- power of administrative review

It mainly includes tax administrative reconsideration right and tax administrative litigation right .
There are different characters and functions for judicial power , reconsideration power , legislative power and the power of review of constitutionality .
The administration reconsiders the application power to exercise is effectively the true start administration reconsiders the procedure the key to be .
Enjoys the administration to reconsider the application power the main body is to the concrete administrative action discontented , has the objection administrative relative person .
But enjoyed the administration to reconsider the application power and to exercise the administration legitimately to reconsider between effectively the application power still to have the remarkable difference .
It stipulates administrative reconsideration and the right of administrative action , lacking of general program requirements of the administrative action and the civil action initiated by injured party .
Therefore , author suggests learning from foreign experience , establishing the special administrative review committee , asking for help of the parliament and public to realize fair judgement .