
  • 网络The Victim
  1. 发现被害人倒毙于河岸。

    The victim was found lying dead on the river bank .

  2. 与此相反,引诱被害人到一个特殊的场所或戴上滑雪面具(skimask)以被识破将构成超过最低限度的计划犯罪。

    By contrast , luring the victim to a specific location or wearing a ski mask to prevent identification would constitute more than minimal planning .

  3. 我们最不应该做的一件事就是拿凶手和被害人来比较。

    The last thing we should do is make any parallelism between the murderers and their victims .

  4. 英国驻苏黎世领事证实被害人中有一名英国籍男子。

    The British Consul in Zurich has confirmed that a British man was among the people killed .

  5. 如果被害人遭受身体伤害,则增加2级。

    If the victim sustained bodily injury , increase by2 levels .

  6. 建立我国刑事被害人国家补偿制度刍议

    About construction of national compensation system for the criminal injured party

  7. 刑事被害人的地位和权利保护研究

    A Study on Status and Rights Protection of the Criminal Victim

  8. 刑事被害人法律援助权之完善

    On the Improvement of the Legal Aid System for Criminal Victims

  9. 现实生活中,很多被害人因遭遇犯罪而生活陷入困境。

    Therefore , many victims encountered with the hardship of life .

  10. 而且被害人是被非常强壮的人攻击的。

    That the victim was attacked by somebody bigger and stronger .

  11. 论被害人国家补偿制度的价值及本土化

    On Value and Its Indigenization of County Compensation of Criminal Victims

  12. 性被害人司法精神鉴定有关问题探讨

    A probe of some problems regarding psychiatric expertise for sexual victims

  13. 队长,你猜被害人是谁?

    Captain , guess who the Vic turns out to be .

  14. 如果被害人被绑架,则增加4级。

    If the victim was abducted , increase by4 levels .

  15. 对被害人的保护功能、救济功能和安抚功能;

    For victims , protecting , remedying and pacifying them .

  16. 论我国应建立犯罪被害人国家补偿制度

    On Establishing the National Compensation System of the Criminal Victims

  17. 被害人过错行为的刑法意义研究

    Research on significance of the victim 's mistake behavior in criminal law

  18. 从被害人指甲里发现的纤维物。

    The fibres found underneath the fingernails of the victim .

  19. 通常凶手会将被害人的脸遮起来。

    Usually when a killer covers the victim 's face .

  20. 刑事被害人过错认定的若干实务问题

    Probe into some question of criminal victim 's fault maintain

  21. 被害人国家补偿应当趋向制度化、法律化。

    The Victim Compensation System should be institutionalized and legalized .

  22. 故意杀人罪是最典型的有被害人的犯罪。

    The offence of intentional killing is a typical crime with victim .

  23. 一辆灵车载着一年级被害人詹姆斯。马蒂·奥利的棺材缓缓驶出。

    A hearse carried the casket of first-grader James Mattioli .

  24. 国家补偿涉农犯罪被害人理论依据思辨

    Discussion on Theoretic Foundation of the State-Compensation for Victims of Agriculture-related Crimes

  25. 国际刑事法院被害人参与诉讼问题研究

    The Study of the Participation of International Criminal Court Victims

  26. 性犯罪被害人沉默之研究

    Research on Victims ' Silence in a Sexual Crime

  27. 因而,我国刑诉法应赋予被害人独立的上诉权。

    Consequently , Chinese criminal procedural should grant the injured independent appeal right .

  28. 创建刑事被害人国家补偿制度的新思考

    On Establishment of State Compensation System for Crime Victims

  29. 在日本熏有关犯罪被害人的保护法制度一直是备受关注的。

    The system of protecting the victims has been greatly concerned in Japan .

  30. 于是,公诉制度应运而生,被害人自诉逐渐为国家公诉所取代。

    Consequently the Public Prosecution emerged and gradually substituted for the Private Prosecution .