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  • 网络Digester;cooking vessel
  1. 横管连续蒸煮器连续运转的基本条件

    The Basic Condition for The Successful Running of Horizontal Continuous Digester

  2. 卡米尔连续蒸煮器的技术进展

    Development of Continuous Digester

  3. 连续蒸煮器深度脱木素技术的进展

    Development of Extended Delignification Process in Continuous Cooking System

  4. 深度脱木素的原理及其在连续蒸煮器中的应用

    Extended Delignification & Fundamentals and Applications in Continuous Cooking

  5. 横管式连续蒸煮器的运行实践

    Horizontal Tube Continuous Digester & Its Practice

  6. 30-50吨/日横管式连续蒸煮器的设计和应用

    Horizontal Tube Continuous Digester of 30-50 T / D capacity - Its Design and Employment

  7. 钢或铁制煤气头[用于家用式炉子、蒸煮器、烤箱等]

    Burner gas of iron or steel [ for domestic type stoves , cookers , ovens ]

  8. 家用铜制蒸煮器用具,带加热元件,非电动陶瓷加湿器,用于散热器

    Cooker , with heating elements , non-electric , of copper for domestic use ceramic humidifier for radiators

  9. 目前,有7台连续蒸煮器采用最新的工艺技术生产阔叶木浆。

    We have applied the latest process and technology on seven continuous digesters to produce hardwood pulp .

  10. 关于合理利用草浆厂小型连续蒸煮器喷放闪急蒸汽的讨论

    A Discussion on the Rational Utilization of Flash Vapor from Small Scale Continuous Digesters in Straw Pulp Mills

  11. 本文介绍了深度脱木素的基本原理及其在连续蒸煮器和间歇蒸煮器中应用的发展情况。

    This paper introduces the basic principles of extended delignification and the developments of application in continuous digesters and batch digesters .

  12. 工业或实验室用真空蒸煮器,用于材料处理家用铜制蒸煮器用具,带加热元件,非电动

    Industrial or laboratory vacuum boiler for the heat treatment of materials cooker , with heating elements , non-electric , of copper for domestic use

  13. 如加热器或灶具等电气设备中的阻抗电丝.家用铜制蒸煮器用具,带加热元件,非电动

    The resistance wire in an electrical appliance such as a heater or an oven . cooker , with heating elements , non-electric , of copper for domestic use

  14. 国产首套压力浸渍连续蒸煮器于1995年6月在南方某造纸厂安装完毕并试车成功,用毛竹生产出合格的化学浆。

    The first continuous digester with pressure impregnator made in China has been successfully put into opera-tion in a pulp and paper mill in Jiangxi Province in June , 1995 and qualified chemical pulp has been made from bamboo .

  15. 配有蒸煮调质器,蒸汽、水添加量可调;

    The cooking conditioner provided features adjustable steam and water addition ;