
  • 网络derivative market
  1. 金融衍生产品的基本内涵和金融衍生市场产生和发展的必然性

    The fundamental connotation of financial derivatives and the necessity for the evolution and growth of financial derivative markets

  2. 本次由CDS等高杠杆衍生品引发的金融风暴再次使全球金融衍生市场处于风暴眼中。

    This financial turmoil triggered by the CDS high leveraged derivatives has brought the derivative market into debate again .

  3. 例如,在金融衍生市场中,可能通过一个约务更替(novation)过程在某个时间点上用新的一方替换已有的一方。

    For example , in financial derivatives processing , a new party may replace an existing party at a particular point in time , through a process called novation .

  4. 我国金融衍生市场创建若干法律问题初探

    Initial Probe into Several Legal Issues of Chinese Financial Derivative Market

  5. 因此,投资者可以利用金融衍生市场上的衍生产品来对资产进行套期保值。

    So investors may make use of the derivatives to hedge assets .

  6. 期货合约与远期合约是金融衍生市场两个非常重要的衍生工具。

    Futures and forwards are very important financial derivative instrument .

  7. 金融衍生市场风险事件成因研究

    On the Cause of Financial Derivatives Markets Risk Events

  8. 期货市场是以现货市场为基础的衍生市场。

    The futures market is a derivative market based on the cash market .

  9. 健全衍生市场的信用担保机制;

    Sound credit guarantee mechanism of market derivations ;

  10. 国际金融衍生市场的法律监管

    Legal Supervision on International Financial Derivatives Markets

  11. 从次贷危机看我国金融衍生市场监管路径的选择

    Discussion on the Regulatory Path Selection of Financial Derivatives Market from a Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis View

  12. 第二章是我国金融衍生市场创建的相关交易法律问题研究。

    Chapter II is related to transaction legal problem study of building China 's financial derivative market .

  13. 随着基础产品的波动增加,金融衍生市场需求日益旺盛,市场规模不断扩大。

    In financial derivatives market , the demand increases and scale extends with greater volatilities of underlying asset .

  14. 在我国,金融衍生市场还处于发展的初级阶段,也只有期货一种衍生产品,但其巨大的发展潜力己为国内外所普遍关注。

    In our country , the financial derivative market is in the embryo and there is only one derivative-futures .

  15. 当前,权证已成为世界金融衍生市场中最为活跃的产品种类之一。

    At present , warrant has become one of the most active financial derivatives product types in the world market .

  16. 第四章是我国金融衍生市场法律制度的完善及基本思路。

    Chapter IV is about the perfection and basic line of thinking of China 's legal system of financial derivative market .

  17. 于是对金融衍生市场的风险投资理论的研究是目前证券投资理论领域研究的前沿。

    So for the Financial venture capital investment theoretical research is the present forward position of bond investment theoretical research field .

  18. 第四部分为金融衍生市场风险分析及对不同保值方案的定量分析。

    The fourth part , through empirical analysis , we should try to choose different kinds of financial instrument under different conditions .

  19. 作为现代金融市场的最新发展,结构性产品已成为国际金融衍生市场的重要组成部分。

    As the latest development of modern financial markets , structured products have become an important part in international market of derivatives .

  20. 印度政府和储备银行已经为发展衍生市场和金融市场作出了相应的整体的改革来。

    The Government and the Reserve Bank of India have initiated appropriate reforms to develop derivatives markets and financial markets on the whole .

  21. 金融现货市场面临的利率、汇率风险,只能在金融衍生市场化解、防范。

    The interest rate risk and exchange rate risk in the financial spot market can only be mitigated through the financial derivative market .

  22. 加强信贷衍生市场的弹性和透明度,减少体系风险,完善店头市场的基础设施。

    Strengthening the resilience and transparency of credit derivatives markets and reducing their systemic risks , including by improving the infrastructure of over-the-counter markets ;

  23. 期权定价理论不仅支撑着期权市场的发展,同时推动了整个金融衍生市场的发展。

    The option pricing theories not only uphold the development of the option market but also promote the development of the whole finance-derived market .

  24. 此时,就必然要求建立衍生市场来提供完善的风险转移机制和价格发现机制。

    Therefore , the derived market should be set up to provide the mechanism of passing of the risk and the mechanism of price discovery .

  25. 权证作为一种金融创新工具,最早起源于美国,随着金融市场的不断发展,如今权证已经成为了世界金融衍生市场中最为活跃的产品之一。

    Warrants firstly appeared in America as financial innovation products , and have become one of the liveliest products in the world financial derivative market .

  26. 近年来,国际金融衍生市场涌现出标准期权派生出的新品种,其中路径相关期权由于其最终受益与整个有效期标的资产价格的变化有关而得到了更多的关注。

    Among those new derivatives , the path-dependent option has attracted more attention ascribed to the relationship between their ultimate benefit and the underlying assets price changes .

  27. 另一方面,要加强对金融衍生市场的监管,以防范和化解风险,更好的促进其发展。

    On the other hand , we must enhance the supervision on financial derivatives markets to keep away and melt the risks and to promote the development .

  28. 个体通过金融衍生市场进行适当的交换,重新配置他们将来的收益索取权,调整各自面临的金融风险,将改善他们的状况。

    Individuals make proper exchange through financial derivatives market and reassign their future revenue claim rights and adjust financial risks faced by themselves which improves their situations .

  29. 国际金融衍生市场除了人们熟知的欧式期权和美式期权之外,还涌现出了大量由标准期权衍生出的新型期权。

    Recently , in addition to known European options and American options , there appear many new varieties which are evolved from vanilla options in international financial market .

  30. 并指出了如何在债券市场现有的基础上,对现货市场和衍生市场进行具体的改进和创新。

    The specific ways of improvement and innovation of the actuals market and derivatives market are also discussed on the basis of the present situation of the bond market .