
  • 网络financing constraints;financial constraint
  1. 通过面板数据回归模型,得到的研究结论是融资约束得分越高,公司的TFP增长率越高。

    Through the panel data model , we can get the result that the higher financial constraint score , the higher TFP growth rate .

  2. 但是,在不完善的资本市场中,一些公司受到外部融资约束。

    Actually , imperfect capital market leads to some companies facing external financial constraint .

  3. 金融市场与企业投资行为之间存在着正向关系,无论是Q理论还是融资约束理论都支持这一观点。

    The financial market and the firm business investment are positively related , which is supported by both the Tobin Q theory and the financial constraints theory .

  4. 而就Logistic回归值组以及公司规模组而言,融资约束减轻了不确定性对其投资行为的影响;

    But as for the Logistic regression value group and company scale group , the lower the Logistic regression value or the smaller company 's scale , the smaller their coefficient .

  5. 以Hansen所研究的临界回归估计方法研究不确定性下融资约束对公司投资行为的影响,结果发现,我国上市公司不存在临界效应。

    With the help of Threshold Estimate Method , the listed company of our country does not have critical effects .

  6. 第二,选取综合财务指标,通过Logit回归模型建立融资约束指数计量主并公司的融资约束程度,避免单一指标或直接使用现有指数对实证研究造成的偏差。

    Secondly , using the comprehensive index constructed by the Logit regression model to measure the financial constraint can avoid the deviation on research results of a single indicator or direct use of the existing index .

  7. 企业投资的融资约束理论研究

    Research of the Theory of Financing Constraint on Enterprise 's Investment

  8. 融资约束、现金流风险与现金持有的预防性动机

    Financial Constraints , Cash Flow Volatility and Corporate Precautionary Cash Holdings

  9. 投资&现金流敏感性:融资约束还是代理成本?

    Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity : Financial Constraints or Agency Costs ?

  10. 第二章,国内外融资约束研究文献综述。

    Literature Review of both abroad and domestic studies on financing constraints .

  11. 融资约束条件下投资组合有效边界研究

    Study on the Efficient Frontier of Portfolio under Financing Constraints

  12. 内部资本市场对融资约束影响的实证研究

    Empirical Research on the Influence of Internal Capital Markets on Financial Constraints

  13. 外部融资约束与公司现金持有量研究

    Study on the Relationship between External Financing Constraints and Corporate Cash Holdings

  14. 融资约束的根源是信息的不对称和交易成本的存在。

    The sources of financing constraints are information asymmetry and transaction costs .

  15. 基于融资约束和不确定性的公司最优投资时机选择模型

    Optimal Investment Timing Choice Model Based on the Financing Constraints and Uncertainty

  16. 战略竞争、股权融资约束与高负债融资抉择

    Strategic Competition , Equity Financing Constraint and High Leverage

  17. 同时我国作为发展中国家,融资约束的现象普遍存在。

    Meanwhile , as a developing country , financing constraints widespread in China .

  18. 企业集团化运作与融资约束&基于静态和动态视角的分析

    Group-Forming Operation and Financial Constraints : An Analysis from Static and Dynamic Perspectives

  19. 融资约束、不确定性与上市公司投资效率

    Financial Constraints , Uncertainty and Firms ' Investment Efficiency

  20. 金融发展、融资约束与企业成长

    Financial Development , Financing Constraints and Firm Growth

  21. 融资约束对创新项目投资决策的影响研究

    The Impact of Financial Constraint on the Decision for Comprise Technology Innovation Items Investment

  22. 融资约束是制约世界各国企业出口的重要障碍。

    Financing constraints is the important obstacle of enterprises ' export in the world .

  23. 公司融资约束能显著抑制公司多元化投资行为,尤其表现在民营企业中。

    Furthermore , corporate financing constraints significantly inhibit diversification , especially in privately-owned companies .

  24. 公司内部作用机制包括融资约束和公司治理机制。

    Internal mechanism can be divided into financial constraints mechanism and corporate governance mechanism .

  25. 中国工业企业投资的融资约束研究

    Financial Constraints in China 's Industrial Business Investment

  26. 上市公司投资支出与融资约束敏感性研究

    Research on the Sensitivity between Financial Constraint and Investment Expenditure of Listed Companies in China

  27. 我国中小企业融资约束与内部资本市场构建

    Financing Constraints and Construction of Internal Capital Markets of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in China

  28. 日本中小企业融资约束与政策性金融支持体系研究

    The Research on the Financing Restriction and Policy-supporting System of Japanese Small and Medium-size Enterprises

  29. 金融发展、审计意见与上市公司融资约束

    Financial Development , Audit Opinion and Financing

  30. 这种差异使得不同大股东背景下的企业信息披露对融资约束的影响也有所不同。

    Because of this , the influence of information disclosure on financing constraints is also different .