- Tomato sauce;tomato ketchup or catsup

Farmers are reporting steep losses and a new $ 20 million tomato-paste factory has halted production due to the shortages .
I think there 's a spot of tomato ketchup on the tablecloth .
Fresh tomato sauce , fried zucchini over steaming pasta in garlic and oil .
Another ten had a daily dose of olive oil minus the tomato paste .
They poured catsup on their hamburgers .
Sauce for pasta ; contains mushrooms and ham and chopped vegetables and beef and tomato paste .
A pinch added to tomato sauce while cooking , or coffee while brewing , will reduce acidity .
The ketchup you may have put on your French fries the last time you visited McDonald 's seems quintessentially American .
Each food ration is enough to feed a family of five for one month and includes wheat flour , pasta and tomato paste .
I brought in a carton of tomato paste , slashed it open , and stacked the charming slender little cans on their depleted shelf .
A primary application is concentration of fruit juices ( orange juice concentrate ), vegetable juices ( tomato pastes and purees ), and dairy products ( condensed milk ) .
They found that men who ate tomato sauce two to four times per week had a35 percent lower risk of developing prostate cancer than men who ate none .
But as they unloaded the edible ammunition , the square and surrounding streets were suddenly awash in a sea of tomato sauce , covering the crowds of festival goers .
Tests using ultra-violet lamps showed the tomato-eaters were a third better protected against sunburn at the end of the study than at the start , the British Society for Investigative Dermatology 's annual conference heard .
In a food processor , liquefy the tomato , tomato paste and cucumber .
Three slices of bacon , lettuce , tomato and mayonnaise on two slices of toasted white bread .
One day at the convenience store where I worked , a woman came in for a hamburger to go . I fixed the bun with lettuce , tomatoes and mayonnaise as she had requested .
They had grown so many tomatoes that they were able to make a dozen bottles of tomato sauce to last most of the winter .
Despite being the continent 's second-largest producer of tomatoes , Nigeria is dependent on $ 1 billion worth of tomato-paste imports every year , as around 75 % of the local harvest goes to waste thanks to a lack of proper storage facilities .
To test the fruit 's ability to protect the skin , ten volunteers were asked to eat five tablespoons of tomato paste mixed with olive oil every day for three months .