
  • 网络Planetary Hour
  1. 经行出生行星时会使其成为焦点,更个人化。

    Transits over a natal planet bring it into focus , make it more personal .

  2. 当我们观看自己的行星时,太阳在十二宫中的位置让我们懂得如何定义我们自己:你是天蝎座,或者摩羯座等等。

    The Sun in the zodiac is how we define ourselves when we read our stars ; you are a Scorpio , or a Capricorn etc.

  3. 先前在讲行星时,我们讨论过这个,我们讨论的是,匀速圆周运动,而且我们评估了,向心加速度。

    We have discussed that earlier when we dealt with the planets , and we dealt with uniform circular motions , and we evaluated the centripetal acceleration .

  4. 当一个宫位没有行星时,我们判断此宫位显示的事件是否发生以及事件的好坏程度,应该依照其主宰星的属性和状态。

    When a house is devoid of planets , one judges the realization or its suppression , and the quality of the things essentially signified by the house , according to the nature and the state of its ruler .

  5. 耶鲁大学(Yale)天文学者德布拉·费希尔(DebraFischer)在回顾系外行星历史时说,第一次发现围绕类似太阳的恒星运行的行星是在20年前。

    Reviewing the history of exoplanets , Debra Fischer , a Yale astronomer , recalled that the first planet found orbiting another sunlike star , a Jupiter-like giant , was discovered 20 years ago .

  6. 罗塞塔号探测器周五经过火星和木星之间的行星带时拍下了Steins小行星的照片。

    Rosetta caught up with the Steins Asteroid Friday night in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter .

  7. 特别在设计大传动比闭式行星传动时,其传动比计算公式更是重要的理论基础。

    Especially in designing the planetary transmission with high transmitting ratio , the calculation of this ratio is critical .

  8. 试幻想你是个外星人,当你绕着地球这个行星运行时,发觉自己突然被困在人类的身体内!

    Imagine you are an alien and while orbiting planet earth , you are suddenly trapped inside the body of a human being !

  9. 在太空中飞行或绕行星飞行时,地球引力所产生的重量感会消失。

    When travelling in space or orbiting round a planet , the feeling of weight which the force of gravity produces is gone .

  10. 传动比变化范围大,特别是采用行星传动时,传动比可到100~200(单级),适用于减速或增速传动。

    Change gear ratio range , in particular , using planetary transmission , the transmission ratio can be up to100 ~ 200 ( single stage ), the growth rate for slow down or drive .

  11. 他们有两个孩子了,决定不再要更多的孩子,因此当行星X袭来时,孩子们已经更大些了,没有尚未出生的胎儿或者婴儿。

    They have two children but decide not to have more , so the kids can be older when it hits , no pregnancy or babes in arms .

  12. 在设计行星齿轮传动时,应用CAD技术在满足装配条件、避免死机、提高齿轮强度以及以铁代钢等方面,大大地减轻了设计的工作量,提高了设计的速度、质量和经济性。

    The paper points out the skillful application of CAD technology can improves work efficiency and makes design more economical when design planet gear transmission in satisfying assembly condition , avoiding end of computer , raising strength of gear and replacing steel with iron .

  13. 行星这样做时,我们管这叫做绕轨道运行。

    When planets do it we say they are orbiting .

  14. 这一点对你在行星间旅行时遇到的很多飞船也同样适用。

    The same applies to many ships you encounter on your travels between the planets .

  15. 每种颜色在吸引或抵制行星的作用力时都有特殊的意义。

    Each color has a special significance in attracting , or repelling , the power of the planets .

  16. 理论方面利用液固两相流动力学模型分析了不同行星传动比时磨料的流态特征。

    Theoretically , a model of two phase fluid is used to analyze the abrasive fluid characteristics at different planetary driver ratio .

  17. 在卫星进入行星运行轨道时,使其保持与行星运行同样的方向与速度。

    How about putting a satellite into orbit both in the same direction as the planet rotates and at the same speed !

  18. 这个论点是指,当行星撞击地球时,蒸发岩粒子会喷出大气层,在大气层以外的地方组成无数沙粒后再重回大气层。

    The argument is that when the asteroid hit , it sent vaporized rock particles above the atmosphere . There , the particles would have formed into grains of sand and then re-entered the atmosphere .

  19. 目前,摆线针齿行星传动设计时所用的针齿啮合力公式是以全齿啮合为前提导出的。

    At present the formula used to calculate meshing forces between internal pins and cycloid disk in designing the cycloid drive , has been derived on the premise that all pins mate with the cycloid disk .

  20. 如果拍另一张照片,用相同时间曝光,但是在行星暗下来时,打开快门,然后冲洗它,行星就是暗的。

    If now you take another picture , expose it the same amount of time , but the shutter is open when the star is dim and you develop that picture , the star is dim .

  21. 知道了不同岁数太阳弧的长度,你就可以通过从头到尾查阅表单,然后勾出每一对行星发挥能量时所对应的年纪。

    Knowing the length of the solar arc at various ages , you can simply go through the list from beginning to end , ticking off each planetary pair at the ages when it becomes due .

  22. 他说自己希望帮助解答的一个问题是:当向窗外望去,看到地球这个淡蓝色的星球与其他行星毫无区别时,人们会作何反应?

    He said that one of the questions he hoped to help answer was : How do humans behave when they look out and see this pale blue dot that they can barely differentiate from a star ?

  23. 引力弹弓弹弓效应用于加速飞船在星际间飞行。美国航空航天局称这是一个重力辅助,并利用它来节省执行去木星和土星等外行星的任务时消耗的燃料。

    The slingshot effect is used to accelerate a spacecraft in a planetary flyby 。 NASA calls this a gravity assist , and exploits it to save fuel in missions to outer planets such as Jupiter and Saturn .

  24. 他说自己希望帮助解答的一个问题是:“当向窗外望去,看到地球这个淡蓝色的星球与其他行星毫无区别时,人们会作何反应?”

    He said that one of the questions he hoped to help answer was : " How do humans behave when they look out and see this pale blue dot that they can barely differentiate from a star ? "

  25. 从平面曲线运动加速度公式出发,运用有关椭圆的数学知识,导出行星椭圆运动时相关物理量的表达式,对此类问题给出了一种简捷的处理方法。

    From the formula of the plane curvilinear motion acceleration and the mathematical knowledge of ellipse , the author deduces the formula of the relative physical elements in the planetary elliptical motion and offers a simple way to deal with this kind of problems .

  26. 每当我们想到星宿、行星,和星系时,便会自然地联想起那些我们无法看见和理解的世界。

    Thinking about stars , planets , and galaxies leads us to think about worlds that escape our perception and comprehension .

  27. 环隙会一直拉大,直到卫星的斥力与行星环在碰撞时所产生向外扩散的力量达到平衡为止。

    The gaps will grow until the satellite 's repulsive forces are counterbalanced by the tendency of rings to spread during collisions .

  28. 特别是后者将被行星资源公司优先列在其采矿清单上。因为在行星诞生时,矿物熔化之后会层化为地核、地幔、地壳;这个过程将使其中物质分门别类,令有价值的矿物浓缩成可供开采的矿石。

    These , in particular , will be high on Planetary Resources " shopping list because the planet-forming processes of mineral-melting and subsequent stratification into core , mantle and crust will have sorted their contents in ways that can concentrate valuable materials into exploitable ores .

  29. (太阳)系外行星通常是间接被发现的,当恒星的轨道受到附近的行星影响时,能探测到恒星的光发生变化。

    Exoplanets are generally discovered indirectly by detecting changes in the light coming from a star as its orbit is affected by nearby planets .

  30. 在行星车轮不翻转越障条件下,推导了月球车两个前行星车轮同时越障时可以爬过的垂直障碍高度与车辆参数的关系,并进行了ADAMS仿真。

    The relation between vertical obstacle height and rover parameters is inferred when two front wheels of planetary wheel of lunar rover passes obstacle under the condition that planetary wheel is not overturning . And it is simulated by ADAMS .