
  • 网络Industry Report
  1. 来自信息咨询公司IHS的一份行业报告称,2013年信息娱乐系统的销售收入将达到67亿美元。

    An automotive industry report from IHS pegs infotainment revenues at $ 6.7 billion for 2013 .

  2. 一份受到密切关注的行业报告显示,受到全球监管机构对银行薪酬打压活动的影响,投行用来吸引新员工的丰厚“保证”奖金(guaranteedbonus)计划已经大大减少。

    Investment banks are using far fewer lucrative " guaranteed " bonus packages to attract recruits in response to the global regulatory crackdown on bank pay , according to a closely watched industry report .

  3. 中国人是狂热的储蓄者,MatrixServices的罗伯特•阿格纽(RobertAgnew)在最新的中国投资管理行业报告中表示。

    The Chinese people are ferocious savers , said Robert Agnew of Matrix Services in a recent report on China 's investment management industry .

  4. 由于OTC市场刚刚形成不久,暂时还没有分析师预测、行业报告以及可靠数据的获取。

    As the OTC market just formed soon , there are not analysts forecasts , industry reports and reliable data can be acquired temporarily .

  5. 纸币vs信用卡未来谁主天下根据一份新的行业报告显示:今年,信用卡和借记卡有望取代现金成为英国最流行的付款方式。

    Cards to Replace Notes in Our Affections Credit and debit cards are expected to overtake cash this year as Britain 's most popular method of payment , according to a new industry report .

  6. 根据一份行业报告的报道,中国的葡萄酒产量可能在未来三年赶超澳大利亚。

    According to an industry report , China 's wine production could overtake Australia in the next three years .

  7. 一份行业报告显示,在中国恢复正常经济活动的努力下,中国房地产市场出现升温迹象。

    An industrial report says China 's housing market is showing signs of amid the country 's efforts to resume economic activities .

  8. 于是他叫来一名副手,让他去汇总各种行业报告,而且真的买了几十种美容美发产品回来研究。

    He called a Polaris associate and asked him to gather up industry reports and buy literally dozens of hair and skin products .

  9. 原因之一,是行业报告假设的贷款利率增幅要高得多,这是对政府撤消隐性支持的反映。

    One reason is that industry studies assume a much larger increase in the lending rate , reflecting the withdrawal of implicit government support .

  10. 于是他叫来一名副手,让他去汇总各种行业报告,而且“真的买了几十种”美容美发产品回来研究。

    He called a Polaris associate and asked him to gather up industry reports and buy " literally dozens " of hair and skin products .

  11. 根据一份新的行业报告显示,今年,信用卡和借记卡有望取代现金成为英国最流行的付款方式。

    Credit and debit cards are expected to overtake cash this year as Britain 's most popular method of payment , according to a new industry report .

  12. 但欧睿信息咨询在最新的行业报告中预测,由于碳酸饮品的不健康形像,其销售额将难以大幅增长;

    But Euromonitor International forecasts that carbonated drinks will'struggle to strongly increase sales , due to its unhealthy image , 'according to the firm 's latest industry report .

  13. 一旦理解其中关系,就很容易明白那些新闻报导、传言与行业报告导致当前油价出现大幅波动的原因了即使当前供求并没有发生任何变化。

    Once this relation is understood , it is easy to see how news stories , rumors and industry reports can cause substantial fluctuations in current prices & all without anything happening to current demand or supply .

  14. 上周四一份行业报告显示,小米公司79元(13美元)的健康手环成功将该公司推向全球可穿戴市场的第一梯队,成为市场占有量第二大的公司。

    Xiaomi Corp 's 79 yuan ( $ 13 ) fitness band has propelled the Chinese company to the top rungs of the global wearables market and made it the second-largest player , an industry report said on Thursday 。

  15. 行业报告显示,在过去10年里,中国由于手术失败导致患者毁容的案件至少有20万起,很多失败案例都发生在类似于贺谮曾经光顾过的小诊所内。

    Industry reports say that over the last decade , at least 200,000 lawsuits have been filed in China for disfiguration after faulty cosmetic procedures , many of which take place in small clinics similar to the one He Zen visited .

  16. 将于下周发表的一份行业报告显示,全球各家国有油气公司去年在收购方面花费的资金高达570亿美元,占全球油气勘探和开采业务交易总额的三分之一。

    State-owned oil and natural gas companies last year went on a $ 57bn shopping spree , accounting for a third of the value of all transactions in oil and gas exploration and production worldwide , an industry report due to be released next week has found .

  17. 但是行业报告也承认,它们假设股息、薪酬和经营效率没有改变,它们也没有考虑到更具弹性的金融体系带来的益处,包括较安全银行需要支付的融资费用较低。

    But as the industry studies also acknowledge , they assume no changes in dividends , compensation and operational efficiency , nor have they taken account of the benefits coming from a more resilient financial system , including the lower funding premiums that safer banks need to pay .

  18. 周四(10月13日)发布的行业研究报告显示,去年,中国的造富能力在亚洲处于领先地位,同时将经历首个亿万富豪财富代际移交。

    China led Asia in creating billionaires last year and is set to undergo its first inter-generational billionaire wealth transfer , industrial research showed Thursday .

  19. 美林(MerrillLynch)在一份太阳能行业的报告中,引用了最近几笔孤立的多晶硅交易,称它们每公斤200美元的价格无法持续,该价位较2004年高出近5倍。

    A Merrill Lynch report on the solar sector cites recent isolated polysilicon transactions at unsustainable prices of about $ 200 a kilogram – nearly 500 per cent higher than in 2004 .

  20. 普华永道(PwC)最近发表了一份有关该行业的报告。报告的作者大卫兰斯菲尔德(DavidLancefield)表示,媒体所有者关于数字模式的看法正在发生变化,部分原因是广告业低迷对其核心业务造成了伤害。

    David Lancefield , author of a recent PwC report on the sector , says media owners ' thinking about digital models is changing in part because of the damage being wreaked on their core businesses by the advertising downturn .

  21. 国际美容整形外科学会(ISAPS)于7月31日公布的全球行业数据报告显示,2013年有2786名德国男性接受了生殖器增大手术。

    German men went under the knife for 2786 penile enlargement surgeries in 2013 , according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery ( ISAPS ) , which today released its 2014 global stats report .

  22. 行业分析师报告已表明了模型驱动的开发方法的重大优势,而向DO-178C版本中增添的建模配置进一步强调了建模在开发中的重要性。

    Industry analyst reports have shown the significant benefits of a model - driven development approach , and the provisions for modeling added to the release of DO-178C further emphasize modeling 's importance in development .

  23. 2006年度中国建筑防水行业发展报告

    The 2006 Report on the Chinese waterproof building material industry

  24. 中国白酒行业发展报告

    Report on the Development of Liquor-making Industry in China

  25. 湖南省塑料行业调查报告

    Investigation Report on the Plastics Industry in Hunan Province

  26. 移动通信行业分析报告

    Mobile Telecom Industry Research Report

  27. 日本热饮行业研究报告。

    Hot Drinks in Japan .

  28. 美国能量饮料行业研究报告。

    Energy Drinks in the U.S.

  29. 完成了连锁超市的行业调查报告,内容聚焦于新经济下风险变化的特性。

    Completed an industry report on supermarket chains , focusing on the changing risk profiles in the new economy .

  30. 根据《2017年中国游戏行业发展报告》显示,中国游戏行业整体营业收入约为2190亿元。

    According to the 2017 China Game Industry Development Report , the annual revenue for the industry has reached 219 billion yuan .