
róng tōng zī jīn
  • Financing funds;circulate necessary funds
融通资金[róng tōng zī jīn]
  1. 它以专利许可收益为基础发行资产担保证券为企业融通资金提供了切实可行的途径。

    It issues asset & backed securities based on patent license revenue , so provides a practical way for enterprises to circulate necessary funds .

  2. 资本市场不仅能融通资金,更重要的是能融通生产能力、生产要素、经营模式。

    The capital market can circulate necessary funds , more importantly , it is able to finance the production ability , production factors and business model .

  3. TOT作为一种新兴的项目融资方式,具有融通资金、盘活国有存量资产、有选择加快基础设施民营化、提高基础设施运营效率等特点,必将在我国政府基础设施领域改革中发挥重要作用。

    TOT , as a new approach and methodology of project financing with characteristics in terms of funds lobby , renewed state-owned property , promotion of infrastructure privatization etc , must play an important role of infrastructure acceleration .

  4. 国际收支的逆差必须进行融通资金。

    Deficits on the balance of payments have to be financed .

  5. 浅谈出口企业利用国际结算融通资金的几种方式

    The ways for export enterprises to obtain funds by international settlement

  6. 金融经历了从融通资金到信用创造,再到转移风险的过程。

    The development of banking system experiences a process from credit creation to risk shifting .

  7. 负债不仅是企业融通资金的一种方式,还具有公司治理功能。

    Debt , a means of financing , plays the role of the corporate governance .

  8. 补偿贸易与融资租赁是企业融通资金的两条有效途径。

    Compensate trade and financing tenancy are two effective approaches to accommodate capital in a bank .

  9. 保险的主要功能体现在分散风险、补偿损失和融通资金三个方面。

    Major functions of insurance are scattering some of risk , compensating loss and providing financing channels .

  10. 以应收账款作为担保物能起到融通资金、加速资金流转的重要作用。

    As a guarantee it could help incorporating funds and accelerate the circulation of the capital funds .

  11. 保险公司已经发展成为具有经济补偿和融通资金双重职能的金融企业。

    The insurance company has become the finance enterprise with the functions on circulating funds and compensating .

  12. 企业的融资结构是指企业融通资金不同方式的构成及其融资数量之间的比例关系。

    Financing structure is the ratio relationship among different financing methods and respective financing quantity of the enterprise .

  13. 抵押作为一种古老的担保方式,在近代以来除了担保债权的功能之外,更兼具了融通资金的作用。

    Except securing debt , as an ancient kind of guarantee , mortgage has the function of financing .

  14. 筹集融通资金是股票市场最原始最基本的功能。

    The primary function of the stock market is to build up the fund and then finance it .

  15. 股权质押作为一种新兴的担保方式,对繁荣市场、融通资金具有重要作用。

    As a rising guarantee mode , the Pledge system of Share Rights plays roles in market boom and financing .

  16. 商业银行和非银行金融机构,主要通过市场融通资金,改善资产负债结构。

    Commercial banks and non-bank commercial institutions finance the funds and improve the structure of assets and liabilities through markets .

  17. 在我国现阶段经济形势下,动产抵押在担保债权和融通资金方面有一定的现实意义。

    In our present economy , chattel mortgage has practical significance about guaranteeing creditor 's rights and mixing money together .

  18. 可见,股权融资方式有利于科技型企业融通资金,调整融资结构,有利于企业的发展,不存在“困钱”动机。

    Hence , equity financing is helpful for financing , financing structure and development of the technical enterprises without enclosing money motivation .

  19. 因此,充分运用金融机制筹集融通资金,提高资金使用效率;

    Therefore , we should make the sufficient use of economic mechanism to circulate funds and promote the efficiency of funds use .

  20. 银行间同业拆借市场作为金融机构之间融通资金的市场,是货币市场的重要组成部分。

    As a money market in which short-term funds transferred between financial institutions , interbank market is an important part of money market .

  21. 另一方面,企业融通资金的有偿使用性,要求企业融资必须以投资的有效需求为依据。

    On the other hand , enterprise financing must base on the effective demand of investing due to the paid use of pooling funds .

  22. 受各种条件的制约,长期以来我国冶金中小企业主要依靠自身积累、银行贷款和社会集资等形式融通资金。

    In a long time , being confined by various condition , metallurgy corporations mostly depend on inner accumulation and bank loan to collect money .

  23. 所有权保留买卖在西方发达国家早已广泛流行,它对于融通资金、促进流通、促进物尽其用有着不可替代的作用。

    Retention of title has been widespread in western countries , and it plays irreplaceable effect in promoting financing funds 、 circulation and using full matters .

  24. 所谓票据融资,主要是指票据当事人以票据贴现、票据转让以及票据质押的方式调度资金、融通资金。

    The so-called bill financing mainly refers to the instrument parties mobilizing and circulating funds by means of bill discount , bill transference and bill pledge .

  25. 企业集团内部的成员企业可以交换资源、融通资金,这一现象引起了国内外许多学者的关注。

    Enterprise groups within the member companies can exchange resources , financial intermediation , this phenomenon has aroused the concern of many scholars at home and abroad .

  26. 共同抵押是一种特殊的抵押制度,它对于融通资金、促进物尽其用、保障债权的实现发挥着极其重要的作用。

    General mortgage is a special kind of mortgage which is important in the promotion of finance and full employment of property and the protection of credits .

  27. 在这轮投资热潮中,各级地方政府投融资平台起到了融通资金,为地方城市建设提供财力支持的作用。

    In this round investment boom , local government at all levels play a financing platform for local city construction , the role of providing financial support .

  28. 加快实施西部大开发战略,必须运用各种金融手段,筹集融通资金,满足开发投资需要。

    To quicken the implementation of west development strategy , various financial measures must be applied to raise circulation money and to meet the requirements for development and investment .

  29. 仓单质押业务可以较好地解决我国目前信用体系不健全的问题,能够有效地缓解银行和企业之间的矛盾,是企业与银行之间融通资金的重要手段。

    Warehouse receipt pledging can be used to solve the current problem of an unsound credit system . It becomes an important means of pooling funds between banks and enterprises .

  30. 隐名合伙不仅满足了市场主体的不同需求,有效地融通资金,而且隐名合伙的设立,有利于规范投资行为,切实保护投资者和经营者的合法权益,是现代企业制度的必要补充。

    The establishment of dormant partnership can assimilate capital and satisfy various demands of market body as well as standardizing investment activities to protect the legal right of investers and operators .