
yī shang
  • clothing;dud
衣裳 [yī shang]
  • [clothing]衣服的通称

  • 身上衣裳。--唐. 白居易《卖炭翁》

  • 与衣裳。--唐. 柳宗元《童区寄传》

  • 泪满衣裳。--唐. 杜甫《闻官军收河南河北》

  • 振衣裳。--清. 方苞《左忠毅公逸事》

衣裳[yī shang]
  1. 亚历山德拉穿着那身过时的衣裳,显得臃肿笨拙。

    Alexandra looked plump and awkward in her cast-off clothing .

  2. 披一件给纯洁心灵的衣裳

    A clothing for the soul divine

  3. 她穿着一身昂贵的新衣裳。

    She was wearing an expensive new outfit .

  4. 女粉丝冲破保安的阻拦,撕扯他的衣裳。

    Female fans fought their way past bodyguards and tore at his clothes .

  5. 埃玛预算很紧,没有多少钱买衣裳。

    Emma is on a tight budget for clothes

  6. 他们准许她冲个澡,换套衣裳。

    They had allowed her to shower and change

  7. 把衣裳抻一抻再晾起来。

    Stretch the clothes before hanging them up to dry .

  8. 小心点,别湿了衣裳。

    Be careful ! Don 't get your clothes wet .

  9. 衣裳绽线了。

    The seam has split [ burst ] .

  10. 做这样的衣裳不太费工。

    This kind of dress isn 't too hard to make .

  11. 这件衣裳肥得穿不得。

    This coat is too loose for me .

  12. 国庆节那天,妈妈让孩子们穿上了新衣裳。

    The mother got her children up in their new clothes on national day .

  13. 她没钱买新衣裳。

    She cannot afford a new dress .

  14. 祖克曼先生回到了家,便脱下工作服,穿上了他最好的衣裳。

    When Mr. Zuckerman got back to the house , he took off his work clothes and put on his best suit .

  15. 谈的话题是我们家早年的艰辛,走着去上班,在“新衣会”里存钱准备买衣裳。

    The conversation was of early struggles , walking to work and saving to be poor because we were such a big family .

  16. 这位先生的家里,被老鼠糟蹋得没有一件完好的器具,衣架上没有一件完整的衣裳,自己的食品也大多是老鼠吃剩下来的残余。

    This gentleman 's house was so ruined by the rats that there was neither an intact utensil2 nor a whole garment on the clothes rack . Even his own food was mostly leftovers3 by the rats .

  17. 他期望有上苍的衣裳-W.B.Yeats

    He Wishes For The Cloths Of Heaven - W.B. Yeats

  18. 生物柴油,混合,CNG、太阳能、电动汽车看上去是“它”字的衣裳。

    Bio-diesel , Hybrid , CNG , Solar , electric cars all seem like the " it " words for the moment .

  19. 他们那时得花很多钱买衣裳。

    They had to spend a lot of money for clothes .

  20. 树林已经穿上了它们严肃的棕黄色的衣裳。

    The forests had put on their sober brown and yellow .

  21. 妈妈进来,收晾着的衣裳。

    Mother came in to take the clothes off the line .

  22. 她长衣裳的下摆拖着尘土。

    The bottom of her long dress dragged in the dust .

  23. 如果我有一件丝绸衣裳就好了!

    " If I only had a silk !" sighed Meg .

  24. 这样,倒省了衣裳与脂粉;

    This way at least she saved on clothes and make-up .

  25. 她花了那么多心思选购的那件衣裳。

    Tge dress she had taken so much care to choose .

  26. 全身雪白的衣裳,跟她的心地一样纯洁,

    Came vested all in white , pure as her mind :

  27. 朱迪穿旧衣裳以表示对习俗的蔑视。

    Judy thumbed her nose at convention by wearing old clothes .

  28. 这男孩帮助我拧衣裳。

    The boy lent me a hand in wringing the clothes .

  29. 她的所有朋友赞扬她的衣裳以搔到她虚荣的处。

    All her friends tickled her vanity by praising her costume .

  30. 与你相比,我的衣裳就显得太破旧了。

    My clothes are quite shabby at the side of yours .