
  • 网络Limonium;limonium bicolor;limonium sinense;Limonium sinuatum
  1. 中华补血草不同器官Na~+、K~+含量的比较研究

    A Study of the Na ~ + and K ~ + Content of Different Organs in Limonium Sinense

  2. 江苏沿海滩涂中华补血草的保护性研究

    Research on the Conservation of Limonium sinense in the Coast of Jiangsu

  3. 补血草盐腺细胞特异性cDNA文库构建

    Construction of a Salt Gland Specific cDNA Library from Limonium

  4. 外源GSH对NaCl胁迫下二色补血草盐害缓冲机理的研究

    Study on the alleviatory effect of exogeneous GSH on Limonium bicolor under NaCl stress

  5. 由于时间和材料的限制,本研究仅对补血草盐腺细胞特异性cDNA文库的构建进行了初步的探讨,没有完成最后的cDNA文库的构建工作。

    Summarily , in this experiment , only primary research was made on construction of a salt gland specific cDNA library from Limonium because of the limited time and material .

  6. 采用沙培法,用不同浓度的NaCl处理泌盐盐生植物二色补血草(LimoniumbicolorBge.Kuntz),两周后测定叶片光合速率、荧光参数等生理指标。

    Seedlings of typical salt-secretion halophyte Limonium bicolor Bge were treated with different concentrations of NaCl . The photosynthetic rate and other physiological indexes were measured two weeks later .

  7. 中华补血草的组织培养和快速繁殖体系的优化

    Optimized System of Tissue Culture , Rapid Propagation of Limonium sinense

  8. 超干处理与保存温度对黄花补血草种子的影响

    Effects of Ultra-dry Treatment and Storage Temperature on Limonium aureum Seeds

  9. 外源脱落酸可以促进中华补血草和高粱体内脯氨酸含量的增加。

    Abscisic acid can raise the proline contents in the plants .

  10. 二色补血草地下部分化学成分研究

    Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Hypogeal Part from Limonium bicolor

  11. 二色补血草的组织培养和离体快繁研究

    Study on Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation in Vitro of Limonium bicolor

  12. 二色补血草叶片泌盐结构的扫描电镜观察

    ESM observation of secretory salt structure in Limonium bicolor leaf

  13. 二色补血草止血作用的药理研究

    Pharmacological studies of hemostatic effect of Limonium bicolor ( bge ) o Ktze

  14. 盐胁迫对二色补血草种子萌发的影响

    Effects of salt stress on Limonium bicolor seed germination

  15. 目的:研究二色补血草地下部分化学成分。

    Objective : To study chemical constituents of hypogeal part from Limonium bicolor .

  16. 二色补血草试管苗生根及移栽基质研究

    Rooting in vitro and transplanting plantlets of Limonium bicolor

  17. 不同土壤含水量对二色补血草生长状况的影响

    Influence of the Different Soil Moisture Content on the Growth of Limonium Bicolor

  18. 二色补血草多糖的提取及抗氧化功能研究

    Preparation and Antioxidant Activities of Polysaccharides from Limonium bicolor

  19. 耳叶补血草大、小孢子发生与雌、雄配子体的发育

    Development of megaspore and microspore , male and female gametophytes in Ribes Grossularia

  20. 黄花补血草组织培养试验

    The Tissue Culture Test of Limonium aureum

  21. 多种盐胁迫对中华补血草种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响

    Salt Stress on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Limonium sinense ( Grard ) Kuntze

  22. 二色补血草不同部位总黄酮类物质提取及抗氧化能力的研究

    Study on Extraction Method of Flavonoids from Different Parts of Limonium Bicolor and Their Antioxidant Activity

  23. 两种补血草的营养器官结构及耐盐生理的适应性研究

    Study on Adaptational Anatomical Structure of Nutritive Organs and the Salt-tolerance Physiology in Two Species of Limonium

  24. 二色补血草的组织培养

    Tissue Culture of Limonium bicolor

  25. 大叶补血草Na~+/H~+逆向转运蛋白基因的克隆及序列分析

    Cloning and sequence analysis of a Na ~ + / H ~ + antiporter gene in the halophyte Limonium gmelinii

  26. 为探索干燥花加工新技术,以月季、万寿菊和补血草为素材,利用冷冻干燥技术进行了冻干鲜花的实验研究。

    In order to explore a new method of processing drying flower , Experimental research for drying fresh flowers utilizing freeze-drying technology were carried out .

  27. 中华补血草可改善盐碱土的土壤结构,使盐土脱盐,被誉为盐碱地改造的“先锋植物”。

    It is crowned as a " pioneering plant " in salina land due to the function of removing salt from salt-soil and of improving the structure of soil .

  28. 为了开发利用我国的野生花卉资源,降低绿化成本,对野生花卉二色补血草进行了引种利用研究。

    In order to exploit domestic wild flower resources and reduce planting cost , the introduction and application of wild flower Limonium bicolor under local actual condition was researched .

  29. 由于沿海滩涂开发速度加快,中华补血草的适生环境受到极大的威胁,导致种群数量越来越少。

    In recent years its surroundings is under the great threat and hence the amount of relative plants in this area is decreasing because of the intensive exploitation of coast areas .

  30. 微波消解/ICP-MS法测定二色补血草中27种元素在中药里,该药草用于心脏、脾脏的滋补及血液的滋养。

    Determination of 27 Inorganic Elements in Limonium bicolor by ICP-MS Using Microwave Digestion for Sample Preparation In Chinese Medicine , this herb is taken for the tonification of the heart and spleen and for nourishing the blood .