种室内观叶植物光合特性与抗SO2能力研究

    Photosynthetic Characteristics and SO 2 Adaptability of Three Ornamental Foliage Plant Species

  2. 污泥堆肥用于观叶植物银叶菊无土栽培的研究

    Study on Soilless Culture of Foliage Plant Senecio cineraria with Sludge Compost

  3. 阴生观叶植物试管苗工厂化生产移栽技术研究

    Techniques of Transplanting Shade Leaf Plant Tube Seedlings in Industrialization Seedling

  4. 不同配方营养液对三种观叶植物水培的效应

    Effects of Different Nutrient Solution on Three Foliage Plants in Hydroponics

  5. 福州、厦门室内观叶植物调查研究

    A Survey of Ornamental Foliage House Plants in Fuzhou and Xiamen

  6. 几种观叶植物对室内氨气污染的净化研究

    The Research on Purifying Indoor Ammonia Pollution of Several Foliage Plants

  7. 室内观叶植物价值评价体系研究

    Study on the Evaluating System of Indoor Leaf-viewed Plants Introduced

  8. 西双版纳荫生观叶植物种质资源

    Germplasm Resources of Shade - enduring Foliage Plant in Xishuangbanna

  9. 室内观叶植物陈列时限的研究

    A Study on Displayed Duration of Indoor Foliage Plants

  10. 图像处理技术在室内观叶植物叶面积测量中的应用

    Application of Image Processing Technology in Leaf Area Measurement of Indoor Leaf-viewed Plants

  11. 回归分析法确定观叶植物营养液浓度

    Application of Regression Analysis in Determination of Nutrient Solution Concentration of Foliage Plant

  12. 在晴到少云天气条件下,无土栽培观叶植物在一天中环境因子的变化较复杂。

    The change of the environment factors about the foliage plant is complicated .

  13. 几种观叶植物光合特性的研究

    Photosynthetic characteristics of five ornamental foliage plant species

  14. 无土栽培观叶植物净光合速率及环境因子动态变化的初步研究

    Preliminaries Studies On Dynamic Changes of Net Photosynthetic Rate and Environment Factors of Soiless Foliage Plant

  15. 甲醛污染对3种室内观叶植物叶片保护酶活性的影响

    Effects of Formaldehyde Pollution on Leaf Protective Enzymatic Activities of 3 Kinds of Indoor Leaf-viewed Plant

  16. 观叶植物应用种类达52种,具有观赏价值的集中于桑科和棕榈科。

    There are 52 kinds of foliage plants , which are belong to Moraceae , Palmaceae .

  17. 公园内的树木、灌木、攀缘和观叶植物合共逾750类品种。

    More than 750 species of trees , shrubs , creepers and foliage plants are featured .

  18. 贵州野生耐荫观叶植物资源调查及园林应用评价

    Investigation on Resource of Wild Shade-tolerant Plants for Foliage Ornament and its Garden Application in Guizhou

  19. 观叶植物的发展

    The History of Foliage Plant

  20. 天南星科、龙舌兰科、棕榈科观叶植物在闽中地区的引种适应性

    Adaptability of Introduced Foliage Plants of Araceae , Agavaceae and Palmaceae in the Central Part of Fujian Province

  21. 喜林芋属植物作为室内观叶植物极为适宜,栽培相对容易,装饰性强。在国内,关于本属的引种栽培介绍较少。

    Philodendron is a genus of excellent foliage plants suitable for indoor decoration , which are easily cultivated .

  22. 金钱树为多年生常绿草本植物,是极为少见的带地下块茎的观叶植物,原产于热带非洲。

    Money tree is a perennial evergreen herb , is extremely rare foliage plants with underground tubers , native to tropical Africa .

  23. 观赏蕨类植物属于观叶植物类,指具有一定的观赏价值,具有美化、绿化、彩化和净化等功能的蕨类植物。

    As one part of ornamental plants , ornamental ferns are characterized by such function as beautifying , greeting , coloring and purifying environment .

  24. 晴空或少云状况下紫外辐射强度及指数预报模式在晴到少云天气条件下,无土栽培观叶植物在一天中环境因子的变化较复杂。

    Ground-Based Ultraviolet Radiation Operational Prediction Model in Clear / Part Cloudy Day The change of the environment factors about the foliage plant is complicated .

  25. 空气湿度85%~90%最有利于这几类观叶植物生长。

    When the humidity of the air was 80 % ~ 90 % , it gave the best condition for the growth of these foliage plants .

  26. 在一个柱子或墙壁上,将它挂在哪儿,只用水来种植观叶植物,可增添室内生气!

    On a post or walls , hang where is it , planting the view leaf 's plant with the water only , can increase the indoor animation !

  27. 前人对观叶植物的研究主要集中在观叶植物生理与叶色的表达和花色素苷的性质分析,对形态结构研究相对较少。

    Preliminary researches on foliage plants mainly concentrated on expression of physiology and color as well as Anthocyanin analysis , however , there were few reports on morphology structure .

  28. 此外,爱好养花的老人,可在室内摆上几盆鲜花和翠绿的观叶植物或盆景等;

    But besides , enjoy supporting the multicolored old people , the several pot of fresh flower mixes interior pendulum into the emerald green foliage plant or potted landscape etc.

  29. 福州、厦门是我省对外开放的两个沿海城市,自然条件优越,非常适合室内观叶植物的生长。

    This paper deals with the Ornamental Foliage House Plants in Fuzhou and Xiamen , two open coastal cities with favorable natural conditions very suitable to the growth of the stated plants .

  30. 以陆生观叶植物红叶甜菜为材料研究其对不同富营养化水体氮磷的去除。

    The removal efficiency of nitrogen ( N ) and phosphorus ( P ) from three kinds of eutrophicated water by terraneous ornamental foliage plant-beet on floating-beds was researched under low temperature .