
  • 网络complementary currency
  1. 补充货币作为官方货币的补充形式,以不计利息,不产生通货膨胀的特征区别于官方货币。

    As a supplement form of official currency , the complementary currency is different from the official currency in that the former does not generate interests and inflation .

  2. 阿根廷是补充货币实践时间较长、覆盖范围较广的国家,其运作经验值得我国借鉴。

    Argentina has used the complementary currency in the practical way for a long time and in wide scope of fields , so China need to learn from the operations .

  3. 补充货币、社区货币及其试运行的路径

    Trial Running Path of Added Currency and Community Currency

  4. 基于文献解读的补充货币及其社区货币研究:功能、适用性和实现路径

    A Literature Review of Supplementary Currency and Its Application as Community Currency : Function , Feasibility and Path

  5. 政府兴建住房与货币补贴成本比较研究补充货币、社区货币及其试运行的路径

    A Comparative Analysis of Cost between the Government Policy of Housing Rent Subsidization and the New Housing Construction ; Trial Running Path of Added Currency and Community Currency

  6. 引入补充货币有助于改善我国低收入群体生活质量,以及解决养老、失业等经济和社会问题。

    The complementary currency can help to improve the living quality of the low-income group so as to resolve the social and economic problems , like unemployment and caring the old .

  7. 在商品经济高度发展的当今社会,票据以其所具有的补充货币甚至代替货币的各种功能,越来越成为不可或缺的支付工具。

    In the highly developed commodity economical society , note has increasingly become an indispensable means of payment because of its functions of supplement as cash and replacement of the currencies .

  8. 在中国虽然也有补充货币的雏形,但涉及范围还很小,也没有充分发挥其补充货币的作用。

    Although it exists in the embryonic form in China , the complementary currency can be seen in only a limited number of fields , whose function has not been brought into the full play .

  9. 首先,干预应限于在治疗阶段处于核心位置的行业,从而以房地产和金融行业的逐步正常化,来补充商业和货币市场近期获得的成功。

    First , intervention should be limited to sectors at the centre of the healing process , thereby supplementing recent success in the commercial and money markets with the gradual normalisation of the housing and financial sectors .

  10. 他补充说,在线货币市场基金比传统的银行账户更为方便。

    Online money market funds are more convenient than traditional bank accounts , he adds .