
  • 网络administrative institution
  1. 浅析行政事业单位工会经费计拨不足的原因及对策

    Discussing the Reasons and Measures of Fund Insufficiency for Labor Union in Administrative Institution

  2. 如何加强行政事业单位国有资产管理

    How to Strengthen the Management of the State-owned Assets in Administrative Institution

  3. 中央级行政事业单位国有资产财政监管问题研究

    Study on the Finance Supervision of Central Administrative Institutions ' Assets

  4. 《民航行政事业单位报表处理系统》介绍

    A Report Form Processing System for Civil Aviation Administrative Units & Institutions

  5. 军队行政事业单位国有资产责任制管理浅探

    Responsibility system for state assets management in military institutional units

  6. 关于行政事业单位会计运用权责发生制的思考

    Ponder on the Application of Accrual System in Administrative and Public Accounting

  7. 论行政事业单位内部会计控制与管理

    Analysis about the Interior Accountant Control and Management in the Administration Unit

  8. 对加强行政事业单位固定资产管理的几点思考

    Reflection on the Fixed Assets Management of Administrative Units and Public Institutions

  9. 从行政事业单位清产核资情况看,也暴露出许多问题。

    There also exist many problems in the liquidation of administrative assets .

  10. 浅谈行政事业单位会计制度中的固定资产核算

    Fixed Assets Assess in the Accounting System of Administrative Organizations and Institutions

  11. 行政事业单位领导干部与普通工作人员快乐状况比较&以浙江省为例的实证分析

    Comparison of Happiness Status between Leading Cadre and Ordinary Staff in Administrative Institutions

  12. 关于行政事业单位实行会计委派制的探讨

    Discussion on practice accounting appointed system in administrative institution

  13. 关于行政事业单位效益审计的若干思考

    Considerations about the Benefit Audit of the Administrative Institutions

  14. 非经营性国有资产&行政事业单位国有资产管理探讨

    Non-profit Making State-Owned Assets & The Discussion on Administrative Institution State-Owned Assets Management

  15. 论行政事业单位国有固定资产的规范化管理

    Discussion on the Standardization Management of Fixed Assets of Public Institution of the Administration

  16. 健全行政事业单位内部会计控制制度的思考

    Thoughts on Establishing and Strengthening a Sound Internal Accounting Control System in Administrative Institutions

  17. 行政事业单位清产核资工作研究

    Study on General Check up of Administrative Unit

  18. 如何加强行政事业单位的审计

    How to Strengthen the Audit of Administrative Departments

  19. 河北省行政事业单位会计管理体制创新探索

    Accounting Management System Innovation in Hebei Administrative Institutions

  20. 省直行政事业单位工资统一发放系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation for Salary Unified Disbursement System for Provincial-Level Administrative and Institutional Agencies

  21. 改进行政事业单位会计集中核算问题探讨

    Improve accounting concentration problems of administrative institution

  22. 谈行政事业单位国有资产管理中存在的问题及对策第二,国有股权转让定价的计量属性应当选择公允价值计量,以防止国有资产流失。

    Discusses in Administrative Institution State-owned Properties Management Question Origin and Countermeasure measurement attribute of pricing ;

  23. 它已在民航各行政事业单位使用了两年,取得了很好的效果。

    The system has been used by the above-mentioned units for two years with good results .

  24. 改进行政事业单位财务管理的若干思考

    Financial Management Reform in Administrative Units

  25. 对行政事业单位会计委派制的思考西方非营利组织会计与我国事业单位会计之比较

    The Comparison between Accounting for the West Non - profit Making Organizations and Institutional Accounting of Our Country

  26. 行政事业单位国有资产监管也是我国国有资产管理和公共财政职能的一个重要部分。

    Supervision on administrative assets plays an important part in State-owned assets management and public finance in China .

  27. 浅议行政事业单位固定资产管理存在的问题及其对策

    An Elementary Introduction about the Existing Problem of Administration Institution ′ s Management of Fixed Assets and Solutions

  28. 固定资产报废与否对行政事业单位清产核资的影响。

    The discard of fixed assets as useless have effect on assets accounts of administrative organizations and institutions .

  29. 我国行政事业单位的职工工资由银行统一发放具有重大的社会意义和现实意义。

    It has important social and practical significance that bank uniformly payes out wages of workers and staff members .

  30. 浅谈高校编制《国家行政事业单位资产年度报表》的若干问题

    Elementary discussion on some problems of annual report forms on assets of state-run institutions of higher learning institution establishment