
  1. 行政效益指行政活动给国家、社会和人民群众带来的实际利益,体现了行政职能、功能、效能与效率的内在统一,是行政学的最高范畴。

    In science of public administration , the supreme category is administrative benefit referring to actual profit to nation , society and people endued by administration embodies the unification of administrative function , action , effect and efficiency .

  2. 关于行政事业单位效益审计的若干思考

    Considerations about the Benefit Audit of the Administrative Institutions

  3. 成本控制在医院行政管理部门效益分配中的应用

    The application of cost control in distributing the benefits to the hospital administrative offices

  4. 对规制者的规制&兼谈行政规制的效益原则并对系统的恒深变速过程和恒速变深过程进行了仿真计算。

    The invariable depth - variable speed process and invariable speed-variable depth process of the thermal power system with optimal regulator were simulated .

  5. 最后,从法经济学的视角,讨论了行政检察成本效益分析指标的意义。

    Finally , from the angle of law and economics , the author analyzes the importance of introducing the standard of cost-benefit analysis for procuratorial supervision on administration .

  6. 第二部分论述了抽象行政行为的效益。第一,指出研究抽象行政行为效益的现实意义;

    In the third part , it demonstrates that the government also has the economic man 's nature , which can deduce the total benefits of the abstract administrative act .

  7. 行政规制应当遵守效益原则。

    Administrative regulation should observe the principle of efficiency .

  8. 实施该行政许可的成本效益评估。

    Cost-effect evaluation of carrying out the administrative license .

  9. 其次,重点介绍了我国进行行政立法成本&效益分析的必要性。

    Second , it focuses on the need of cost-utility analysis of administrative legislation in our country .

  10. 因此,问题不应是裁减预算,而是通过改革行政结构获得实际效益。

    Therefore the question here should not be to cut the budget , but to seek real advantages through reforms in the administrative structure .

  11. 本文第三部分则根据宏观和微观两个层面分析的原因,提供解决行政成本高和行政效益低的方案。

    In the last part , according to the analysis of reason , the author provides some projects from macroscopic and microcosmic aspects that should reduce administrative cost and improve effectiveness in government administration .

  12. 改正行政思想观念,注重行政效益,构建有所作为的政府。

    Correcting the outdated administrative ideas and focusing on administrative efficiency which will help to build a government aiming to get outstanding achievements for all the people 's interests .

  13. 加强高校行政管理中信息整理的研究是一条提高行政管理效益和效率的好途径。

    It is a good way to raise the efficiency of administration by strengthening the work of information arrangement in universities .

  14. 现代行政人格的完善与理想行政人格的建构是提高行政效益的重要途径之一。

    The perfect of the modern administration personality and construction of ideal administration personality is one of the important paths to raise the administration performance .

  15. 最后论述了经济人政府假定在抽象行政行为中的意义。第四部分分析了寻租对抽象行政行为效益的影响。

    Thirdly , it analyses the rent-seeking 's impact on the efficiency of the abstract administrative act ;

  16. 政府效能,简言之,就是行政机关以一定的行政目标为指导,在依法行政过程中运用行政能力的程度及其产生行政效益的综合体现。

    As a comprehensive evaluation index , government efficiency refers to the comprehensive reflection of the administrative authorities ' application capability of administrative capacity and the administrative benefits during the process of perform our duties in accordance with the law with a certain goal as the guidance .

  17. 行政决策咨询系统在我国建立具有一定的必要性和可行性,它体现了决策科学化的需要、它是提高行政决策效益的要求,是克服我国出现的决策失误的有效途径。

    It is necessary and feasible that administrative decision-making consultation system in China establishing , it embodies the scientific decision-making of administrative decision-making the request . It is an effective way to correct the mistakes in decision-making China .