
  • 网络Messina;Mishnah
  1. 希西家见西拿基立来,定意要攻打耶路撒冷

    When Hezekiah saw that Sennacherib had come and that he intended to make war on Jerusalem

  2. 他东摸摸西拿拿,希望她就在附近什么地方,快回来了。

    He trifled about , hoping that she was somewhere in the neighbourhood and would soon return .

  3. 这虔诚的事以后,亚述王西拿基立来侵入犹大,围困一切坚固城,想要攻破占据。

    After these things , and the establishment thereof , Sennacherib king of Assyria came , and entered into Judah , and encamped against the fenced cities , and thought to win them for himself .

  4. 两天后到门诊大厅西药房对面拿结果!

    Get the test result two days later from the pharmacy in the check-in lobby !