
jiàn guài
  • mind;be blamed;take offense;be taken to task
见怪 [jiàn guài]
  • [mind;be blamed;take offence;be taken to task] 责备;责怪(多指对自己)

见怪[jiàn guài]
  1. 等上十分钟你不会见怪吧?

    Do you mind waiting for ten minutes ?

  2. 我是一个粗人,说话直来直去,你可别见怪。

    I 'm a bit of a boor , so I hope you won 't mind if I speak bluntly .

  3. 我要是主动提出帮助,她会不会见怪?

    Would she take it amiss if I offered to help ?

  4. 爸爸,别见怪,不过你该洗澡了。

    Dad , you need a bath . No offence .

  5. 谅你也不至于见怪。

    I trust that you will not blame me .

  6. 我要搬出去了&请你们不要见怪,我只不过是不喜欢这里的空气而已。

    I 'm moving out & no offence to you but I just don 't like the atmosphere .

  7. 叨在知己,幸勿见怪。

    Having the honour , though I am unworthy of it , to be counted among your intimate friends , I hope that you will not take offence . ( an apology in a classical-style letter )

  8. n.[法]被告人adj.[法]被告的;辩护的n.犯罪,违反;冒犯,触怒;攻击违反触怒,得罪没有冒犯你的意思!不要见怪!

    an offence against give / cause offence to No offence ( meant ) !

  9. 我要是提出帮助,她会不会见怪?

    Would she take if amiss if I offered to help ?

  10. 别见怪,这里有股难闻的气味。

    No offence , but there 's a terrible smell in here .

  11. 如果我叫你傻瓜,可别见怪!

    Don 't take it amiss if I call you a schmuck .

  12. 假若我指出你的错误,请勿见怪。

    Don 't take it amiss if I point out your errors .

  13. 说句你不见怪的话,人家完全知道该怎么样想法。

    I beg your pardon ; & one knows exactly what to think .

  14. 我讲的话你别见怪。

    Don 't take offence at what I said .

  15. 我希望你不会因为我提前离开而见怪。

    I hope you won 't take it amiss if I leave early .

  16. 我的话请你不要见怪。

    You should not take my words amiss .

  17. 他请求她原谅,不要见怪。

    He begged pardon for having displeased her .

  18. 有我守着他,默斯格罗夫夫妇不会见怪的。

    Mr and Mrs Musgrove cannot think it wrong while I remain with him .

  19. 他继而说道,他对我的议论并没有见怪。

    He went on to say that he didn 't take my comments amiss .

  20. 别见怪,但听起来糟糕极了。

    No offense , but that sounds awful .

  21. 如果我哪句话说得不中听,请别见怪。他说这话是无心的,你可别见怪。

    If anything I said displeased you , please do not take it ill .

  22. 我希望你不要见怪,这些东西太油腻了,我吃不了。

    I hope you won 't be offended ; they are too rich for me .

  23. 别见怪,但我的头越来越晕。

    I 'm terribly sorry to mention it , but the dizziness is getting worse .

  24. 要是胡史尼塔不见怪,我倒想再问她几个问题。

    I 'd like to ask Juanita some more questions if she doesn 't mind .

  25. 如果我叫你不要抽烟,希望你不要见怪。

    I hope you won 't take offence if I ask you not to smoke .

  26. 当我临时冒出问候你的时候别太见怪

    Don 't be surprised if I just pop in unannounced just to check up .

  27. 请别见怪,我们是在和你一起笑,而不是嘲笑你。

    Please don 't be offended , we were laughing with you , not at you .

  28. 亲爱的,请你不要见怪,我实在太累。

    If you don 't mind , dear , I 'm afraid I 'm rather tired .

  29. 我是说,别见怪,为什么她会送你一个糖果棒呢?

    I mean , no offense , but why would she send you a candy cane ?

  30. 尽管杰克喜欢撒谎,可别人为此指责他时他从不见怪。

    Although Jeff was given to lying , he never took umbrage at being accused of it .