
luò cǎo
  • take to the greenwood;(of a baby) be born;take to the heather;become an outlaw
落草 [luò cǎo]
  • [become an outlaw]旧指逃入山林做强盗。

  • 落草为寇

  • [(of a baby) be born]〈方〉∶指胎儿出生

落草[luò cǎo]
  1. 一个妇女告发了那个杀人犯,于是那杀人犯立即落草当了强盗。

    A woman informed against the murderer who at once took to the heather .

  2. 这些失败的生意人,落草也不能成为一流强盗。

    These businessmans failing , taking to the greenwood can 't become the first-class robber either .