
  • 网络indication cycle
  1. 本文直接用有限域GF(2~m)的元表示周期序列,探计了这种表示的系数的Hamming重与序列的线性复杂度关系。

    In this paper , We investigate the linear complexity of periodic sequences by the DFT over GF ( 2 ~ m ) and establish the relationship between the Hamming weights of the spectrum vector of the sequences and their linear complexities .

  2. 利用新近提出的F-展开法,导出了Davey-Stewartson方程的由Jacobi椭圆函数表示的周期波解;

    By using the F-expansion method recently proposed , the exact solutions ( including periodic wave solutions expressed by Jacobi elliptic functions ) for the Davey-Stewartson ⅰ equation are derived .

  3. F展开法,可看作是Jacobi椭圆函数展开方法的概括或浓缩。利用该法求出了长短波相互作用方程组的许多新的由Jacobi椭圆函数表示的周期波解。

    By applying F-expansion which can be thought of as a concentration of the Jacobi elliptic function expansion , a number of new periodic wave solutions expressed by various Jacobi elliptic functions of the long-short wave interaction equations can be obtained .

  4. 有限域上线性递归序列的迹表示与周期

    Trace Representation and Period of Linear Recurring Sequences over Finite Fields

  5. 表示夏时制周期结束的日期和时间的。

    That represents the date and time when the daylight-saving period ends .

  6. 然而,他表示,周期性问题令何时加大亚洲资产配置比重的决定变得更为复杂,特别是通胀率上升问题。

    However , he says the decision on when to increase allocations to Asia is complicated by cyclical issues , notably increased rates of inflation .

  7. 上半年经济增长较预期强劲,可继续为今年内的企业盈利增长提供支持。因此,一旦联储局表示利率周期确实见顶,美股应可进一步大幅上扬。

    Therefore , once the Federal Reserve has indicated that the interest-rate cycle has definitely peaked , Wall Street is likely to see a further strong rally .

  8. 将这些组合起来,就得到了经过扩展的风险Web服务生命周期,该周期包含以下Web服务,其中每个Web服务表示一个周期阶段

    Putting it all together , we have expanded the Risk Web service life cycle consisting of the following Web services , each representing a cycle phase

  9. 利用齐次平衡原则和扩展的F展开法求出了(n+1)维Sine-Gordon方程的Jacobi椭圆函数表示的双周期行波解,在极限情况下可得孤立波解。

    By using the homogeneous balance principle and the extended F-expansion method , the double periodic wave solutions expressed by Jacobi elliptic functions to the ( n + 1 ) - dimensional Sine-Gordon equation are obtained . In the limit condition , the solitary wave solutions can be obtained .

  10. 一次演进表示通过生命周期的所有四个阶段一次。

    An evolution represents one pass through all four phases of the lifecycle .

  11. 朱地武表示,超级周期的结束期为“三至五年”。

    Mr Zhu said it would be over for " three to five years " .

  12. 通常,表示是生命周期非常短暂的对象,用于从表示生成器到零个或多个表示使用者之间传递信息。

    Typically , indications are very short-lived objects used to communicate information from an indication generator to zero or more indication consumers .

  13. 随着中秋和十一国庆双节的临近,中国客运系统也正在为节假日客运高峰运送旅客做准备。铁道部表示节假日出行周期为期11天从本周四开始直到到下周日。

    As the mid-autumn festival and National Day approaches , China 's transportation system is preparing for the holiday travel peak . The Ministry of Railways said the holiday travel period will last for 11 days from Thursday to next Sunday .

  14. 一些企业高管表示,库存周期的变化预计在未来两个月内到来,涉及行业广泛,包括手机、钢铁和消费品等,并将带动销售增长。

    The turn in the inventory cycle is due to be reached in the next two months in industries as diverse as mobile phones , steel and consumer goods and that should lead to a rise in sales , according to some executives .

  15. 还有一个Period类来表示任意的时间周期,如“两年、3个月、7天、4小时、50分钟”等。

    There 's also a Period which can be used to represent any period of time , like " two years , three months , seven days , four hours , fifty mintues " .

  16. 瑞信(CreditSuisse)分析师表示,由于生产周期短以及客户基础多样,微芯一直是一个非常不错的行业晴雨表。

    Analysts at Credit Suisse said Microchip is historically an extremely good industry barometer for its short lead-times and diversified client base .

  17. 瑞信(CreditSuisse)分析师表示,由于生产周期短以及客户基础多样,微芯一直是一个“非常不错的行业晴雨表”。

    Analysts at Credit Suisse said Microchip is historically an " extremely good industry barometer " for its short lead-times and diversified client base .

  18. 中国主要经济规划机构国家发改委(ndrc)下属智囊机构研究员王小广表示,伴随政治周期出现的投资增长是“结构性过热”的一种形式。

    Wang Xiaoguang , a researcher at a think-tank attached to the national development and Reform Commission , the chief planning agency , said rises in investment with the political cycle were a form of " structural overheating " .

  19. 本文针对耦合Schrodinger-Boussinesq方程组,借助于F-展开法得到了用不同Jacobi椭圆函数表示的一系列周期波解.在极限情况下,还求出了对应的孤立波解。

    By using the F-expansion method we obtain a number of periodic wave solutions expressed by various Jacobi elliptic function for the coupled Schrodinger-Boussinesq equations . In the limit case , solitary wave solutions are obtained as well .

  20. 植物园教育家托德·布莱豪尔表示恶臭会随周期性而出现。

    Botanic Garden Educator Todd Brethauer said the stench occurs in cycles .

  21. 她表示,招聘具有周期性。

    Recruitment is cyclical she says .

  22. 拉尔斯表示,缩短交付周期计划,还将有助于降低雨果博斯的复杂性,呈现一个更专注化的品牌。

    He said the programme would also help cut complexity at Hugo Boss and deliver a more focused collection .

  23. 美林表示:在本轮周期中,从不缺少低质量债券。实际上,发行的任何债券,投资者都愿意积极抢购。

    There has been no shortage of lower-quality paper in this cycle and investors have been willing to gobble up virtually anything on offer , said Merrill .

  24. 本文提出了用寻找函数零点的位置来确定那些可以用点变换形式表示的非线性系统周期运动的方法。

    In this paper , useful and convenient methods based upon finding zeroes are suggested to get periodic motion of nonlinear dynamic systems which can be described by differnce equatiions .

  25. 该模型包括表示时限的绝对时间约束、表示周期属性的周期约束、表示各种前趋关系和同步要求的相对时间约束以及保证资源使用一致性的一致性约束。

    The model includes absolute timing constraints to represent deadlines , periodic constraints to formulate periodicity , relative constraints to model several kinds of timed precedence relations and synchronization requirements , and consistency constraints to enforce consistent use of resources .