
  • 网络Copyright management;drm
  1. 通过完善著作权管理组织和网络版权救济的途径,能有效平衡各方利益。

    Through the improvement of copyright management organization and network copyright relief way can balance the interests of all parties effectively .

  2. 著作权集体管理制度自产生以来,经过了二百多年的发展己经成为著作权管理和保护的一个重要方面。

    Since the copyright collective management systems have been , it has become an important aspect of the copyright management and protection .

  3. 负责国家享有的著作权管理工作;

    To administer copyright of which the State is the owner ;

  4. 论高校教材著作权管理认定体系构建

    On Construction of Management and Identification System of Textbooks and Works in Higher Education Institution

  5. 承担国务院交办的其他著作权管理工作。

    To carry out other duties assigned by the State Council in relation to copyright administration .

  6. 著作权管理又可以称为著作权实现方式,它可以分为著作权个人管理、著作权行政管理和著作权集体管理。

    The administration of copyright is also called the realization of copyright , which is divided into personal management , administration and collective management .

  7. 对于网络信息著作权管理问题的探讨传统的著作权管理方式是著作权人自己行使权利,许可他人使用并收取版税。

    On Management of Copyright for Network Information Traditional management of copyright is exercised by authors on an individual basis , that is to say authorizing each use of works case by case .

  8. 提高教学质量是学校的首要任务,而建立一套高效可行的、科学规范的高校教材著作权管理认定体系则对提高学校教学质量具有举足轻重的作用。

    As for a college , the priority is to improve its teaching quality , the key to realization of this purpose is to establish a set of scientific , practical and effective management and identification system of textbooks and works in colleges and universities .

  9. P2P技术之法律保护信息网络中著作权集体管理模式研究

    Challenges Arising from P2P File Swapper to Traditional Intellectual Property Rights Research on the Mode of Collective Management of Intellectual Property in Information Network

  10. 互联网上著作权集体管理组织的法律分析

    The Legal Analysis of the Collective Management of Copyright on Internet

  11. 著作权集体管理对数字图书馆的作用与影响

    The Effect of the Centralized Management of Copyright on Digital Library

  12. 论我国的著作权集体管理制度

    Discussion about Collective Managerial System of Author 's Right in China

  13. 初析网络作品的著作权集体管理制度

    The research on collective managerial system of copyrights of works on networks

  14. 论著作权集体管理制度:法经济学的视角

    On Collective Management System Of Copyright : From Economic Viewpoint

  15. 从一则案例谈著作权集体管理组织的权利滥用

    On Abusing the Rights of Copyright Collective Management Organizations Referring a Case

  16. 建立和健全我国的著作权集体管理组织应分两步走。

    Establishment and consummation of copyright collective management organization needs two steps .

  17. 负责著作权涉外管理工作;

    To undertake administration as far as external copyright relation is concerned ;

  18. 著作权集体管理组织是实施著作权法的重要手段。

    Copyright collective management organization is an important method to implement copyright law .

  19. 著作权集体管理的性质是信托法律关系。

    The nature of collective administration of copyright is a trust legal relationship .

  20. 对我国著作权集体管理制度的几点思考

    A Study of the System of Collective Administration of Copyright and Neighboring Right

  21. 信息网络中著作权集体管理模式研究

    Research on the Mode of Collective Management of Intellectual Property in Information Network

  22. 同时,笔者对我国目前的著作权集体管理现状进行了综合分析。

    I analyze the present situation of collective management on the same time .

  23. 著作权集体管理制度已有数百年的历史,国际上已经发展出相当成熟的运作机制。

    Copyright Collective Management Mechanism has been established for centuries and developed maturely worldwide .

  24. 论著作权集体管理组织的性质

    Discussion on characteristics of copyright collective management organization

  25. 指导地方著作权行政管理部门的工作;

    To provide guidance for local copyright authorities with their performance of administrative functions ;

  26. 著作权集体管理制度的反垄断法规制

    The Copyright Collective Management system under Anti-monopoly law

  27. 著作权集体管理制度在国外已运行了二百余年。

    The collective management systems of Copyright have been in operation 200 years abroad .

  28. 基于著作权集体管理的数字化趋势研究

    Digital Trend Based on Collective Adminstration of Copyright

  29. 论文在对著作权集体管理进行了概述之后,对信息网络中集体管理的主要理论问题进行了探讨。

    After summarizing the collective management , this paper discusses its necessary in information network .

  30. 著作权集体管理制度在现代著作权法中占据着非常重要的地位。

    The copyright collective management system is very important for the modern copyright law system .