
  • 网络roadside green space
  1. 笔者在对理论和资料进行分析和梳理的同时,选择街旁绿地中几处典型的地段进行调研。

    The author conducts the analysis and research about theory and data , simultaneously , researches several typical roadside green space .

  2. 通过对国内外相关街旁绿地的研究,阐述了街旁绿地在城市建设中的重要作用。

    Through researching the domestic and abroad roadside green space , this thesis analyzes the important role of landscape green space in city development .

  3. 城市街旁绿地景观空间设计研究

    The Study on the City Roadside Green Space Landscape Space Design

  4. 城市街旁绿地设计简析

    Analysis on the design of greenbelt beside street in city

  5. 小型开放式街旁绿地类型细化的探讨

    Study on Fine Type Open Pattern of Greenbelts Type Refinement by Side Street

  6. 本文的重点是城市街旁绿地细部的人性化设计。

    The emphasis of this dissertation is the humanistic design of city roadside greenbelt 's details .

  7. 因此,对城市街旁绿地景观空间的设计研究具有十分重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , the study on landscape space design of roadside green space owns practical significance .

  8. 同时,也对现有城市街旁绿地植物群落提出进一步的优化建议。

    Also the further optimizing suggestions of current plant community of urban street greenbelt are put forward .

  9. 最后得出结论,提出长春市街旁绿地地域性景观设计的建议,以保证其可持续发展。

    In conclusion , it made Changchun roadside green regional landscape design proposals to ensure its sustainable development .

  10. 本文将从上述四个方面论述河北省太行山区街旁绿地两大类景观的设计方法。

    This article discussed the design method of the two major landscape of roadside green spaces in Taihang Mountain from four aspects .

  11. 因此,笔者力求通过分析和研究,总结出一套适于山地城市街旁绿地的设计原则和对策。

    Therefore , the author has strived to summarize the design principles and measures that applied to roadside greenbelt , through analysis and research .

  12. 由于其分布位置、形式及功能的多样性,城镇街旁绿地已成为城镇居民开展各种日常活动的重要场所。

    Due to the diversity of its location , form and function , urban roadside green space has become an important place for the daily activities of urban residents .

  13. 随着生活在山区的居民对环境的利用度和认知度的提高,在此对太行山区的街旁绿地设计手法的研究显得极为重要。

    The improving utilization and cognition on the environment of the residents living in the mountains is extremely important to the study of roadside green spaces design in Taihang Mountains .

  14. 近年来,随着城镇现代化的突飞猛进,街旁绿地类型和结构在不断创新中有了巨大的提高。

    In recent years , along with the rapid modernization of cities and towns , great improvements of mold and structure of roadside green spaces have taken place in continuous innovation .

  15. 结果如下:(1)街旁绿地,生态功能最为重要,其次是使用功能、景观功能。

    The results are as follows : ( 1 ) The roadside green space , ecological function is the most important , followed by the use of function , landscape function .

  16. 城市街旁绿地使用后评价研究&以沈阳市党校东绿地为例

    The Post Occupancy Evaluation ( POE ) on the Roadside Green Space in City & Taking the Greenbelt at the Eastern Side of the Party School of Shenyang as an Example

  17. 城镇街旁绿地是一种常见的、且深受欢迎的城镇公共空间,具有改善城镇环境、提高城镇生活品质等重要作用。

    Urban roadside green space is one kind of common and widely popular urban public space . Its important functions include improving the urban environment , uplifting the quality of urban living and so on .

  18. 组成街旁绿地空间界面,或高或低,或相互隔离,或开闭有效,或整体延续,依附于城市道路,形成城市街道的肌理。

    Compositions of roadside greenbelt interface , or high or low , or isolated from each other , or closed from each other , or the overall continuity , dependent on urban roads , formed the texture of city streets .

  19. 街旁绿地是城市绿地系统的一个重要组成部分,为了提高城市绿量及使人们在日常生活中能够接触到绿色环境而衍生出来的一种绿地形式。

    The community greenbelt is an important part of urban green space system , in order to improve the city green quantity and make people in daily life can come into contact with the green environment and grew out of a green form .

  20. 不同类型公园绿地生态效益质量综合评价结果如下:其它绿地评价等级为Ⅰ级;街旁绿地为Ⅱ级;社区公园、综合公园、专类公园及带状公园为Ⅲ级。

    Composite index of different green space type were as follows : the rating scale of other green space was I class ; roadside green space was ⅱ class ; community park , comprehensive park , topic park and zonal park were ⅲ class .

  21. 目前,我国小城镇街旁绿地处于大发展的阶段,同时居民对生活质量和城市环境要求也日益提高,因此针对街旁绿地的设计提出了更高的要求。

    At present , the roadside green spaces of small towns in China are at the stage of great development . Along with the increasing requirements for better life quality and urban environment , there is a greater challenge of the roadside green landscape design .

  22. 根据上述的两大类街旁绿地,提出了以下解决对策:⑴入口与边界的设计⑵景观植物配置⑶公共设施⑷空间结构处理。

    Roadside green spaces design is based on the two categories , proposing following countermeasures : ( 1 ) the design of the entrance and boundary ( 2 ) landscape plant configuration ( 3 ) public facilities ( 4 ) The the processing of spatial structure .

  23. 目前国内一些城市的开放空间和街旁绿地的设计一味地追求雄伟和气派,出现了许多所谓的形象工程,而把城市居民对于城市开放空间和街旁绿地的需要很少加以考虑。

    At present , the design of city open space and roadside greenbelt is pursuing majesty blindly , so as to a lot of so-called " achievement project " is appeared , but city residents ' need for city open space and roadside greenbelt is hardly considered .

  24. 城镇街旁绿地是城镇绿化的重要组成部分,具有组织城镇交通布局、净化空气质量、降低噪音污染、丰富景观效果等重要作用,并在一定程度上体现了城镇的文化内涵和艺术品位。

    Urban roadside green spaces are important part of the urban virescence , with the function of organizing urban transport layout , improving air quality , reducing noise pollution , and enriching landscape , to some extent , it reflects the culture and artistic taste of the town .

  25. 论文首先对城市街旁绿地的概念作了阐述,根据城市街旁绿地的位置和形态将其分为道路绿化带、街旁带状绿地、街旁小游园、街道广场绿地以及建筑前庭绿地五类。

    The article expounds the conception of city roadside greenbelt at first . The roadside greenbelt is divided into five parts on the basis of the location and form : road-greenbelt , roadside zonal greenbelt , roadside pleasance , city plaza near the road , buildings ' atria .

  26. 从负离子浓度方面来评价空气质量,发现城区绿地空气质量保持在清洁水平,总体状态良好,但是冬季道路绿地空气质量一般,街旁绿地保持在允许值范围内。

    When air quality was evaluated by aero-anion concentration , in winter the air of urban green space was maintained in a clean standard and the overall condition was well , but air quality of road green space was general , roadside green space maintained in the allowed range .