
  • 网络apparent viscosity;mPa.s;map.s
  1. 温度、pH值等对沙蒿籽胶溶液的表观粘度影响较小;

    Its apparent viscosity changed a little with temperature and pH.

  2. 本实验中,PS熔体表观粘度降低多达603%

    In this experiment the apparent viscosity of PS melt fell 60.3 % at the most .

  3. 同时ABS的种类和PVC相对分子质量的大小也影响共混物的表观粘度。

    Molecular weight of PVC and different grade of ABS affected the viscosity of the blends , too .

  4. 与纯CPE的表观粘度相比,CNTs/CPE复合材料的表观粘度有所增大;

    The CNTs increased the apparent viscosity of composites .

  5. 当ABS含量为0~50%时,共混体系的表观粘度随ABS的含量的增加而降低;

    The blend melt viscosity was decreased with increasing ABS content when ABS content was 0 ~ 50 % ;

  6. 研究了不同的阳离子表面活性剂对部分水解聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)液中的表观粘度的影响。

    The effect of different cation surface active agent on apparent viscosity of HPAM has been studied .

  7. 蜡质玉米淀粉糊属假塑性流体,且糊的表观粘度受淀粉浓度、温度和pH值的影响。

    The paste of waxy maize starch was a plasto-fluid , the apparent viscosity of the pastes was affected by the starch concentration , temperature and pH values .

  8. 其表观粘度的拟合公式的计算值和BP网络仿真值与文献提供的实验值有较好的吻合。

    Its apparent viscosity data got from the fitted mathematical formula and simulated data from BP neural network agree with the experimental values given in literatures very well .

  9. 结果表明,静脉注入油酸后5小时的血液表观粘度、血浆粘度、红细胞压积及TK值均无明显变化;

    The results showed that all parameters had not marked changes 5h and 48h after injection ;

  10. 调整料浆pH值约11可制备出固相体积分数达56%、表观粘度为568MPa·s的稳定料浆。

    The stable slurry with concentrated suspension of 56 % ( in volume ) and the apparent viscosity of 568 MPa s can be obtained when pH value is about 11 .

  11. 研究了亚硫酸氢钾与甲醛用量、体系pH值、反应温度与时间、共聚物磺化度对泥浆表观粘度、动切力及失水量的影响。

    PH value of the system . reaction temperature and time . sulfonation level of the copolymer on apparent viscosity , dynamic shear and water loss of mud has Been studied .

  12. 以取代度(DS)和表观粘度(η)来确定改进羧甲基化的条件。

    Using both degree of substitution ( DS ) and apparent viscosity (?) as evaluation indexes , the reaction conditions were determined .

  13. 结果表明:CPVC和改性CPVC熔体均为假塑性流体,改性CPVC的假塑性增强,熔体表观粘度低于CPVC的熔体表观粘度。

    The results showed that the melts of CPVC and modified CPVC were pseudo-plastic fluids .

  14. 但由于CS高分子量、高表观粘度、结构复杂及细胞膜的选择透过性等因素,造成了其生物利用率较低。

    But its bioavailability is relatively lower due to its high molecular weight , high apparent viscosity , complex structure and selective permeability of cell membrance .

  15. 结果表明:在高的剪切应力下LLDPEgAA、LLDPEgGMA的表观粘度比纯LLDPE的小。

    Results show that apparent viscosity of LLDPE g AA and LLDPE g GMA is lower than that of LLDPE at high shear stress .

  16. 温度对ERF表观粘度的影响

    Effect of temperature on ERF apparent viscosity

  17. 随浓度增加,HPAM溶液的表观粘度和残余阻力系数增加,衰竭层厚度减小;

    With the concentration increase of HPAM solutions , the apparent viscosities increase and the depleted layer thickness decrease .

  18. 研究了凉粉草胶在不同质量浓度、温度、pH、盐的种类及盐浓度和不同蔗糖浓度下的流体行为以及固定剪切速率下的表观粘度随不同条件的变化情况。

    The flow behavior and apparent viscosity at a certain shear rate of MBG was studied under different gum mass concentration , different temperatures , different salt and different salt concentration , different sugar concentration .

  19. 结果表明:在母粒制备中,共混体系均为切力变稀非牛顿流体,随着成孔剂含量的增加,共混体系表观粘度ηa随的γw增大而下降,并趋于缓慢;

    The results show that the blend system is a shear-shining and non-Newtonian liquid , and the higher _w , the lower η _a and being slowness with the increasing pore-forming agent .

  20. 研究了凉粉溶胶的胶凝特性、流变特性及煮提液浓度、淀粉加入量、溶胶温度和pH值对溶胶表观粘度的影响。

    This paper discussed character of the gelling solution of Mesona Chinese Bench , rheological property and the effects of extractive 's concentration , amount of the starch , temperature and pH value on its viscosity .

  21. 初步认为HBP通过降低混合熔体的表观粘度来改善UHMWPE的加工流动性。

    It was believed the processability of UHMWPE was improved by the decrease of the apparent viscosity by HBP .

  22. 最后,还根据Arrhenius方程和高聚物溶液理论提出了中间相沥青表观粘度的四元参数模型。

    Based on Arrhenius equation and the theory of polymer solution , a four-parameter correlated formula for apparent viscosity was given .

  23. 证明大分子具有剪切变稀的性质,铵盐阳离子中,季铵基团(R1R2R3R4N~+)的数量越多,大分子溶液表观粘度值下降程度就越大。

    The outcoming testify that macromolecule has property of shear thinning . The more quaternary ammonium groups ( R1R2R3R4N + ), the decreaser of apparent viscosity .

  24. 随着远红外细粉含量的增加,混合材料熔体表现出较高的剪切应力,其表观粘度也相应增加,混合料的熔融结晶温度比PP稍微降低。

    The shearing stress of the composite rises with the increasing of far - infrared powder and so does the apparent viscosity . The melting crystalline temperature of the composite is a little lower than PP.

  25. 例如,当添加0.5g/100g粘土时,使天然高岭土悬浮液的表观粘度(η(app))和屈服值(τ0)分别降低99.5%。

    Apparent viscosity (η _ ( app )) and yield value (τ _0 ) of the natural kaolinite suspension are both reduced by 99.5 % when 0.5g Na-HA / 100g clay is added .

  26. 研究了陶瓷粉末与PP混合材料的流变性能,结果发现,随着陶瓷粉末含量的增加,混合材料熔体表现出较高的剪切应力,其表观粘度也相应增加。

    The rheological behavior of powdered ceramic and PP mixed material was studied . The results show that the shearing stress of the composite rises with increasing of powdered ceramic and so does the apparent viscosity .

  27. 实验表明,引入STD使共聚物具有较强的疏水缔合效应和优良的增粘能力,溶液质量浓度为01g/dl时,表观粘度达2085mPa·s。

    The copolymer had strong hydrophobic associating effect originating from incorporation of STD. Apparent viscosity of solution was up to 208.5 mPa · s when polymer concentration was 0.10 g / dl .

  28. 结果表明:精制桃胶溶液的表观粘度受溶液浓度、温度、pH值的影响较大,但同时具有较好的冷冻-解冻稳定性、耐酸性及耐盐性,是一种假塑性流体。

    The results showed that the apparent viscosity of the gum solution was greatly influenced by the concentration , temperature and pH. At the same time , it had good frozen-thawing stability , acid-resistance and salt tolerance , it was pseudoplastic fluid .

  29. AES对威兰胶/AES复合体系表观粘度的影响不大,动态模量略有升高,表现出以弹性为主的性质。

    The concentration of AES has a little effect on the apparent of welan / AES complex solution , the dynamic modulus increased slightly , and the elasticity is the dominant property .

  30. 同时,对交联PP/AC分解气体混合熔体在机头口模流道中的流变过程进行了初步的数学推导,得出了描述口模流道中PP混合熔体表观粘度的微分方程。

    Also , the rheology of the mixture of crosslinked PP and decomposed gas of AC was analyzed , and the evolving equation which describes the apparent viscosity of the PP melt mixture in the foaming die was gained .