  • street;market;grove;country fair
  • 两边有房屋的、比较宽阔的道路,通常指开设商店的地方:~道。~市。~巷。~坊。

  • 方言,集市:赶~。


(街道; 街市) street:

  • 大街小巷

    streets and alleys;

  • 商业街

    a business street


[方] (集市) country fair; market:

  • 赶街

    go to a fair; go to market

  1. 他一动不动地站着,不放过街上的每一细微之处。

    He stood still , absorbing every detail of the street .

  2. 光天化日之下,她在街上遭到抢劫。

    She had been mugged in the street in broad daylight .

  3. 街对面公寓楼里的儿童正在户外玩耍。

    Children from the flats across the street were playing outside .

  4. 在街上,一个完全陌生的人贸然走到她跟前搭讪。

    She was accosted in the street by a complete stranger .

  5. 夜间在街上走不安全。

    It 's not safe to walk the streets at night .

  6. 街上从早到晚车水马龙。

    The street is full of traffic from morning till night .

  7. 男孩子们骑着自行车在街上兜风。

    The boys were riding their bikes around the streets .

  8. 接到有炸弹的警告后,警察疏散了街上的行人。

    After the bomb warning , police cleared the streets .

  9. 街对面有个声音招呼我们。

    A voice hailed us from the other side of the street .

  10. 唐宁街10号是英国首相的官邸。

    10 Downing Street is the British Prime Minister 's official residence .

  11. 在夕阳街和新月山庄大街路口向右转。

    Turn right at the corner of Sunset and Crescent Heights Boulevards .

  12. 我们一路步行走到了第42街。

    We hoofed it all the way to 42nd Street .

  13. 我在街上看见她了,但我们没有谈话。

    I saw her in the street but we didn 't speak .

  14. 街上常有人认出他来,他习以为常了。

    He is used to being recognized in the street .

  15. 唐宁街十号对此不作评论。

    Number Ten had nothing to say on the matter .

  16. 在街的那头往右拐。

    Turn right at the end of the street .

  17. 夜晚这些街上隐藏着危险。

    At night , danger lurks in these streets .

  18. 夜里成帮结伙的年轻人在街上闲逛。

    Gangs of youths patrol the streets at night .

  19. 昨晚暴乱持续之际,街上险象环生。

    There were ugly scenes in the streets last night as rioting continued .

  20. 这家公司的股票在华尔街彻底崩盘了。

    The company 's shares tanked on Wall Street .

  21. 街上回荡着孩子的哭声。

    The street echoed with the cries of children .

  22. 出租汽车缓慢行驶在街上招揽顾客。

    Taxis cruised the streets , looking for fares .

  23. 昨天深夜唐宁街发表了一项声明。

    Downing Street issued a statement late last night .

  24. 这套公寓位于市中心,去王子街只需要五分钟。

    The flat is very central ─ just five minutes from Princes Street .

  25. 一群孩子在街上玩球。

    A group of kids were playing with a ball in the street .

  26. 他们因在街上打斗而遭到拘捕。

    They were arrested for brawling in the street .

  27. 街上到处挤满了人群。

    The streets were overflowing with the crowds .

  28. 银行就在街对过。

    The bank is just across the street .

  29. 孩子们在街上玩。

    The kids were playing in the street .

  30. 他在街上闲逛,跟过路的人瞎扯。

    He wandered the streets raving at passers-by .