
  1. 论入世后医疗行业精神的整合与重塑

    Tidying and Remoulding of the Medical Profession 's Spirit in WTO Industry

  2. 盐行业精神文明建设的实践与思考

    Practice and Thinking of spiritual civilization construction of salt industry

  3. 一曲行业精神的赞歌

    A Spirit Paean of Aviation Industry

  4. 交通文化建设是行业精神文明建设的重要组成部分,是行业精神文明建设的拓展和升华。

    Traffic culture construction is the ideological infrastructure of an important part of spiritual civilization is the industry 's expansion and sublimation .

  5. 医德建设不仅直接影响到整个社会的道德风尚,而且是提高医疗服务质量的重要保证,也是卫生行业精神文明建设的重要内容。

    Medical moral culture not only have the direct effect on the moral ethos of our society , but also make it certain that lifting the quality of the medical behavior .

  6. 随着近年来吉林省交通事业的长足发展,吉林省交通行业精神风貌有了很大的提高,具体体现在职工队伍整体素质、行业文明服务水平都有明显的提高;交通文化建设也有明显的加强。

    With the rapid development of transport services in recent years , Jilin Province overall transport sector improve mental outlook . Embodied in the overall quality workforce , the civil service sector has been greatly improved and traffic culture has been significantly strengthened .

  7. 我们深知,只有卓越的信誉、优质的服务、精美的产品、争做行业龙头的精神,才能赢得长久忠实的客户、持续稳定的发展。

    We understand that , only the excellent credit , high quality service and exquisite products , vying for industry leading spirit , to win the long loyal customers , steady development .

  8. 最后在第五章中提出了面对国家烟草局对卷烟行业新文件精神(协同营销)的推广,铜仁烟草公司该如何贯彻此精神以及如何才能进一步推动铜仁地区卷烟行业发展的对策。

    Finally , this essay puts forward the solutions to the new spirit of the paper ( co-marketing ) of the promotion proposed by National Tobacco Board about how to implement the spirit as well as how to further promote the development of Tongren tobacco industry .

  9. 在公司未来的发展过程中,我们将以对艺术设计行业最职业的精神,为中国的艺术设计事业增光添彩。

    In the future , we are working on establishing our own brand , contributing our efforts to Chinese art designing career .

  10. 我们是游戏行业最具开拓精神的广告公司,以百分百的投入到新媒体的拓展之中,为客户挖掘具备增长潜力的媒体宣传渠道及有效的受众人群。

    We have adopted a pioneering spirit that emboldened our expansion into New Media area , We are dedicated to creating sustainable advantages for our clients .

  11. 商标设计就是根据企业的品牌战略内容,选择能够体现行业特点和企业精神,具有独创性的名称和图形。

    According to the strategic brand program of enterprises , brand design combines the name and graphic with industrial feature and enterprising spirit which is never been invented .

  12. 服务战略全局建设创新型行业&解读交通部建设创新型交通行业工作会议精神

    MOC work meeting on constructing an innovative transport industry

  13. 使现代职业教育与行业传统教育相结合,师徒关系在行业当中的认同度和凝聚力深入人心、根深蒂固,有利于行业精神、职业道德和专业技能的代代传承。

    The modern occupation education and traditional education combined , the mentoring relationship in the industry which the identity and cohesion , ingrained win support among the people , for the industry spirit , occupation ethics and professional skills are passed down from generation to generation .