- 名preshipment inspection

The preshipment inspection entity shall take into account the specific elements listed in subparagraph ( c );
Members shall submit to the Secretariat copies of the laws and regulations by which they put this Agreement into force , as well as copies of any other laws and regulations relating to preshipment inspection , when the WTO Agreement enters into force with respect to the member concerned .
Recognizing that the principles and obligations of GATT 1994 apply to those activities of preshipment inspection entities that are mandated by governments that are Members of the WTO ;
The Philippines completed its phase-out of compulsory preshipment inspections .
Noting that a number of developing country Members have recourse to preshipment inspection ;
User Members shall ensure that preshipment inspection entities maintain procedures to this end .
Members shall encourage preshipment inspection entities and exporters mutually to resolve their disputes .
The preshipment inspection entities shall provide the actual information when so requested by exporters .
( I ) a section of members nominated by an organization representing preshipment inspection entities ;
User Members shall ensure that preshipment inspection entities avoid unreasonable delays in inspection of shipments .
Exporter Members shall ensure that their laws and regulations relating to preshipment inspection activities are applied in a non-discriminatory manner .
They shall ensure uniform performance of inspection by all the inspectors of the preshipment inspection entities contracted or mandated by them .
The decision of the panel shall be binding upon the preshipment inspection entity and the exporter which are parties to the dispute .
The term " preshipment inspection entity " is any entity contracted or mandated by a Member to carry out preshipment inspection activities .
Desiring to provide for the speedy , effective and equitable resolution of disputes between exporters and preshipment inspection entities arising under this Agreement ;
At any stage in the process described above , the preshipment inspection entity shall provide the exporter with an opportunity to explain the price ;
Recognizing that it is desirable to provide transparency of the operation of preshipment inspection entities and of laws and regulations relating to preshipment inspection ;
145.The representative of China stated that , currently , there were trade and commerce inspection agencies ( including joint-venture agencies ) engaged in preshipment inspection .
Or any entities which have a financial interest in the preshipment inspection entities in question , and whose shipments the preshipment inspection entities are to inspect ;
The term " user Member " means a Member of which the government or any government body contracts for or mandates the use of preshipment inspection activities .
These procedures shall be administered by an independent entity constituted jointly by an organization representing preshipment inspection entities and an organization representing exporters for the purposes of this agreement ;
The preshipment inspection entity shall not rely upon the price of goods offered for export to different countries of importation to arbitrarily impose the lowest price upon the shipment ;
Exporter Members shall publish promptly all applicable laws and regulations relating to preshipment inspection activities in such a manner as to enable other governments and traders to become acquainted with them .
Without the approval of siqsaq , no the inspection and quarantine administrations may arrange for and implement such pre-inspections .
The pre-inspection personnel shall notify the consignees that the unqualified used mechanical and electrical products are denied entry into China .
Determine the inspection items and methods , formulate the inspection program , and conduct the pre-inspection in accordance with the program .
Ensure work quality , take responsibility for the authenticity and accuracy of the Report on Pre-inspection Before Shipment being issued , and undertake corresponding legal liabilities .
Where a pre-inspection is needed , the record-keeping administration will issue the Letter of Record-keeping for Pre-inspection Before Shipment of Used Mechanical and Electrical Products to Be Imported .
SIQSAQ may , based on the seriousness of the circumstances , give such punishment as warning , suspension of the inspection work , or disqualification for engaging in pre-inspections .
SIQSAQ is in charge of the training , qualification accreditation and administration of the persons engaging in the pre-inspections before shipment of used mechanical and electrical products to be imported .