
xī bù wén xué
  • Western literature ;literature of the US west
  1. 论新时期以来西部文学的发展走向

    The development trend of western literature since the new period

  2. 中国现代西部文学的精神底蕴

    The Inside Spiritual Information of Modern Western Literature in China

  3. 新时期文学思潮中的西部文学

    West China Literature in Literary Trend of the New Era

  4. 论西部文学理论生成的可能性

    On the possibility of the theory formation of the West China 's Literature

  5. 我眼中的全球化与中国西部文学&兼评《尘埃落定》及其它

    Globalization in My Eyes and China 's West Literature CHENGDU IN MY VIEW

  6. 西部文学的发现与敞亮

    Discover and Disenchantment of " Western Literature "

  7. 最后是对于西部文学的创作手法的考探;

    The last aspect is the exploration of the creating techniques of the Western literature .

  8. 其次分析了西部文学的人物形象。

    The second aspect is the analysis of the character images in the West literature .

  9. 试论百家争鸣的学术传统&以西部文学的众说纷纭为例

    The Academic Tradition of Contending & To divergence of " Western China literature " as an example

  10. 首先是西部文学自然空间描写的情感性、精神性特点。

    The first aspect is the emotional and spiritual feature of the natural space description in the Western literature .

  11. 因此,她的散文给西部文学乃至整个新时期中国文学都增添了许多新鲜的元素和意义。

    Therefore , her prose added many significance to the Western literature and even a whole new era of Chinese literature .

  12. 下编着重分析了西部文学的地域特点在作品中是如何表现的,主要从四个方面来分析。

    The second part mainly analyses the regional features of the West literature presented in the works of literature from four aspects .

  13. 从文化发生学来考察,西部文学的发现体现出文化认知和文化自觉的特性,是空间的生产与再生产的结果。

    The discovery of " Western Literature " which is production and reproduction of space showed culture cognition and culture self-conscious through its morphogenesis review .

  14. 西部文学当中,最突出的是汉子形象,表现形态各不相同,但是就总体而言,总是表现出强悍的共性。

    In the West literature , the most prominent image is that of men with different presentations , but on the whole shows the generality of fierceness .

  15. 较为集中的专题研究是朦胧诗、知青文学、寻根文学等浪漫主义特点较为突出的文学现象以及自然浪漫主义、西部文学的浪漫主义。

    The more concentrative monographic research is those whose romanticism character is comparatively prominent , such as the obscure poems , Zhi Qing Literature , root-seeking literature and nature romanticism , western romanticism .

  16. 新时期文学存在着多种意义转变,其中作家身份的代际转换和文学思潮的流变与西部文学密切相关。

    As literature in the new era is teemed with meaningful changes , the intergenerational switch of writers ' identity and the flowing deformation of literary trend have much to do with West China literature .

  17. 西部文学所拥有的转化为他种艺术形式或传播形式并形成文化资本的优势和潜能,将成为西部文学未来发展的一大推力。

    What the literature is in possession of turns to other kinds of artistic or media forms and creates advantages and potentiality , which will be a greater promotion to the further development of West China literature .

  18. 上编考察了西部进入文学的过程和方式。

    The first part explores the procedure and the mode of West 's entry to literature .

  19. 对北冰洋西部N.当代文学类畅销书研究

    Studies on N. Studies of Contemporary Literature Bestsellers

  20. 通过这样的比较,我们能够清楚地看到当代西部小说在文学本土化方面所呈现的价值和意义。

    Through the comparison , we can clearly see the value and significance of the Novel of West China in the aspect of literature " localization " .

  21. 本论文选取美国西部小说这一文学类型为切入点,以文化美学的理念作引导,力图将分析围绕美国文化和西部小说的衍变与现状而展开。

    This dissertation , choosing the American western novels as its study object and having the ideas of the cultural aesthetics as its guide , tries to make its analysis go around the changes and the present conditions of the American culture and the western novels .

  22. 美国西部印第安人小说是美国西部文学的一个重要类型。

    The Indian fiction of the American West is an important type of the American Western literature .

  23. 西部作为一个比较独立的审美对象进入文学领域,形成了非常有特色的西部文学。

    The West , as a relatively independent aesthetic object , enters into the artistic field , thus forms a special featured Western literature .