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  1. 详细的见在我回杨子的CD制卡问题的贴子。

    Detailed view on my back to Yang Tzu CD business card printing of the post .

  2. 用自制的排卵预报监测仪测量体表温差(DST)预测排卵,分析了81人132个月经周期,见在B超示排卵前的2~4天,DST出现明显低值;

    Introduced a method of predicting and confirming ovulation by measurement of differential skin surface temperature ( DST ) . 132 menstrual cycles from 81 subjects Were analyzed . A clearly defined nadir in DST was observed at 2-4 days before the ovulation demonstrated by ultrasound .

  3. 官员们定期见在商讨公司的未来。

    Officials meet regularly to chew over the future of the company .

  4. 当他10岁的时候,他就被带去见在巴尔的摩的亲戚。

    When he was ten , he was taken to visit his relatives in baltimore .

  5. 与此不同,康德却以先验的形式首次揭示出前见在认识中的积极功能。

    However , Kant pointed out it 's positive function in the form of priori .

  6. 君不见在工业革命之前,流行潮流不像今天一样大改变而常改变。

    That is probably why before the Industrial Revolution trends did not change as much and as often as they do today .

  7. 外边太阳已经升到屋顶上,我望得见在阳光照耀的大教堂的尖顶。

    Outside the sun was up over the roofs and I could see the points of the cathedral with the sunlight on them .

  8. 这位老人不顾年事已高,决心乘船去见在新西兰的小儿子。

    The old man was determined , even at his age , to cross the water to see his youngest son in New Zealand .

  9. 第一章中,本文对前见在其所属的哲学诠释学论域内的理论内涵及与之相关的理论主旨进行了总结梳理。

    The main contents of the thesis is as follows : In the first chapter , I had summarized the connotation of " prejudice " and the correlative theoretic leitmotiv of " Philosophical Hermeneutics " .

  10. 我观望时,见在革鲁宾头上,穹苍之上,有一块像碧玉的石头,看似宝座,出现在他们上边。

    And I saw and behold in the firmament that was over the heads of the cherubims , there appeared over them as it were the sapphire stone , as the appearance of the likeness of a throne .

  11. 前后桥弹性悬挂,并装有筒式液力见在减震器,乘座平顺舒适。轿车后桥悬挂内板成形数值模拟及工艺参数优化

    The front / rear axle hangs elastically , and disposes with the tube shaped hydraulic shock absorber , for seating smoothly and comfortably . Numerical Simulation and Technological Parameters Optimization on Forming Process of the Inner Panel of Automotive Suspension

  12. 我见他在厨房擦地板呢。

    I found him in the kitchen , scrubbing the floor .

  13. 我听得见他在厨房里瞎折腾。

    I could hear him bumbling around in the kitchen .

  14. 我听得见保罗在隔壁房间里打呼噜。

    I could hear Paul snoring in the next room .

  15. 如您所见,在幕后执行请求,并向Web页面显示出响应(或其中一部分),而不会更新整个网页。

    Ajax , you have seen , executes a request under the covers and usually spits out the response ( or some part of it ) back to the Web page without an entire refresh of the page .

  16. 如您所见,在Python中,函数的基本组成部分是包装器代码,指明将被重用的一系列Python语句。

    As you can see , a function in Python basically consists of wrapper code indicating that a series of Python statements will be reused .

  17. 遵循PIDS规范的病人身份管理系统在国际上尚不多见,在国内还未见报道。

    There are seldom systems which follows PIDS standard in international and none in native .

  18. 量子进化算法QEA兼具量子计算与进化计算的优点,搜索能力和收敛速度均优于传统进化算法,近年来已成功应用于多个领域,但尚未见其在数据网格副本管理中的应用。

    Quantum Evolutionary Algorithm ( QEA ) combines the advantages of both the quantum computing and evolutionary computing , and it has better search capability and convergence speeds compared with the traditional evolutionary algorithms . In recent years , QEA has been successfully used in many fields .

  19. 我有时见他在附近吃晚饭。

    I saw him in a neighborhood diner time to time .

  20. 我曾见她在卡耐基音乐厅演出。

    I once saw her performing in concert at Carnegie hall .

  21. 论表见代理在行政法领域之导入与适用

    On Adoption and Application of Agency by Estoppel in Administrative Law

  22. 你那样低声说话时,我几乎听不见你在说什么。

    I can hardly hear you when you whisper like that .

  23. 当我见她在河里时,我很害怕。

    When I saw her in the river I was frightened .

  24. 为什么不见你在朋友圈里晒一晒呢?

    Why didn 't you post anything about it on WeChat ?

  25. 他听得见弟兄在洞里东闯西撞。

    He could hear the men thrashing about in the cave .

  26. 真人吃惊,我发见狗在外面跳舞呢!

    A : How surprising ! I found the dog dancing outside .

  27. 你见他在那口棺材里的时候有什么感想?

    How do you feel when you see him in that coffin ?

  28. 我见她在笑,问她为何这般开心。

    I saw her smiling and asked why she was so happy .

  29. 别含含糊糊的,我听不见你在说啥!

    Don 't mumble , I can 't hear you !

  30. “请大声地说,我听不见你在说什么。”

    " Please speak up , I can 't hear you . "